Chapter 65

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Lucy walked back in the door of their cottage. She smiled softly at the letter she still grasped in her hand.

"What's got you so happy, Luce?"

"Berengar and Beatrice are going to be coming to stay in a few months. They want to help us with the babies."

Lucy didn't notice Natsu's pout. Not until a half whimper escaped form his throat. "Natsu?"

"I thought after the babies would come it would be us learning how to be a family. I thought it would be us bonding and growing together. Now we are adding two more people to the mix? Don't get me wrong, Luce, I like Berengar and Beatrice too. But I am annoyed is all."

"Natsu, just because they will be helping out it won't be taking away from us bonding as a family." She felt a kick again and grabbed Natsu's hand and sat it where she felt the internal bump. "Do you feel that? That's part of our bonding right now."

"Wow! Someone in their will be giving your 'Lucy kicks' a run for their money. Can't say I have missed those at all." He ran a hand down his face in pain remembering. "I mean now you can't even get your foot up that high."

Lucy glared at him. "Just because I can't kick you does not mean I have no way to punish you for saying that. I could always coerce Erza in helping."

Natsu cowered in fear. "Oh god no. Please, don't. I'm sorry, Luce, I was kidding!"

Lucy kept up the charade of being mad at him and pacing after him in the house. But there was an undercurrent of laughter shaking through her body that she couldn't quite control.

Erza shifted for the umpteenth time since they sat down, still trying to get comfortable. "Tell me again why we are doing this?"

Jellal grumbled when she shifted again. Seated as she was between his legs she kept brushing up against him in what he hoped by the tone of her voice were unintentional provocative ways. He held the fishing pole steady in his hands. "Because we are running low on food in the kitchen of the cabin. Surprisingly Mira forgot to think the food supplies through."

"That is kind of surprising. But then again this weekend has been nothing but her meddling in other people's love lives so perhaps she may have been over preoccupied."

Jellal wouldn't admit it aloud but he actually was very thankful for how Mirajane Strauss meddled. They wouldn't be where they are now if she hadn't.

He went back through the memories of the past day together. Most memories were of course of things that were limited to the bedroom. He ached just remembering the touch of her skin, her fingertips as they caressed him, and her lips as they tasted his own. He groaned aloud as he reminisced.

"Um, Jellal?"


"Do you not notice the tugging of the fishing pole?!?! You caught something!"

Jellal blinked his eyes and brought himself back to the present. He quickly refocused on the task at hand.

Rory played with the spiky blonde locks that laid across her slightly swollen abdomen. "Do you plan on lazing about here all day?"

"Mmm. Is that an option? I like the sound of that." Laxus looked up at her realizing she didn't quite feel the same way. "I'm surprised you don't seem to want to with how tired you have been."

Rory shrugged. "Maybe the lethargic moments are passed? Maybe they aren't. But I really don't think I want to lay around here all day."

He kissed her belly and smiled up at her. "What do you want to do then?"

"For one thing? Get up and get a shower."

Laxus got up and quickly hauled her over his shoulder. Her red wavy hair obscuring her vision as the locks fell into her face. "What in the hell?"

"You really have a mouth on you." He smacked her rear end good playfully. "I think I need to teach it a lesson."

Rory sighed as her mood took a direct turn. A turn she hadn't actually expected since the past few weeks had been a mixture of sleepiness and illness.

Laxus felt his body perk at the noise. "Was that an agreeable noise I heard come from those kissable lips of yours? Mmm, I missed those noises."

"Laxus?" She groaned and grinned as she realized his ass was in her direct sight. She grabbed a handful and he grunted in response.

"Hey now! That's my ass cheek you're manhandling!"

Rory giggled. She really felt the urge to nibble at the perfect specimen but couldn't quite manage it the way her body swayed as he moved. He put her down gently as he adjusted the temperature of the water.

She ran her fingertips against his bare chest. "I was thinking."


"Before the dance actually begins tomorrow and everyone arrives..."


"I think that's when we should announce our news."

Laxus grinned at her but kept it to himself how he was pretty sure most everyone already knew. The dragon slayers definitely did. They could smell how her body chemistry had changed. But everyone had respected their privacy and didn't out their secret. He was happy his family respected him enough to let them announce it in their own time.

"I don't know how Oric will take it though."

Laxus didn't want to upset her but he was pretty damn positive that Oric already knew. "Does it really matter? We're a family now. He can either choose to be a part of it. Or he can decide not to. I realize the second isn't something that would make you happy but honestly I don't see him taking that route I just think you should face facts about the possibility." He tipped her chin up when she began to frown. "Now, let me see if I can chase that frown off your face." He peeled his sweats from his body.

She sighed happily and threw herself at him. He was ready for her and caught her as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Meredy dragged Oric through stand and after stand of food. They had already done this once. But the girl had a pretty big appetite. He honestly was almost surprised she wasn't a dragon slayer herself with the way she put away food.

