Letter # 4 | Khonsu

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"So close, yet so far away - they dance in their umbra and light
Would the moon be wanted just the same if there was sun even at


The poetic white of the widow illuminated the lake again,

dding hope to the obscurity and obscurity to all hopes.

Her emotions uncertain - everchanging into different phases,
The whole world questioned Her beauty through telescopes.
With the arms able to twist and turn time at Her will,
She wept tears of sorrow and guilt that was never truly Hers.
With wings of a falcon, she travelled when mortals slept,
Labelled for stealing the mighty sun's rays for infinite years
She was "Khonsu", her story hidden like her dark side,
Only those who stake their sanity for a fraction of glory get to know.


I was in her pine forest, at the highest mountains where the air was
saturated with her fragrance and mystery. Everywhere I looked around,
there was her presence, lingering on the white moonflowers, and the night
jasmines. I could see her from the tallest trees to the shortest shrubs, and
wildflowers dancing with the wind that had the power to wash away my fire
but she never did. She never would.

She was there, at least her reflection, on the lake - calling my name in a
language only we knew about. There was no one to stop me from finally
being with her. No rumours, no assumptions, no false labels - nothing to keep us apart.

And just the way she did last time, I walked into the serene lake as well and
tried to touch her moonlight for once at least. But no matter how hard I
tried, the light passed right through my hands. She was untouchable,
unloved, unwanted - but I wanted to touch her, love her and want her. But
she could not hear. Even now, her scar-like craters reflected her pain and
her dark side was still hidden from my fiery arms. They were always louder,
but not as loud as our love.

It was then I finally understood why our story is one that is cursed. She is
not the one stealing my light - she gave me all of hers so that I won't get
her craters. She let go of herself just to fall in love with me and that is the
sacrifice no one knows about.

And till this date, I burn. Not for the world that questions her worth, but for her. It's her light that I reflect and she reflects it back. The way we dance is
not something meant to be untangled - the uncertainty is its beauty. The
sorrow is our love that no one can even rewrite.


"Did you finally tell her?" asked the sad dandelions, their heads hanging
low as if the answer was obvious. He did not reply for what felt like an
eternity. When he finally did, everyone stopped their breaths to listen.

"She was lost in her own moonlight
That I couldn't solve. I did not want to solve.
Her silence gave all her answers before I could ask.
We are everywhere, but never together.
She felt like 3 a.m. thoughts, like unknown dimensions,
Her presence was like an untouched cup of coffee, still fresh.
She was broken at the rims, walked on shards of glass,
Blooming like a lily but withering every second."

He fell down, looking sadly at the dandelions.
They reflected his emotions just the same.

"And I had no choice but to leave her there,
Their voices echoing even in the woods.
Our immortal love forever trapped in her craters.
But before I let her go, before I sat on the throne of the sky
I asked her why she gave it all to my fiery mind.
There was only silence that came from her,
Making me curse the stars just the way
They cursed her to be a widow."

said the immortal before disappearing in the thin air.


Dear Khonsu,

    I know it's too late to tell you that I am sorry. It's too late to tell you that
whatever I have is nothing without you. Your eyes haunt me every time I
close mine. You are present everywhere I go. I wish I had never chosen the wrong path. I wish you had never given me your light.
     But now, what matters is, you are loved. There are poets who tell you about their broken heart. There are lovers who wish they had your power. Time is nothing when you come home - among the stars who will never outshine you, even when you are bathed in black and take the form of a new moon.

  You will forever be a symbol to those who are lost. Because radiating and
dominating the sky is easier than reflecting its true colours. Today there are people who are awake till 3 a.m. and talk to you, about how people like me ruin our chances and leave beautiful souls like you.

  You were always right, love. We may get the best lives, and still, weep for
not having one thing - and to me, that's you.

Your lover,
(the dead immortal)


In her absence, he found the most painful truth
How life turns us around, make us dance like hand-puppets.
Midnight lights paint the barren sky, and she barely breathes
Before the morning comes and I get my place again.
In shades of silver and gold, I tell my unholy tale to you
Waiting for the reality to hit me hard whenever I fall.
In her absence of words, I found my final solitude
Before I knew it, her crown was questioned, her throne seized.
But queens don't need pretty crowns and mighty thrones
When they have a kingdom bowing before them.
The world slowly learnt to love her, and so did I -
From a distance.


He looked back at the forest one last time. Although he did not get what he
had hoped for, he got something. Her presence. In unsaid words, she told
him that she lives in all the things. Even with her silence, she showed him
where to find her when the distance gets too overwhelming. And he will
remember it.

The moon had disappeared, again.

Hope sparkled in his eyes, radiating and she reflected it, just the way she
always did. But today, her kingdom touched her feet and apologised rather than questioning her. And that was when Ra realised why she had fallen to watch him rise -

Two rulers don't rule the same land.
Two lovers, broken yet united for long.
When you weigh their sorrow on your balance,
Her sacrifice and his acceptance outweigh it all.


"The sun warmed my life, in shades of the purest gold
But the silver moonlight made me see what love truly looks like.

- Broken, yet whole."

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