chapter 31: I'm still inside

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The door of Evan's Cafe and Bakery swung open. As Cookie entered so did a gust of wind and a whole lot of wet stuff.

"Must it rain this much?" Cook shivered as he set his umbrella against the wall and shook himself out of a long raincoat that was covered in orange Corgis.

From behind the counter, Al-Jay chuckled as she shoved napkins into a dispenser. "Buckets, baby-doll. That's all we've been havin'. That and hail as big as golf balls. Nearly knocked Lester out. I swear, that man's usual calm vocabulary became as colourful as a drunken sailor's."

Cookie walked to the counter and took a seat. "I've never heard Lester be anything but soft-spoken."

"Oh, honey, he was until he got hit with a huge hailstone while wearing his best hat. There's now a nice ol' dent in it." Alberta chuckled and then pointed to a large bouquet of flowers sitting in a jug. "He was all apologies after, saying he should not have sworn in front of his lady. That man is a good one."

When Cookie spotted the flowers, he looked for carnations. Yet there wasn't even one. "They are gorgeous, Al." His gaze lowered and he stared at a small heart someone had drawn in pencil on the counter. It was faint but it was there. Letting out a sigh, he covered the heart with his palm and gave Al a brave smile. "Almost as gorgeous as you."

Hearing the sigh, Al asked, "What's eating you, sugah?"

"Nothing." When Al-Jay raised her brows, Cookie added, "Really. It's just this damn rain."

A frown creased Al-Jay's features. "You know, honey," her voice was gentle as she walked to Cook and leaned against the counter to face him, "the rain keeps many people away. It's like holy water is sprayed from the sky keeping the sinners home." Al picked up a straw and pointed it to the furthest corner of the cafe and the patron sitting in a lonely booth. "It's the righteous who do not fear the storm."

Cookie turned and saw Travis Cullen hunched over a plate of pancakes and a Thrasher magazine. Whatever he was reading must have been holding onto his full attention because he had not looked up at all and had no idea Cookie was there.

Cookie's heart tried to bungee-jump out of his throat. "Good Lord in the Heavens above."

"He dropped by Woolworth's to get a catalog. Said his mama wants to get a new dress and shoes and she ain't keen on KMart or this rain. So he's running the errand for her."

When Cookie turned to Al, he was flustered. "Should I run? Stay here until he sees me? Do I wait for the ground to swallow me up?"

Al-Jay walked to the flowers. She pulled out a pale purple freesia and headed back to Cook. "This is one of the prettiest ones in the bunch, wouldn't you say?" With a smile, she lifted the flower to her nose and took a sniff. "I always did like freesias. They remind me of joy." Handing Cookie the flower she nudged her head toward Travis. "You have nothing to lose."

Sadly, Cookie ran his fingers over the counter. Though he did not look at the pencil heart, he felt its presence. "I already lost it all, Al. Abraham –"

"Then baby-doll, go get it back. Let's not talk about the past," Alberta gently suggested. "It will do us no good."

When Cookie hesitated, she placed the flower in his palm and discretely jerked her chin towards Travis. "Don't waste this chance. It's not often he's without the warden. Go."

Taking in a long, shaky breath, Cook rose with the flower in his hand. "I can do this," he whispered as he looked at his outfit – a green jumpsuit. "What was I thinking? I look like Kermit the frog."

"You look like a star." Al gave him a gentle nudge. "Now, go and shine some light on him. I've not seen him smile in forever."

"He's forgotten how to, Al. We both have." Before his fear dominated and he bolted right out of the shop, Cook straightened his spine, took a slow breath, and walked over to Travis.

Cook paused by the table silently. Peeking over the edge of the magazine, he saw some guy high in the air with his skateboard clutched in his grasp. He was holding the deck under his shoes and there was an impish grin on his face. "Skating was always your first love," Cookie finally spoke causing Trav to drop his magazine into his maple syrup.

When Travis saw Cook standing there with the flower in his grasp, he looked like he was going to faint.

Cookie reached down and retrieved the now sticky magazine from the plate. "I always fuck things up with you, don't I?"

"No," Travis said as Cookie carefully set the magazine on the table.

"I made you ruin your magazine."

"I... I don't miiind. It's j-just pa-per and ink. I can b-buy anooother. Aaand my no was...was for boooth of your co-comments."

Cookie looked down at Travis sadly.

"Y-you were first love. A-and you didn't fuck th-things uuup. My paaaarents took c-care ooof that." Seeing Cookie look like he was about to crumble, Travis looked around before gesturing to the seat across from him.

"You sure? What if someone sees us?"

"Mooother is home having a-a spa day. I-I think Al-Jay w-will let us knooow if an-nyone comes i-in." Travis peeked over Cookie's shoulder to see Al keeping an eye on the door and them. Then he smiled at Cookie. "Weee're good."

"Thank you." Sitting down, Cookie felt like a teenager on a date with his first crush. The flower in his hand exuded a lovely aroma reminding him that he still hadn't given it to Travis. "This is for you." When both men reached over the table, their hands met for one glorious second. Cookie wanted to tell Travis how much he missed him but there was a flurry of emotions and fear inside him that made him mute.

"It's p-pretty." Trav brought the flower close and took a sniff. "Sm-smells better th...than caaarnations."

"Travy, nothing ever smelt better than the carnations you brought me. I miss them."

"I l-left you sooome outside the c-club the other day."

"You did?" Cookie beamed. "I never got them. Some punk-assed kid must have swiped them but thank you so much for thinking of me."

"I n-never stop."

For a moment, everything inside Evan's was silent. Cookie felt like he and Travis were the only people on earth. It was the moment he thought would never come – he and Travis sitting together again. Talking.

"I miss you so much," Cookie admitted sadly.

"Life pl-plays diiirty."

Cookie nodded as he tried hard to hold back the surge of tears waiting to be spilled. "That it does."

"I miiiss you too, Cook. I-I hate how th-things are noooow. You-you are gone aaand I am f-fucked up be...beyond reeeepair." Travis stuck out a Velcro-laced shoe. "G-grampa sh-shoes."

"You were never out of Vans."

"Caaan't lace shit."

"It's OK," Cookie said gently but he knew it wasn't.

"I-I'm still iiinside."

Cookie let out a small cry. The tears that he had tried to hold back came out like a flood. "I know, baby." He reached out and took Travis' hand and Travis let him. "I know."

*Fun Fact: I had to give Trav and Cook more time in this version. This chapter is one of the saddest ones for them. 

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