JD X Shy!Reader: Beauty And The Beast

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{A lot of you wanted more of him so here he is! Male!Heather Chandler X Read next! Also, a lot of you know that I make the reader a female all the time right? If you request something, make sure you mention the readers gender! Enjoy!}

You never thought about having a love life. You just wanted to get through school and figure things out after that. But that changed when he came to school. Jason Dean {almost put Jason Todd}.

You were just walking down the hallway, reading your favourite book. You loved the fantasy world more than reality so you always tried to escape there and so you don't have to talk to anyone. You aren't antisocial, people just think your weird and don't talk to you.

You suddenly bumped into someone. You looked up to see that you bumped into the new kid, JD. JD had this uncomfortable aura to you. It was as if he wasn't even human. Almost like a beast. But you still felt attracted to him.

"I'm so sorry" you apologized, being a shy girl. "It's fine" he reassured you with a smile. His smile made your heart melt. Just now you realized he almost had fangs {I don't know...... hopefully some of you get where I'm going with this}. We stood in awkward silence, me swinging back and forth while he rubbed the back of his head. "I-I should get going......" You pointed in the opposite direction, soon turning that way and leaving. You were a blushing mess.

You opened the door to the school library. This was your favourite place ever. You normally stay here after school and get lost in the books.

You skimmed through the bookshelves, hoping to find a new book. You found a lot of new nonfiction books but you preferred reading fiction. You walked up to the librarian. "Are there any new fictional books?" You asked. The librarian looked up from her book and smiled at you. "Yes, there over in fiction section 10" she told you, pointing over to the corner of the library. "Thank you" You smiled thankfully and walked over to the corner of the library.

You scanned through the books, hoping to find one of the new ones you haven't read yet. "Hey" you were startled and whipped around. You were then face to face with JD. "H-Hey......" you held onto your left arm. "Looking for the new books?" He asked you. You nodded your head. He then pulled out a pile of books from behind him {MAGIC!!!}. They all had tittles you never recognized.

"Can I have one please?" You asked in awe at all the books. "You'll have to take them from me" JD shrugged. You took a deep breath in before walking up to him to grab one. As soon as you came over, he raised the books above his head. "Really?" You asked under your breath. You stretched, trying to at least reach one.

"Come on JD, make this fair!" You pleaded, desperately trying to garb a book. "Go to the dance with me and you can all of them" He told you. "Deal" the words slipped out of your mouth. You covered your mouth surprised. "Great, I'll see you in two days then" He handed you the books. You took the books and watched him walk out of the library.

You were still in shock but also excited.

The dance finally came. You stood in front of the school in your dress, nervous. You had a bit of a bad feeling about this. "Hey beautiful" You turned around to the voice to see JD. He wore black dress pants, white button up shirt and had black suspenders on. "Ready to have some fun?" He asked you, reaching for the door. You nodded your head slowly as he opened the school door.

"Ladies first" He held the door open for you. You walked in, silently thanking him. JD held the door for a few more people then, ran up to you. "You seem tense" JD put an arm around your shoulder. Your face heated up. "I'm fine......" you barely even whispered. "Come on beautiful, smile" you looked up at him to see him softly smiling at you. Your face heated up more and you returned the same smile.

You both made it to the school gym and entered. Music played and everyone danced. "Lets dance" JD whispered to you, pulling you onto the dance floor. He thought you were acting weird while, you thought he was acting weird. He didn't act like this usually. JD danced around with her until a slow song came on. He pulled you close and danced around slowly. He seemed so excited and lovey dovey.

"Are you still getting over Veronica?" You looked up at him and asked. JD looked down at you confused. "You two were dating weren't you?" You asked blankly. He didn't answer and looked away. You looked around the gym and spotted Veronica looking at the two of you. There break up must have hurt both of them. "JD" You turned back to him. He didn't look back to you. "Jason, please listen" you got his attention by using his first name.

"You should be with Veronica right now" You tried separating from him but he wouldn't let go of you. "Y/N, I didn't get the happy ending I wanted with Veronica......" he told you. Your heart started racing, nervous of what he was going to say. "But I believe that I can have a happy ending with you" He smiled at you. Your heart skipped a beat and your face heated up. "That's why I've been acting so weird, I'm sorry" JD apologized. You shook your head. "It's fine" you told him.

He smiled and pulled you close to him. Your faces were so close, you could feel his breath on your face. He then got rid of the space between you two. His lips were soft. No surprise to you. You shyly let him kiss you but soon kissed him back. You loved him and he loved you. JD can be a mess, disaster, trouble. But when your with him, he can do the right thing. You are the beauty and he is the beast.

{Nice change of pace to do something that doesn't end with someone dying. Trust me, I had to strain myself to not make JD go crazy. Comment if you'd like an alternate ending where he does! Hope you enjoyed!}

NOTE: I asked in the comments of the sneak peak if anyone wanted me to make a Camp Camp X Reader book and as of right now, I don't think anyone's said yes or no. But for my own joy, I'm making it a book. Be on the look out for it soon!}

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