Chapter 17

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"Catmint,moss...." Heathergaze murmured to herself as she got Hazelnose's herbs ready. "Are you feeling any better?" Heathergaze said softly. Hazelnose nodded,"How are your kits?" "I'm half a moon away from birth." She whispered. "Hopefully I will live to take care of them." Hazelnose purred. Heathergaze stopped,"Of course you'll live!" Hazelnose smiled,"I hope so."

Sandheart stood outside the medicine den,waiting for news about his mate. "Sandheart! You know you can't come in the medicine den! We don't need you to catch green cough too!" Heathergaze scolded. Sandheart glared at her,"Do you know how it feels? To have some cat you love be hurt?" Heathergaze narrowed her eyes,"That's my sister in there." Sandheart hissed,"Have you built a life with her? Have you had kits with her?!" "Sandheart,please calm down." Heathergaze took a step back. Sandheart let out and yowl and leaped at the medicine cat. "You don't understand!" He growled,tearing at her fur. Heathergaze hissed,"Get off of me!" Robinstar jumped out of her den and growled,"Sandheart! Get your paws off of Heathergaze!" She ran to her daughter and pushed Sandheart off.

Sandheart shook his head and his eyes widened. "I-Im sorry." He whispered. He hung his head in shame,"I don't know what came over me." Robinstar glared at Sandheart,"You have attacked our medicine cat. This is a very serious act of disloyalty." "You must be punished,you will have apprentice duties for two moons. You will be confined to camp for one moon. No gathering for three moons." Robinstar stalked off back to her den to discuss with Poppyheart.



I'll try to update again today. 3-6 chapters left :O

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