JD X Reader: Boom

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(A/N: Sorry if this is short!)

I couldn't believe this was happening. I was hiding in my closet from the guy I loved. He was telling me his plans to blow up the school. He was scaring me. I wanted to leave, but how was I supposed to?
"Come on out Y/N! I'm not going to hurt you!" JD yelled out from the other side. I didn't respond. I leaned up against the door. "GET OUT OF YOUR F*CKEN CLOSET!!!!" JD screamed. I could feel my heart dying. I hate to see or hear him in pain. I want his pain to end. But he's scaring me. "WE COILD BUILD A BETTER WOLRD!!!!! WE COULD SHOW THEM THAT THEY WERE WRONG!!!!!" He started pounding on the door.
Why was this happening to me!?
"THIS IS THE SOLUTION, Y/N!!!!! THIS IS THE END OF OUR PROBLEMS!!!! WE CAN GET RID OF THOSE JACKA*SES!!!!!" JD kept on pounding on the door. I felt more hot tears, roll down my cheeks. He stopped pounding on the closet door and leaned against it. "Please....." he was breathing heavily. My heart was racing and hot tears, stained my cheeks. "I...... I need you......." my heart then shattered into a million pieces. I was at my breaking point. I couldn't hear him in pain anymore. I then turned around. I grabbed the door handle and turned it while shacking. I opened the door and looked up at JD. He was crying too. "I-I'm so sorry......." I started crying again. He held onto my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. He had tear stains on his cheeks. "I'm so glad you came out......" he then enveloped me in a hug. I grabbed onto his jacket and curled up in his chest. I kept crying. "I'll...... I'll help you......" I closed my eyes and let go of his jacket. "Thank you, Y/N......." he legged up my chin so, I was looking up at him. He then leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't even kissed back. This was so much to take in. He separated the kiss. "I love you" he put his forehead on mine. "I-I love you too" I responded while looking at his lips, my eyes half way closed. I was almost drained. "Well then," he separated us but grabbed my hand. "Are you ready?" He asked. I took a deep breath in. I then nodded my head. He smirked.

~Time Skip~
We quickly ran through the hallways. The bomb was ticking. We ran into some people on the way. They were all having fun. I then ran into Martha and Heather McNamara. "Y/N! Where are you going!?" Heather yelled out to me. "Ignore them" JD whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes, holding back the tears. I wish I could bring them with me. But they wouldn't understand. JD and I finally excited the school and ran over to the football field. We then stood there and waited. Suddenly, Martha and Heather came out of the school. They looked around as if, they were looking for something. "Y/N!!!!!!" Martha yelled out. "Ignore her" JD whispered into my ear, pulling me into his chest. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. Then, that's when it happened. The school went boom. I could hear the explosion and, turned around to see it. The flames of chaos, engulfed the school. I then turned back to JD. "Why....... why did you have to do this......." I felt more tears start to stream. "It's both of our work, and it was the right thing to do......" JD grabbed my hand. This was the life I chose. I chose to live with a crazy killer, the guy I love. He pulled me into another hug. I then started to sob.

Broken: Would you like to see an extra ending to this story!? Then tell me if you found the ending really depressing!

(A/N: You know what's actually funny, I'm a whole lot like Veronica! I somewhat look like her, I'm stubborn, I like making everyone happy while doing the right thing, yeah! I also love crazy guys....... which Heathers character are you like?)

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