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heather; chapter one


"I'll write to you! I promise," Mina insisted as she tore herself from the tight, loving arms of her parents and moved her hands to the handle of her trolley. Sucking in a breath, a buzz erupting in her stomach, she glanced back at the two fondly before turning around and pushing her trolley as hard as she could muster. A giddy smile grew across her lips as her feet picked up pace, and the warm air of King's Cross Station ran through her hair as she ploughed through the brick wall.

Releasing her breath, a loving nostalgia grew in Mina's chest at the sight of the scarlet train. People with luggage and pets hustled around her: nervous first years with chubby cheeks and new uniforms too big for them, tall groups of seventh years savouring the beginning of their last school year, cages with hooting owls and arms circled around cats, the colourful robes of parents who smiled in memory of the school with small children by their side squirming in anticipation to finally be old enough to attend the beloved school.

Peering around, Mina manoeuvred her trolley through the bustling crowd toward the luggage carriage, trying but failing to spot a friend amidst the many students that seemed to tower over her. It started to seem like everyone had grown over the summer except herself. Even the blond Ravenclaw boy, Charlie, who was renowned for being the shortest guy in their year, was at least two heads taller than her now as she waited behind him while he handed his and his two first year siblings' trunks over to the man inside the luggage carriage.

Looking around, hands clinging to the cold metal handle of her trolley, it felt like she'd missed the memo of Hey! This summer, everyone's going to change their appearance! Whether it be dyed hair, bangs, tanned skin, or contacts in place of glasses, she was the only one who seemed to be the same old Mina Lee, with the same old dark brown hair, same old dark brown eyes, same old thin sweater, shorts, and even the same old converse high-tops from third year.

As Charlie's siblings scurried away, he turned around before following them to give her an apologetic glance for the wait which she brushed off with a smile and slight shake of her head; her eyes following his figure as he disappeared into the crowd.

Pushing her trolley forward to where he'd just been, the man inside the luggage carriage gave her a nod, motioning for her to leave her baggage on the floor of the carriage, before walking out of sight and presumably further down the train somewhere.

Moving to the side of her trolley, Mina grabbed her trunk's handle and heaved it upward, only managing to lift it about an inch before dropping it to the ground with a heavy thunk, still holding onto its handle, letting out a breath.

She had no idea how her dad had managed to put it on her trolley, let alone lift it out of their car's boot, and was debating on using a spell to do it for her when a deep voice next to her ear said, "Need a hand?"

She grinned despite herself. "Harry!" she laughed, spinning around to meet his own grinning face, enveloping him in a tight hug. Standing on her tip toes, Mina repressed the blush that threatened to rise as the subtle scent of his cologne met her senses. She pulled away first, pushing down the urge to overthink how tight his arms were wrapped around her back. "It's so good to see you!"

"You too!" he beamed, excitement radiating from him at just the idea of returning to Hogwarts. He'd changed a little over the summer, though not dramatically. He was definitely taller, and his skin was a little sun-kissed, but his hair was as messy as always, if not a little longer.

He opened his mouth to say something further but was interrupted as a whistle blew to signal the train's imminent departure. Leaning around her, Harry grabbed her trunk's handle with one hand and lifted it like it was nothing, and she thanked him as he swiftly put it into the luggage carriage for her.

As he adjusted his backpack and she slung her own around her shoulder, Mina grabbed her Tabby cat, whose name was, fittingly, Tabby, from where she'd been laying quietly in the trolley's metal basket, tired from the long drive to King's Cross station.

Now curled against Mina's chest, Tabby nuzzled her cheek against Harry's finger as he pet her, and Mina laughed softly as he cooed beneath his breath. As the final whistle blew, he pulled his hand away, shot her a grin, and the two quickly made their way to the nearest carriage, stepping onto the train.

Holding Tabby close, Mina trailed after Harry to find a compartment, peering into the windows of each one as they walked by to see friend groups laughing and talking rapidly of their summers, first years already running through the train's corridor. Many students were talking in the corridors, too enticed in conversations to find a compartment, and she was grateful for Harry clearing the path as he waded through the crowds of people.

Since she couldn't exactly see over his shoulder, her eyes met the back of his neck, and a warmth filled her chest at the sight of the black string of the necklace she'd given him poking up and disappearing into his T-shirt as he walked. It had been months since last Christmas—he must wear it all the time.

