JD X Reader: Come Back To Me

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Requested by: clermont_and_stuff
{So I was going to do the requests in order from when they were requested but I had to do this one first! More to come later!}

TW: Depression and suicide
CW: Physical harm and gore

Veronica ran into the boiler room to find JD. He knelt next to the bomb and looked back at her with a crazed look. Veronica could tell he was hurt. "JD, you don't have to do this" Veronica told him. "You don't understand, Veronica" JD stood up, standing taller than her. "I will love you no matter what" Veronica tried to sooth him.

He laughed. His laugh drilled through her head as she had heard it too many times. "You really think this is all for you?" JD smiled insanely at her. "I-Isn't it?" She asked a bit nervous now. "It was never for you. I just needed someone to frame after all of this" he told her the truth. Veronica stepped back, looking at him terrified and hurt.

"Heather Chandler, Ram, Kurt, they've all hurt someone dear to me. And now she's gone because of them" JD's expression darkened and he looked down to the ground. "Who was she?" Veronica asked now curious but also trying to distract him to get to the bomb.

"She was the most wonderful woman ever....." JD looked up to the ceiling.

"Jason!" You ran up to JD as he was walking to the school. "Hey Y/N" JD smiled and waved to you. "You ready to get our quizzes back today?" You asked walking beside him. "I don't know why you care so much about a quiz mark" he looked at you with a small smirk.

"Cause I actually studied really hard for this one! Nothing could get me a bad mark!" You said full of confidence. JD shook his head and smiled at your nonsense. You both entered the school, you ready to receive your perfect quiz mark.


You sat at your desk, as the teacher handed back the quizzes. They eventually handed you your quiz. You smiled until your eyes met the numbers at the top of the page. You felt your heart drop and almost choked.

Thirty-one percent. Your eyes widened and you held back tears. All your hard work and you didn't even get a pass. "What did you get Y/N?" You heard that wicked voice ask you. You looked to the side to see Heather Chandler.

Heather Chandler was never nice to you. You've never done anything to her but she still hates you and tortures you. She tilted your page so she could see your mark. You quickly pulled it away from her.

"Not even a pass? Are you really that stupid?" She asked you with a cackle at the end of her sentence. You gripped tightly onto the quiz and tried so hard to hold in your tears. "Wait, do you think being dumb will get a guys attention? It's if you have enough brains and a hot body but it looks like you have neither" she said with a harsh look on her face before turning away.

You raised your hand. "Yes Ms. L/N?" The teacher asked you. "May I go to the washroom?" You asked look straight at them. "Go quickly" after they gave you permission, you quickly sped out of the classroom and into the washroom.

You let your tears flow over the washroom sink. Why did she hate you? What have you done? You looked up into the mirror.

"Disgusting......" You thought as you looked at every inch of your face. You then looked down at your body. You thought she was right and always lessoned to her even thought you knew you shouldn't. You let out a deep and shaky sigh.

"Can't stay in here forever, disappointment" you told yourself, looking into the mirror. You turned to the door and opened it walking out. Imagining to find an empty hallway, you found Kurt and Ram waiting outside the washroom.

Kurt and Ram bullied you more physically than anything. Heather Chandler told them to do it once since you snapped back at her and, ever since then, you've been there punching bag. You yet again, don't know why they do it though. You don't know why they hate you.

You cleared your throat after being frozen for ten seconds and looked down to the ground, trying to walk past them. But they stopped you. "Please...... I don't need this right now........" you pleaded to them. Suddenly, a hand came into contact with your cheek as you were harshly slapped.

You fell to the ground rubbing your cheek. You looked up at them. "Lets have some fun" Kurt said to you, Ram cracking his knuckles. You felt the tears coming back.


You sniffed, sitting under the tree outside the school. You always sat here for lunch considering your bullies always ate in the cafeteria. JD ate with you but he wasn't with you yet.

You picked up your sandwich and wanted to take a bite but it was like something was holding you back. It was like you wanted to starve to death. To just end all of the bullying.

"Y/N!? What happened to you!?" JD looked at you concerned and knelt down in front of you. You didn't even realize he was there. He held onto your face and examined it. You had a small cut under your left eye, a black eye on your right and tears stains covering your cheeks.

"I can't take this anymore Jason......." your voice came out cracky as if you lost it over crying so much. "I know, I know it's hard" he pulled out into a hug and you let gentle sobs come out. He pet your head trying to comfort you but on the inside, you were still dying slowly.


JD climbed up the side of your house and opened up your bedroom window. This was a normal thing he did. "Y/N?" He called out for you. No response. "I brought some VHS's we could watch" JD looked around your room. He couldn't find you anywhere.

He looked concerned and hoped you didn't leave the house with your parents, considering he had plans to confess his attraction towards you. He had fallen insanely in love with you and could never stop thinking about you. And after today, he thought you needed someone to show a lot of love towards you.

JD went out into the hallway and walked up to the bathroom door. He knocked before opening it. As soon as he opened the door, his eyes widened and his whole body froze.

There you hung from the ceiling light. Your arms were full of cuts and dripping blood. Your dead expression obviously showed that you had hung yourself. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your mouth hung open, and the bruises from earlier struck him right through his heart.

He fell to his knees as tears poured out of his eyes. Everything he cared about was gone. His mother, now the love of his life, a crazed smile stretched onto his face. "Don't worry my darling, I'll avenge you" He got on one knee and took her blood covered hand and kissed it.

He then cried more and took her off of the noose. He held her dead body in his arms, hugging it tightly and crying as her blood stained his clothes. "I'll kill them all for you. They'll pay. I promise darling" he smiled again and kissed your forehead.

The insanity then started after that day. JD was finally noticed at the school and was able to wrap Veronica around his fingers. Killing Heather Chandler, Kurt and Ram felt so good, knowing that his lovely Y/N could rest. But hen a thought cane to mind.

The whole school never bothered helping her. Everyone knew of her pain and suffering, why didn't they help her? Why didn't they stop Heather Chandler, Kurt and Ram? JD then decide to blow up the school but have Veronica help him so he can frame her.

But when he saw her hung in her closet, he remembered Y/N. He wanted to sob right then and there, he wanted to be with her again. So even when he blows up the school, he was going to kill him self so he could be with his love once again.

~End Of Flashback~

JD now stood on the field with the bomb in his arms. "Don't try stopping me Veronica. I don't care if you love me, I have my own angel waiting for me right now" JD looked up into the sky, as if he could see you.

"Jason! You don't have to do this!" Veronica yelled out to him, feeling her heart break. But she didn't want to feel this way. She just wanted to be done with JD. But she couldn't let go.

"Good bye Veronica" JD told her as the bomb ticked to one. The bomb then exploded and JD was gone. But he was finally with Y/N once again.

~The End~

{Ending was sorta rushed but I hope you enjoyed!}

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