Male!Heather Duke X Female!Reader: Bully

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A/N: Fun fact, I did a lip sync of Candy Store for a competition at my school last year and I played Heather Duke. Also, I am aware that I have not finished all of the other requests but can't I just do them in the order I want to do them in? I want to enjoy this too.

I couldn't find a picture (I liked) of male Heather Duke so if you have one great. If you don't, just picture it.

UPDATE: I'm working on a {Be More Chill} Jeremy X Reader cause I posted that thing about it....... I'm super tired but enjoy!


All the Heath's walked down the hallway, everyone moving out of their ways. Girls swooned over them which of course Heath Duke loved the most. He craved attention and knew he always got it. Except from one person that annoyed him for years. Y/N L/N. She always was distant with everyone and seemed to never care about any of the drama that happened around the school. Duke had to find a way for her to give him attention. So, he did what would only work. Bullied her. He'd make fun of her for the way she looked, the way she talked, her marks, everything.

It practically broke Y/N having someone bully her on top of always being alone. Today, Duke didn't see her in the halls like usual. It was easy to find her because she'd always have her head down. At least, Duke found that obvious. But in the sea of girls, he could barely find her so he just enjoyed himself. He flirted with almost every girl not thinking about anything else. Heath Chandler and Heath McNamara soon separated from him, leaving him with a few of the girls to talk to. He leaned against a locker and smirked at the girls. "So how have you all been doing?" His voice asked slyly.

The girls started talking to him, keeping it brief about themselves and asking a lot about him. They all kept talking, completely distracted from the girl who stood beside the group trying to get to her locker. "U-Um....... excuse me......." She stuttered trying to grab their attentions. She sighed and turned around to leave until Heath noticed her. He smirked seeing as it looked like someone new, ready to strike her with his amazing charm. "Sorry sweetheart-" he stopped mid sentence, eyes wide as he stood in front of her. From the back, she was a different girl but he could never forget that face.

It was Y/N. She had styled her hair, worn a different outfit and even looked like she got more sleep than she ever did before. Heath wanted to speak but couldn't find the words to say. "I-I'm sorry......." she stuttered and walked quickly past him. He watched her run off, still nothing. Even his thoughts were going crazy. "Heath? Are you okay?" A girl asked him. "No I'm not" he responded and decided to follow after Y/N. It was too odd for him, seeing the girl he bullied dressed up and looking attractive. He wondered why she was, considering she never really cared until Heath started bullying her.

As they turned down a hallway, Y/N finally looked back, feeling like someone was following her, to see him right behind her. She stopped walking and moved to the side for him to walk past her. Instead of that, he walked right up to her. "Why are you dressed up?" He asked demandingly. "I-I'm sorry?" She apologized confused. "Why did you dress up?" He asked again, trying to get a better answer out of her. "Can I-I not?" She asked looking up at him. Her face looked scared as she looked back down. She really hated having him bully her.

"No because then people will get attracted to you and then you wouldn't just be mine!" Heath yelled, his words immediately echoing back to him. Y/N's eyes widened. She wasn't EVER expecting to hear that from him. "Wha-" She looked down at her hands. "I get this now...... make her think you like her....... then laugh at her........" she sighed sadly. Heath just stared down at her. He was contemplating everything. What he just said, why he started bullying her. It was all for her attention. HER attention. "Damnit" he cursed under his breath. "S-See, I'm not that stupid......" she looked upset and frustrated now.

"No no, damnit cause I actually I like you" he looked up at the ceiling. Y/N tried tuning him out to ignore every lie about to come out of his mouth but she couldn't. "I always wanted attention and when you didn't give it to me, I started bullying you. But I've kept doing it and not even for the bad way" he looked down at her again. "I've kept bullying you because I wanted you to only pay attention to me, to have you thinking about me all the time, to spend some sort of time with you" Y/N wiped away a tear. "I know I was awful, I got it" he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"It's fine if you don't like me back, I probably deserve it or whatever......" a blush rushed across his cheeks. "Just know that I don't want you dressing up anymore, okay?" He asked her. "O-Okay......." She agreed, her face beet red. That was the first time someone talked to her nicely (aside from teachers, store clerks and family), yet alone confessed to her. Yet she found it so hard to find the words to say to him. "Wanna get a slurpy?" He asked trying to break the tension. "Sure" she smiled up at him.



I LITERALLY can not believe how many views this book has! Sorry if this part sucked but I thought I should publish SOMETHING after my ridiculously long hiatus! I still haven't had a lot of inspiration but more stuff will be coming wether it's days, months, years from now, something will come out eventually!

Love you all! ❤️

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