At this thought, and the subsequent pounding of her heart, clearly her plan to lose feelings wasn't going too well.

Brought back down to earth as the train began moving and Harry slid open the door to an empty compartment, Mina sat by the window and tried to focus on the sleepy cat on her lap, or the stray coins in her pocket for when the trolley lady would stop by, or the fact that one of her shoe laces had come undone—not the fact that his loose t-shirt showed a bit of collarbone, or how their knees touched as he sat down opposite her, or how he brought his necklace out from under his shirt to absentmindedly fiddle with its locket as he spoke about the Quidditch World Cup.

"Y'know, I haven't forgotten about our bet," Harry brought his backpack to his lap and zipped it open, "the bet that you have now, officially..." he rummaged through it for a moment before pulling out a small badge, "...lost."

Her mouth fell open. "You got Quidditch Captain!" she said, unable to restrain a smile as it grew on her face, matching his excitement.

"Which means," he put it in her outstretched palm, and she looked it over as he spoke. "That, as the loser, who bet that I wouldn't get captain this year, our own Mina Lee has to face her fear of flying on a broom. Which is you, by the way." She put the red and gold pin back in his hand, and he slipped it in the pocket of his jeans. He crossed his arms smugly, the two stifling laughs.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, a grin playing on her lips. "For the record, I'm not scared of flying on a broom, I'm scared of heights."

"A bet's a bet, Lee," He laughed.

But even talking about it made her stomach erupt in queasy butterflies. When they made the bet, she was pretty sure he would get captain, and thought that him helping her learn to ride a broom was a good way to spend more time with him.

Of course, she didn't see her future-self wanting to lose feelings, nor was she really thinking at the time about the terrifying fear she'd have to face.

Mina held Tabby closer and moved her eyes from his to the rolling hills beyond the window, swallowing nervously, hoping he wouldn't notice the shift in her expression. He tapped her foot gently with his own.

"Hey. You're not scared of heights, you're scared of falling," he caught her gaze. "I won't let you fall."

She found herself looking into his eyes for a bit too long and blinked herself out of it to send him a small smile. Harry leaned over to pet Tabby who purred as he ran his fingers through her fur. Mina laughed softly. "How come she likes you so much better than me?"

"Nonsense," He grinned. "At least you can cuddle your pet. I think Hedwig would bite me if I tried."

Eventually, Ron and Hermione found their compartment and joined the two, followed by Ella; Mina's Hufflepuff dormmate and best friend since first year after they both skipped Madam Hooch's flying lessons.

As it grew dark outside and the train's warm lights illuminated the compartment, Tabby moved from Mina's lap to Harry's as he spoke to Ron, and as Mina turned so her back faced the window, bringing her legs onto the seat and circling her arms around them, Ella nudged Mina's knee and whispered "Bet you wish you were Tabby right now, eh?", dissolving into a fit of laughter along with Hermione as Mina turned bright red and covered her face, hiding her own laughs.

The two girls were the only ones who knew of Mina's feelings, but they didn't know yet of her plan; it had only been in her head for now. As they neared Hogwarts and the three girls left to change in the bathroom before it got crowded, she told them, and for a moment, as they hyped her up by the mirrors, Mina was confident that she could do it; that she really could get over whatever she held in her heart for him.

Until, of course, they returned to their compartment. With Ron nowhere to be found, the three stopped short to see Harry leaning on the compartment's doorway, talking to a girl with wavy blonde hair they didn't recognise.

She was taller than Mina and hadn't changed into her robes yet; her short denim skirt showing off long, tan legs. She laughed at something he said, and a sharp pang stabbed Mina's heart as she pushed his arm playfully. As Mina watched him, his eyes never left the other girl; mesmerised even when she walked away. He spared them no glance as he stepped back into their compartment.

The three went in after him and sat down, Mina picking up Tabby and bringing her to her chest, and as Harry grabbed his bag to go change, it was Hermione who asked, as casually as she could manage "who was that?" before he left.

A hand on the door, he turned to them, smiled and said nonchalantly, "a sight for sore eyes, that's for sure," before sliding open the door and leaving, closing it behind them, leaving the three in silence.

Mina held Tabby a little closer.


first chapter!! let me know what u think :)

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