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Chapter Twenty-Two

3rd Person POV

"oh! remember if you loved them as much as i did, call
or text in now but don't go anywhere because in a moment we're gonna hear from camp rock" georgina said and they ran to their dressing room

"ella what did you do?" ronnie asked as she looked at her

"when i get nervous, i sparkle things" ella said and ronnie rubbed her shoulders

"oh sweet girl" she groaned as luke and tess walked by

"would you stop and listen to me?" tess said to luke

"you sounded good" luke stated

"hey.. you guys were incredible" mitchie complemented

"i know right. only one thing would have made it better, doing it solo" luke said

"i couldn't agree more" tess stated as luke walked away

" hey at least we can work together and don't fight all the time like some people right" ronnie said and caitlyn chuckled under her breathe as did nate

"it's this bantery thing that we.. thanks. good luck, you always sound good ronnie" she said and ronnie smiled

"thanks tess" she said and she walked away before her phone buzzed and ronnie sighed

"this man has too much money and too much time" ronnie groaned

"yeah how come i just got a text telling me to vote for camp star?" peggy asked

"i just got one, too" mitchie said

"it's asking me if i want to download camp stars song as ringtone" caitlyn said and she smiled as they walked to the stage

"ronnie" nate called and she turned to look at him

"can we..." he said and he led her away from the others as she waved them on and they walked away

"what's up?" she asked and he looked down

"come on nate don't be a coward" he whispered before he lifted his head and he looked at her lips and then her eyes

"nate..." she began but he stepped forward and he pressed his lips against her quickly. she closed her eyes and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back and he put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer

the lights form above shined down on them as they stood there in the hallway. she felt his thumb ran against the skin under her shirt and she entangled her hand with the curls on the bottom of his head as he sighed happily and she smiled with him as they pulled away and leaned their foreheads against each other

"i am such an idiot for not doing that sooner" he spoke and she smiled as she took a deep breathe and she shook her head

"there was never a good time" she stated and he nodded

"i like you veronica sofia lake , i truly like you. i like the way you think and the way you speak and the songs you write and i love how you think about everyone else and put everyone before you. i love how caring you are and how you light up room, i love how smart you are and how you know exactly what to say and do. i love you and everything about you from top to bottom. you are truly an amazing person i love you" he said and she listened with a smile on her face as tears grew in her eyes

"nate i don't know what to say" she responded

"say you'll be my girlfriend" he spoke and she nodded

"yes of course i'll be your girlfriend" she spoke and she leaned in as she kissed him again until they heard

"FINALLY!" and they turned to see jason with shane and mitchie and caitlyn

"god we've been waiting for that moment" caitlyn spoke and they both blushed at the statement as they latched their hands together

"hey guys" she asked and they all looked at her

"whatever happens, i love you guys and i know that in my heart , we won and this was truly the best summer of my life so thank you" she said and they all smiled as they walked towards her

"group hug" caitlyn said and they all wrapped their arms around each other as tightly as they could and they laughed

"so let's go win this thing yeah?" mitchie spoke and they all nodded

"let's go win this thing" shane said and they all pulled away before turning

"barron, sander, ella, peggy come here" ronnie called and they all
walked over

"camp rock on three yeah?" she asked and they all nodded before they put their hands in the middle and they looked at each other

CAMP ROCK" they yelled as they threw their hands in the air and they all smiled brightly

"now let's go do this, good luck" ronnie said as she hugged mitchie close and she turned to shane

"good luck" she said and he stepped forward as he hugged her

"i'm glad you met my brother" he whispered and she blushed before she nodded her head and she smiled too

"i'm glad too" she exclaimed and they pulled away as mitchie wrapped her hand around shane's

"it's time" ronnie said and they all nodded before they heard georgina and they looked at each other

" And we're back, if you like camp star, get ready to be blown away by camp rock. Camp rock was founded by rock icon and legendary lead guitarist, brown Cesario. Ladies and gentlemen, camp rock" she said and she left the stage as nate ran on it with jason and ronnie and they plugged their guitars in as they waited

they were ready for whatever was to happen. at least ronnie and nate were finally together


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