The first lost girl

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It's been many years since Peter Pan  last saw Wendy all groan up. He was flying over the main land when he heard the sound of a girl crying. Normally he wouldn't bother with girls after Wendy and her daughter he lost interest in saving girls. But this sounded so sad and broken and lost that he had to check it out. He flew down and found the girl under a tree in the park. Why is she crying anyway? Girls always cry for no reason. He thought to himself. He crouched down next to the weeping girl." Hey why are you crying?" He asked in a gentle voice. She tried to stop crying for a moment but soon went back to crying." Awww, hey it's ok." He sat down next to her." What's your name?" He asked.
She lifted her head." He...he.. Heather." She said between sobs. She kept her head in her hands.
"Well Heather I'm Peter. Peter Pan. That's what they call me anyway." He gave her another smile this time looked up, she was wearing shades. That's weird. Why is she wearing shades at night!! She smiled back.
"Are you really?" She asked both confused and hopeful.
"Of course I am!" He shouted. Then he came closer to her." You know I can take you to a place where you will never cry again. A place where you will never ever have to grow up." He whispered to her. Her face lit up.
"You mean you'll take me to Neverland!!" She shouted. He smiled telling her yes.
"But first you must tell me why you were crying." He gave her a devilish smile.
"Ok Pan, I ran away from my foster parents." Pan was shocked to hear this." My foster father said that they only cared for the money not for me. My foster mother said that my birth parents had died and never wanted me because I was... Am blind. I felt betrayed, unwanted but most of all lonely that no one cared." She stopped. Peter couldn't believe his ears. Those horrible adults. I hate them! They lie they steal they... They... Well they're just adults!!! And she's blind?!
Peter came closer to remove her shades and under them were grey foggy eyes. She was blind. So she couldn't see him or anything. He put her hand in his and she tensed." Don't worry just hold on to me and I promise that you'll never be lonely." He told her and she held on to him as he flys into the air. Heather could feel the air blowing on her face it felt good.
"Where are we going Peter?!"She screamed above the sound of the wind.
He laughed," Second star to the right and strait on till morning!" After a few moments they were in Neverland. Heather could hear the waves crash into the shore and smell the salty sea air. When they handed on the beach she was unfamiliar with the land so she fell. "Oh careful!" Peter called as he held her tight keeping her from falling.

"I'm fine Peter it's just..." She trailed off as she felt the sand in her hand." What is this?" She whispered.
"It's sand. Haven't you ever seen to a beach before?" He asked then remembered that she was blind. Her face grimaced as she remembers that she had never  seen a beach before." Oh Heather I didn't mean for it to come out that way I...." He was cut off.
"Peter stop talking." She said listening to her surroundings." PETER GET DOWN!!" She yelled. They both got down and a bullet just missed Peter's head. Then Captain Hook appeared with his crew. Not being able to see didn't stop Heather from using her other senses she heard Hook whispering to his men moments before the gun had fired.
"Almost had you Pan!Why if it weren't for that lost boy of yours..." Hook's men grabbed Peter and held him on the ground. Hook walked up to Heather who was searching the sand for her shades. He hooked her hoodie and raised her high to the point where she was dangling off the ground." Say this isn't a lost boy at all." He dropped her on the ground. Peter stopped struggling and felt so weak at this moment she was blind and probably scared to be in a strange land and Hook was a stranger to her and she knew he was trouble." Pan's got himself a lost girl! Ha ha ha ha!!!" Hook walked up to her again aimed a gun at her head.
"HOOK!! Leave her alone! Leave her alone!!!" Peter begged struggling to break free of the rope around his hands.
Hook smiled,"Get up." He told her. She did as she was told." Now turn around." He taunted. The other pirates laughed. A gust of wind came blowing Heathers hair out of her face making her eyes visible. Hook was in shock." She...she's blind." Hook looked at Peter." How is a blind girl worth saving Pan?" Peter was silent rage clearly visible from his face. Hook grabbed Heathers face to get a better look at her.
Once she was close enough to smell his breath Heather spit on Hooks face. He jumped back, his crew in shock and Peter laughed at her brave act." Why that's a naughty girl. I'll have to teach you some manners." Hook said drawing his sword.
Heather smiled." I'm not alone." She said as Hook approached her. Then an arrow was shot at Hooks feet, he stopped. Another one shot his sword out of his hand. The third arrow shot the ropes that bound Peter he broke free and bolted to Heather. He practically tackled her. Slamming into her waist and flying safety into a tree. Then Tinker Bell flew out of the trees and the lost boys stepped out of the trees bow and arrows at the ready. Hook an his men retreated back to the Jolly Roger as the lost boys all screamed there battle cry's. Peter took Heather's hand and raised it into the air cheering.
"They're running away Heather, they're running away!!!" He screamed over the lost boys. Heather smiled.
Later that day at the lost boy hideout all the boys gathered around Heather celebrating her arrival. Peter sat on his thrown laughing at the way the boys were acting. They asked questions like, how did you know we were in the trees?, did you really spit on Captain Hooks face?, and will you be are new mother? The last one stunned Heather and Peter. I didn't even think about that. Would she make a good mother? Peter thought." Oh a guys I think she's alittle tired after all that so uh why don't you uh make her a room." Peter suggested. All the boys ran out of the tree to go and make Heather a tree. Heather stayed standing not knowing where to go. Peter got off his thrown and walked towards her. Taking her hands so she knew it was him." Sorry about that. They're just really excited that your here. She smiled.
"Peter I can't stay here." She told him." I can't see."
"I'll be your eyes here! I'll carry you around take you places you will love to you go! Why would you want to go back and grow up?!" He yelled.
"Peter I'm not leaving Neverland! I can see just not here." Peter was confused. I listen Peter, to everything. I heard Hook before, and the boys when no one else did. I need to live somewhere that even the smallest whisper can be heard." She explained. Peter thought for a moment then it hit him.
"I know a place but it's on the other side of Neverland." He said grimly not wanting her to be so far." Can I take you there?" He asked. She shook her head yes. "Ok don't freak out but I'm going to pick you up ok."he informed her.
"Ok." With that she said goodbye to the lost boys and said that she would visit as often as she can. With that Peter son took her to the other side of Neverland to a cave system that echoed everything the sound bounced off the walls and into her ears and she could see it like if she was looking at a map. Little did they know this would soon be the home of the elegant, beautiful and dangerous Lost Girls.

Hi everyone it's batsbabygirl! This is another one of my stories but my mom did help me with it. So like, comment, share with friends. Check out my other stuff like Spoilers Return, Halo: next generation, Travelers savior and others while you wait for the next chapters in the story. And don't be afraid to follow me I won't hack into your account I promise I'm not creepy.

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