Chapter 30 - Rory's Navel

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The way Rory was worrying her lower lip had Laxus hypnotized momentarily. What had she been saying? Oh yes that she had to tell him something first.

"I think I can guess what you have to tell me. I mean your innocence coats you like another skin. It's very refreshing and intoxicating." He attempted to pull her back into his arms but she planted her palms to his chest and firmly pushed away.

"Okay, I would have to admit that also but no that's not what I have to say." Rory sighed and started pulling up the borrowed top of his she was wearing. He watched transfixed as the material crept up her body. He became confused when it reached just above her navel and she stopped. He hoped momentarily that she might be playing a game of show and tell. "I think you need to know more about this." She pointed at the gem that decorated her belly button.

"It is quite fascinating but I already know it's a belly button piercing. I must admit that it is pretty sexy too." His eyebrows arched back and forth playfully before he reached for her again. His massive hands were pushed away once again as she sighed in exasperation.

"Seriously? Can you get your mind out of the gutter and just listen for now?"

"You are tantalizing me with your creamy flesh and you are telling me to get my mind out of the gutter? You do realize that the mind of men my age tend to reside in the gutter?"

She made a sound that reminded him of a perturbed ally cat. It was half hiss half growl and full of aggravation. "I do have a twin brother. I do know that men past puberty perpetually live in the gutter yes but seriously I am trying to explain something important to you right now."

Laxus sighed and looked around to the kitten behind him. He gently moved the creature without waking her to his lap. He stroked at the kitten to keep his hands busy and waited as patiently as he was able.

"I originally got this piercing because I am sure you already realized but I grew up as a tomboy and I wanted something feminine to define me."

Laxus smiled at her toes. "I'm guessing that is why you paint your toenails pink also."

Rory smiled at the ease he came to understand her actions. She nodded just so he knew that his assumption was correct. She paused and sighed because she was still worried over the reaction he would have after she was done with her narration. After about a thirty seconds she took a deep breath and continued, "I purchased the piercing from a well renowned artisan. He told me quite a bit about the lore of the gem itself. He told me that a mage that resided in the mountains north of Mt. Hakobe had been playing with spells to enhance gemstones. This one he claimed he infused with the power of a lightning dragon slayer lacrima." She gulped as she waited to see how Laxus would react.

"So, that's a Lightning Dragon Gem basically? It's made by the same mage we have been talking about visiting?"

Rory bit her lip again and nodded. "I believe so. I don't see how there could be another mage residing in the mountains north of Mt. Hakobe with the same curiosity about dragon gems."

Laxus gently put the kitten down and stood up. He began running a hand through his hair disheveling the spiky locks. Rory watched as he started pacing back and forth. It was the first time she had seen him unable to keep still and honestly it made her quite nervous.

"I...I see the gears are turning, Laxus, but I...are you mad?" Rory was honestly terrified that holding back this information created a huge rift in something she was beginning to think of as rather special and unique.

He sighed. "I'm not mad. I'm...I'm confused honestly. I understand why you wouldn't readily share this information with virtual strangers. I'm just wondering if maybe my magic and the gemstone's magic may be pulling toward each other like magnets." He gritted his teeth fiercely. "I don't want to be manipulated by magic!"

Rory could understand his agitation. She let out a breath of relief that at least he wasn't mad at her. She proceeded to define what the knowledge of the gem she personally had was. "The magic doesn't work like that. The artisan was telling me that the magic such a gem holds doesn't create magic itself. It more or less is a protective charm and enhancer. If the wearer were a dragon slayer it would protect them and it may enhance their abilities. That part has never been tested because a majority of dragon slayers are men. Men, don't tend to go around wearing flashy jewelry." She giggled outwardly at the thought.

"I don't know. I could see myself wearing a ring with a gem like that."

"Regardless, it's not common. The most common use of the gem is when a dragon slayer's mate wears it. It will protect the mate. It will enhance any connection they might already have."

Laxus sat back down on the couch. "Ugh, I am so sick of hearing about dragon slayer mates. My grandfather was becoming a nuisance about the whole thing saying I needed to find a mate or else."

Rory looked him in the eyes. She was never good at determining someone's age by glancing at them so she had to be direct. "How old are you, Laxus?"

He groaned. He really hated having to answer this question lately. "I'm 23. I have a little bit of time left."

Rory was biting her lip again, and the urge he was having to pull her back to him was grating on his nerves. He was both excited and annoyed by the temptation. "The artisan also said to me that it may glow and become warm when the specific dragon slayer discovers his mate." She cleared her throat and continued. "Sometimes, when you look at me I get this warm feeling in my stomach. I..originally I thought it was my own body's reaction to you. But, I think maybe...maybe we should try an experiment."

Her navel was still exposed and Laxus gaze fixated on it as he openly glared at the exposed gem. "What kind of experiment?"

"Can you kiss me again?"

She wasn't prepared for his large arms encircling her back as his mouth devoured her lips again. He tried to pry apart her lips to explore her mouth again with his tongue but she pulled back as she felt the warmth once more. She looked down at her navel. The gem glowed back fiercely.

"I guess I don't have far to search for my mate. But would you willingly let me claim you?"

Somehow the way he asked that did numerous things to her body. It aroused her body to a state of near frenzy but it also confused and concerned her. "Er...what does that exactly entail?"

"It would bond us for life. I know we haven't known each other long, and I can understand if you are hesitant but the magic doesn't lie. We aren't immortal but dragon slayers do have extended life spans. When we claim a mate our mate's life span is also extended. Once you would turn 24 or 25 you would start slowly visibly aging. Every 5 years you would age one year, or maybe it was 10 years. I only know a bit of the lore. I wasn't sure it would affect me the same as the first generation dragon slayers."

Rory had heard enough about his past to understand what he meant about first generation dragon slayers. She still was left in the dark about other facts regarding dragon slayers and their mates. "And how do you go about claiming someone?"

He started nuzzling her neck. "I think this might be a hint at part of the how. But I would also bite this skin..." he paused to lick at the spot where her neck and shoulder joined, "...yes this delectable skin here would be bitten then decorated with my mark. Or hopefully our mark."

Rory could barely form coherent thoughts. She gently pushed him away. "Our mark?"

"Mmm, yeah the mark on Lucy represents both of their magic, same with Levy actually. It would be nice to see a mark similar marring your delicate flesh." He caressed her skin as he said it.

"Will it hurt?"

"I honestly don't know but I fervently hope that you would be too busy to notice. Mmm, I love the idea of watching your body in rapture beneath me."

If possible his words aroused her even more. She felt her back curve as it arched trying to close the gap between their bodies. "Why are we still in the living room talking about it then?"

I hope those of you who are reading this are enjoying this hiatus from our fave couples for a few.  I realize that many of you are probably like "bring back the NaLu"  or "for crying out loud I want more GaLe."  Just be patient with me it's coming.  Just a few more chapters of Laxus/Rory (Laxory?).

Obviously the next chapter will bring with it the not suitable for work stuff.  I hopefully will have it edited by Wednesday if everything works out accordingly. 

Feel free to let me know how I am doing via the comment section.  :)

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