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The rain continued to pour down and lightning flashed on the horizon. My crimson scales were becoming drenched with the precipitation from the storm. The IceWing continued to circle me. She was the average size for her age, about seventeen going on eighteen, and she had pale blue scales the color of ice and snow glistening in the morning sunlight. But her most distinguishing feature was her eyes. Striking azure blue eyes that pierced through the night and looked straight into my own deep brown ones. She kept circling me, glaring at me. 

Finally she spoke, "Who are you? And what are you doing out here?" Her voice was commanding, although I could detect a little anxiety. 

"I could say the same for you," I responded, unfurling my massive wings. The IceWing didn't seem the slightest bit intimidated. 

"Well, I'll say that I happen to live around this area, and I monitor the Ice-Sky border quite closely," she hissed and flicked her tail. 

"Well, I was just out for a nighttime flight until this storm hit," I nodded. "And you happened to have found me here," 

"I see," The IceWing continued to circle me, as if she was studying my every move. Lightning flashed again and thunder rumbled. The rain continued to pour. 

Suddenly, the IceWing whirled around to face me, her azure blue eyes meeting mine once again. "I'd better leave. If you're smart you'd do the same." 

"I like your eyes. Very unique," I smiled. 

The IceWing scowled. "Careful what you say there, SkyWing. Although I'm happy you like my eyes," she looked at the ground, slightly embarrassed at what she said. "Now I really should be going," she flicked her tail again and turned to leave.

"Wait!" I called. The IceWing turned around and gave me a puzzled glance. "Before you go... May you please tell me your name?" 

"Why would you want to know my name?" The IceWing asked. There was confusion in her blue eyes. 

"Just because..." I trailed off. I didn't really have a reason. 

"Fine then. My name's Snowdrift." The IceWing shook her head. "And you?" 

"Snowdrift... I like it."

"Just tell me your name!" 

"Fine, it's Jasper."

"Jasper..." Snowdrift tilted her head slightly to the left. "It's odd for a SkyWing." 

"I get that a lot," I said. 

There was a pause. Snowdrift and I stood staring at each other for a few moments. Then I said, "So Snowdrift, can I meet you here again? Same time tomorrow night?" 

Snowdrift shrugged. "Sure, why not. And... Jasper? You can just call me Snow." 

And with that, she took off into the pouring rain. Snowdrift. Snow. A pretty name for an IceWing. I had a feeling I would be seeing much more of her.

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