"Shouldn't we go traipsing through the shopping district today? I heard there were quite a few stands set up over there."

"Why, were you thinking of buying me something?"

Truthfully he didn't have much in the way of jewels but he did want to buy her some kind of souvenir commemorating this weekend. "Perhaps, I was."

Meredy turned around and smiled happily. "Perhaps, I will let you." She perused the menu of the current food cart trying to decide what she wanted to sample. "So? Are we going to the dance tomorrow?"

Oric gulped visibly. He wanted to take her. That wasn't the problem. The problem was when it came to dancing he had two left feet.

Meredy tried to contain her whimper at his expression. "Oh we don't have to go if you don't want to. I just know it was going to be the end of the festivities this weekend. Then there is supposed to be the fireworks afterward."

Oric sighed. He would rather she laugh at his insecurities then be upset. "I would love to take you to the dance. But...don't expect much dancing to happen. I have no rhythm."

Meredy looked at him. Then she broke out into a fit of giggles. "No worries. I will teach you." He still looked worried. "And by teach you I mean utilize my sensory link to mentally show you what you need to do."

"You can do that?"

"You'd be surprised what my magic can do."


"I thought you would be working."

"Well, yes, but I will have some moments that Mira can cover so we can take a couple turns around the floor." Kinana eyed him up and down for a moment and sighed. "But you can't wear those torn garments. Please go out, go shopping. You don't have to watch over me all the time."

Mira and Freed walked in hand in hand.

But I want to watch over you all the time. His one purple good eye glanced over her.

That's really sweet. Kinana smiled back at him. I can also show more of me for you to watch tonight. After, you go buy some new clothing.

Can't I just wait until after you get off work?

No!!! Gah, Erik, I love you but you're kind of suffocating me here. I understand the why of it but I want to go out on my own to get a dress that will make you drool. I can't surprise you like that if you are always watching me. Plus by me telling you that now I already ruined the surprise.

Erik tensed his jaw as he got pissed off at himself. Okay...I won't be out of telepathic range though. If you need me...

If I need you I will call. I promise.

Mira smiled at Kinana but waited until she heard the doors shut behind Erik before asking her. "How are you two doing?"

"We are fine for the most part. I mean he's a little over protective but..."

"I think that's the way of the dragon. All of the dragon slayers are being exceptionally protective of their mates. I don't think there is much to change that."

"I don't really want to either, I just want a few moments on my own. You know?"

"Would you like me to help you shop for the perfect dress? I am sure Lisanna won't mind taking my shift for a bit."

Kinana smiled at Mira. "I would like that."

As Kinana turned to serve another customer Freed wrapped his arms around Mira's waist. "So, love? How do you think things are going with this experiment of yours?"

"First of all, it's not an experiment. Secondly, for the most part things seem to be working out well. I am curious about a few of the couples though."

Freed humored her and asked. "Which ones?" He was pretty sure he already knew the answer but wanted to ask anyways.

"Juvia and Gray; Rogue and Yukino; and Mikayla and Sting mostly."

Freed nodded. "I think Rogue and Yukino have locked themselves in a room most likely. They seemed eager to get the mating ritual over with."

"You mean the fact that they couldn't keep their hands off each other?" She giggled. "Yeah I noticed that too. It made me so happy."

"Gray and Juvia, I'm not sure how those two are doing at all. That kiss they shared wasn't..."

Mira turned in his arms. "Our first kiss was much the same my love. Regardless of how soft and quiet it was in comparison to some other of our steamy kisses you can't tell me that it didn't make you heat up inside." She said the last pressing her hand against his chest.

Freed took a deep breath and conceded her point. "Fine, you win there. But I doubt we will see those two until earliest tomorrow. I am sure they are around town somewhere but keeping a low profile."

Mira shrugged. "I did feel horrible for Sting a bit yesterday." She bit her lower lip.

"Yes but it was extremely fortuitous that Mikayla was in the right place at the right time."

Mira sighed heavily in heated bliss. "You know what big words do to me. You need to cool it. I have to go shopping here shortly."

Freed leaned down and whispered against the skin of her throat. "Well then you will just have to make it up to me later." He smirked as he watched a blush start at her chest and head towards her cheeks.

The glare she turned on him was heated but he knew he wasn't in the dog house. The look was full of retribution and he couldn't wait until they were alone behind closed doors.

When Lisanna walked in shortly after Mira scurried to her side to ask her if she would take over for a short while so she could spend a bit of time shopping with Kinana.

When she walked away Freed sighed as he was momentarily abandoned. But that feeling was quickly interrupted as another pulsed through him. He pulled the velvet box from its hiding place in his pocket. He had to get through one more day of this festival. One more day then he would make his move as the fireworks shot up in the sky.

I realize this chapter wasn't the greatest but I wanted to play catch up on some couples that had fallen aside story wise for a bit.  10 more chapters.  So just over two more weeks and I will be done revising this story.  :)

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