Male!Heather Chandler X Reader: His Damage

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(A/N: We'll call the Heathers...... Heath! Plus, I had a great story idea for Heath Chandlier so yeah, this is happening! Enjoy!)

The bell rang and, students flooded the hallway. I stood at my locker, grabbing my texts books and note books quickly. I didn't like being in the busy hallways, since I don't really want to be noticed. I wish that I could have been like Jesse Dean. She was a nobody until she met Victor Sawyer. I just want to be a nobody, but people won't leave me alone. But people only want information or notes from me. I'm not popular. I'm just, there. I'm just somewhat glad that the Heaths haven't noticed me. That would be chaos. Speak of the devils. The hallway went silent as the Heaths walked down it. They were so confident, strong, and perfect. Especially Heath Chandler- Gah! I shouldn't be drooling over trouble! I held my books close to my chest and started to walk out of the hallway. "Where do you think your going?" I heard a males voice ask me. I froze. I turned to the voice. It was Heath Duke. Everyone was then staring at me. I didn't know what to say or do. God, I hate Heath Duke! "What's the rush?" Heath McNamara asked me. I just shrugged. "Come on guys!" I felt an arm around my shoulder as, a male spoke. I looked up at the person to see Victor. "She obviously just wants to get to class!" He patted my back. "You can go" Victor told me then, walked up to the Heath's. They then continued down the hallway. I left the scene quickly. But I didn't notice that Heath Chandlier didn't say one word or take his eyes off of me.

~Time Skip~
I sighed as I leaned against my locker door. Schools too much stress for me. Rebeca and Katey (A/N: I didn't know what else to call them!) were being mean again. The two head cheerleaders. They tripped me at lunch, causing my food to go everywhere. Everyone stared at me. I fled the scene to clean myself up. They were jerks. They aren't even nice to Martin and he's a nice guy. I sat down on the floor, leaning against my locker. The hallway was empty since I stayed a bit longer. I shook my head and stood up. I opened up my locker and started putting stuff away.
I closed over my locker and sighed. "Your Y/N L/N, right?" My eyes widened as I heard his voice. I turned around to see Heath Chandlier. He knows my name!? "Y-Yeah..... and your-" he cut me off. "Heath Chandlier, everyone knows me" he answered. I nodded my head, not knowing what to do. Then it happened so suddenly. He put his hand on my locker, trapping me between him and my locker. "I've been watching you for awhile~" he said softly. His voice was hypnotizing. My face heated up. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you~ These emotions your making me feel~" I looked down, embarrassed. He grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. "I hate it~" he then leaned in quickly, and kissed me passionately. My eyes widened. This was all so sudden. I closed my eyes, not knowing what to do. Heath Chandlier was kissing!!! I never thought this would ever happen!!!!
He separated the kiss, resting his forehead on mine. "I'm expecting to see you at Rebeca's party tonight~" he smirked. I nodded my head slowly. He then gave me a quick peck on the lips before, he left. Once he was gone, I smiled. "Yes!!!" I yelled, jumping up and down. This was amazing.

~Time Skip~
I took a deep breath in. I was standing outside of Rebeca's house. I knocked on the door. Rebeca answered the door. "What are you doing here?" She asked, stupidly. She was stupid in my opinion. So was Katey. "Rebeca, she's with me" Heath. C appeared behind her. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. My face heated up as we walked through the crowded house. Everyone seemed to be drinking. I bite my lip as I became nervous. He then stopped once we were at the kitchen counter. "Want something to drink?" He asked me. "Um....." I looked at the bottles of beer and, shot glasses. "So you've never had alcohol before, why not try some?" He asked, handing me a red cup. I looked into the cup to see beer. "Just try it" I looked up at Heath. I looked back down at my cup. I took a breath in. I then took a sip. It was a horrible taste. But I didn't mind it. "Hey Heath~" Katey walked up to Heath. "God Katey, your already drunk" he rolled his eyes. "No I'm not!" She yelled. Heath McNamara then caught her attention and she walked off. "What a tramp" I giggled at his remark. He looked at me confused. "Sorry, I just thought that was funny" I smiled. "So, you can talk" he smirked. My face heated up and I took a sip, looking away from him. He laughed. "Your cute~" I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He's the cute one. He's not even cute. He's hot. "Hey Heath!!!" I heard a drunk males voice behind me. "Y/N!!! Your here too!!!" I turned around to see Victor. God was he drunk. "Hi" I waved to him. He put an arm around my shoulder. "You know, your like my best friend" he rubbed his cheek against mine. My face heated up as I froze. I was getting so much attention right now. "Victor, back off" Heath. C pulled me into his chest. "Woah, dude! I wouldn't touch her! I already got a girl waiting for me!" Victor laughed. "Get your drunk a*s out of here before I get it out of here" Heath held me close to him. Was he jealous or protecting me? "Nah! I have the right to be here!" Victor turned around. There he saw the pig piñata, dressed up like Martin Dunstock and, Martin, about to hit it. He instantly stopped it. Heath then got mad at him. "We're just trying to have a bit of fun!" Heath. C yelled at Victor. "This isn't fun! Your making fun of Martin!" Victor yelled at Heath. I wanted to do something. "Loosen up will ya? We're just playing around! Don't ruin this Vic-" suddenly, Victor threw up on Heath. I gasped. "That's it! Tomorrow, your going to be nothing! I will erase you from this school!" Heath yelled at the top of his lungs. I covered my mouth surprised. Victor then stormed out of the house. I ran up to Heath. C. "W-Want me to help you get cleaned off.......?" I asked quietly. Everyone started going back to partying. "That would be nice" Heath smiled at me. My face heated up. "Let's go to my house" Heath took off his jacket and grabbed my hand. He then walked me out of the house and into his car. I followed him, wanting to know where this would go. He started driving into the much richer community. He then parked in the parking lot of a big house. I got out of the car and looked at it amazed. "I'm guessing you've never been in this area?" He asked walking up to me. I shook my head no. He then grabbed my hand and brought me inside. "My parents aren't home" Heath closed the front door. He then took me up to his room.

~Victors POV & Time Skip~
I picked up the cup and brought it into Heaths room, as Jessica followed behind me. I don't know why but there was a top covering the cup. It didn't faze me though. I handed Heath the cup. He grabbed the cup from me and took off the top. He then took a sip before dropping the cup, having it shatter on the ground. That's when I saw it; a neon blue liquid splashed on the ground. The blue liquid started to slip out of his mouth. "HEATH!!!!!" I whipped around to see Y/N dash out of Heaths closet. She was only wearing a shirt and underwear. Obviously saying that something was happening with them. Y/N held onto Heath as his body fell to the ground. Tears started to pour out of her eyes. "Don't go! Don't die on me! Please!" Y/N cried as she held onto Heaths body. Heaths limp body cupped her cheek in his hand before the life in his body left him. Y/N looked up at me. "WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" Y/N yelled at me. "Th-That's not wha-" I tried to explain but she cut me off. "I DON'T CARE!!!! You killed him......" Y/N hugged his head. "We should get going......." Jessica told me. I nodded and we started to leave. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS VICTOR!!!!! YOU'LL PAY!!!!!" Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice cracking a bit. I felt my heart sink.

~Time Skip~
Y/N was the most depressed person I have ever seen. The next day at school, she avoided everyone and seemed like she didn't want to be here. Like she didn't want to be in the world. Even after the assembly, she was still broken. Everyone else had moved on but, she didn't. After lunch, she didn't come back to school. She didn't come back, ever.

(A/N: You make up why Y/N didn't come back to school! Kurt X Reader X Ram coming up next!)

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