Chapter 9

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"Where I'm from, we are assigned tasks and missions designed specifically to fit our abilities, and being a Nightwing as dark as night while also having the appearance of a Sandwing can be quite helpful. Ever since you first became an assassin, my mission was to protect you in case something happened. I have been in the shadows, following your every move, making sure you don't die. And believe me, if I wasn't there to keep you safe, you would have been dead within your first month. The amount of times your meals have been poisoned or your water supply tampered with, I've almost lost track. But I guess now that you've found out about me I can help you even more. So you see, that's why I've been following you Heat, to protect you when you can't protect yourself."

Heat looked at Sandstorm with a bewildered and confused expression. He looked over at Thorn and Qibli only to see that they were as confused bad he was.

"But, why me? Out of all the dragons in Pyrrhia, why are you protecting me?"

Sandstorm lifted his wings in a I don't know sort of way.

"I'm not exactly sure," He said, "But whatever the reason, the Nightwings want you alive."

"They want me alive?" Heat thought, "that must mean they think I'm important" Before Heat could say something, Thorn interjected.

"Nightwings?" She asked, "You've been in contact with the Nightwings? Do you know anything about a Nightwing named Stonemover?" Sandstorm looked surprised that Thorn knew the names of any Nightwing, except Morrowseer of course.

"No Nightwing has seen or heard from Stonemover in years, most dragons suspect he's dead. How did you even know about him in the first place?" Thorn looked at the ground.

"I just..." She stuttered, " I heard some dragons talking about him is all." Heat thought she was lying but he didn't know for sure. In order for Thorn to be asking questions about someone, they would have to be fairly important to her. That or she was concerned about what they were up to.

"Wait a minute," Heat said, you said you are in contact with the Nightwings right? Does that mean you've been to the Night Kingdom?"Sandstorm shook his head.

"I've only ever been on the outskirts of it, they won't let me in because I'm a hybrid, but mostly because they are afraid of what I can do." As he finished talking, he held out his hand for Heat, Thorn, and Qibli to see. There was a sudden POOF of smoke and suddenly there was a dagger in his hand. Qibli jumped back a little but Heat was motionless. He sat there, amazed by what had just happened.

"How did you do that?" Thorn asked, her head filling with suspicion. "Are you an animus of some sort?" Sandstorm chuckled.

"Something like that. But not quite."

"How? Can you do it with other things as well? Or just some things?"

"Any weapon I can imagine will appear in my hand, I wish I could do it with other things as well but I guess not." Suddenly, the dagger disintegrated into smoke, and then, it was gone.

"By all the moons!" Qibli gasped, "can you make something like that for me?" Sandstorm barked a laugh, and then suddenly, a dagger, smaller than the first one, sat in his talon. Qibli happily took it and placed it in his pouch.

"Thank you!" He said excitedly.

"Anytime." Sandstorm replied. Heat, Thorn, and Sandstorm all smiled at him. Heat looked at Qibli and how small he was, it almost made him want dragonets of his own. He wondered how Qibli and Thorn would like Nile.

"Nile!" Heat thought, he had completely forgot about her the moment he arrived at the Scorpion Den.

"That Seawing you pulled from the ocean," Heat said as he jumped to his feet, "the one that was with me, do you know what happened to her? Is she okay?" Sandstorm's happy expression changed to a expression that Heat could only make out to I don't know.

"I'm sorry." Sandstorm replied, "My mission is to follow and protect you. No one else. I don't know if she is still alive or not. If you want, I can help you look for her. But only after I'm certain that you are safe from the Sandwing sisters." Heat didn't know what to do. He didn't want to die, especially not after he just reunited with his sister and possibly found the one dragon that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. But Heat also didn't want to endanger his friends and family.

"First thing tomorrow," he whispered loud enough for everyone to hear him, " we go look for Nile." Sandstorm only nodded while Thorn gave Heat a sad look in her eyes.

"Tomorrow?" Thorn asked, "I know you said you couldn't stay long but I wanted you to at least stay for a little bit."

" I know you do." He said, "But I need to make sure that Nile is okay." Heat twined his tail with Thorn's. "Look, tell you what, let's head back to the party, have some fun for the rest of the night. And in the morning I'll go, sound good?" Thorn smiled, and so did Qibli. Sandstorm cleared his throat to catch their attention.

"If I may," he said, "but I'm not really supposed to be seen by other dragons, so I'll just sit this one out and watch you from afar."

"Sounds like a plan." He told him. When they returned to the party, they were greeted by even more dragons, some just saying hi, others wanting to meet Thorn's brother. Two dragons even came up to him asking to hire him. Heat kindly turned them down by telling them : "I'm on vacation at the moment, sorry." The two siblings danced together to the music and even played some music with the other Sandwings. Heat would play the drums while Thorn would play the bongos.

They did this for hours, but eventually, dragons started going home. Heat wished this day would never end. But unfortunately, Heat knew what was coming his way and just how dangerous it was. But he somehow knew, just maybe, that luck would be on his side.

Thank you readers for being so patient with me, I have no excuses. I promise to make it up to you guys. Thanks!


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