He bit meee!

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Hey ssorry for taking so long to update I made iit extra long though and also I am dedicating this chappie to my oldest sis who is turning 18 today! YAY! Happy B/V-day! happy Valentines day to the rest of you too hope you have a nice valentines day

I was shocked at what I saw I saw...

Angelin POV:

I saw the guys I met earlier I believe Albetros called them Brett and Josh they were leading a guy into the pen filled with the giant doghouses the guy they were leading in had handcuffs attached to the handcuffs was a chain which they were leading him by this quit confused me =Rogue= Angelica tells me I gasped in surprise as two arms snaked around my waist and I was pulled into someone's chest I felt shocks going through my body which just got me confused. Then he spoke and I knew who it was it was Albetros he said or rather growled "you are mine" I asked him what they were doing with the guy in chains he told me that they were putting him in the place where they take prisoners. oh so you not only put them in chains but you also make them stay in dog houses I question . Pretty much is his response.

I try to get out of his hold he growls slightly I sigh in frustration at him not letting me go "I have to see people sometime you know I can't live a lone lonely life of loner without going insane besides Devlon's probably worried" I tell him even though I have a problem with devils and he probably has a problem with angels we still have a sibling bond even if we only met each other a few days ago. Albetros says trust me he's not worried about you don't worry." "What do you mean he's not worried about me?" I ask shocked that Albetros just said that he tells me that Devlon's not worried about me because he's also here and that I can talk to the pack members I try to get out of his hold again this time I was successful because he wasn't expecting me to try again I ask him where Devlon is as I turn to face him

He scratches the back of his neck nervously then he said "he's uh he's here." "yeah you already said that he's here where here?" I asked patiently "he's sorta maybe is a prisoner." He says with a nervous smile " Yeah well I'm just gonna go see him." I said then took off running towards the fenced area the fence is locked so I jump and shift then fly over the fence I then walk through the centre of the doghouses to find Devlon I find him in the last doghouse I try to get his attention he looks over at me his doghouse is probably one of the bigger one's all that's in between us are metal bars Devlon still has chains on. "A-Angelin man I have never been so happy to see someone who was raised in heaven in my entire life!" Devlon exclaims "Why did they put you in there?" I ask him he looks slightly embarrassed and mumbles something "Never mind I'll just try to get you out." Just then Brett and Josh come in and they tell me Albetros wants to see me I nod acknowledging what they said then continues talking to Devlon.

☆⊙☆a few minutes later ☆⊙☆

They start tapping there feet and clear there throat and say sorry Luna but Alpha Albetros is getting mad at us because he sent us to get you and we haven't brought you to him yet." All I do is nod acknowledging what they had said again and quickly ask Angelica what Luna means she tells me that a Luna is an Alpha's mate. I decide to play around a bit and I say to Brett and Josh "You do realize my name is not Luna I don't share my name with a character from Harry Potter (Luna is actually my favorite Harry Potter Character =) ) Devlon looks surprised where as Brett and Josh look just plain flustered and my wolf is laughing at all their faces. "N-no we didn't mean Luna as a name we meant it as more of a title or a-a rank like Alpha or Beta or Delta-" I cut them off in the middle of their flustered speech and ask "Delta what rank is that." " uh um that would be my rank third in command." says the guy I thought was the third in command earlier "oh I think I got it." they nod and I turned to Devlon and ask him why he was so confused earlier he says he never thought that they would allow anything like harry potter in heaven so I explain to him"there was an exception in my case see dad sent the books up with momma and me for when I got older because momma needed to return to heaven and she didn't want to leave me behind see because all her friends in heaven wanted to see me but only her friends because I was sorta considered impure especially since dad wasn't her soulmate. Her friends and god were the only ones who truly accepted me up there I mean sure some humans go up there after death but they don't become Angels it takes lots to prove yourself pure enough when your half angel already. I'm lucky I'm even aloud to come to earth at this age normally your only aloud on earth after your at least twenty or if you have made the rank of guardian Angel." Devlon's mouth is now in an O shape " I should probably go now bye Devlon." I say he just nods his head in response Brett and Josh lead me to where Albetros is waiting on the way there I ask them which one is Brett and which one is Josh turns out the Beta is Brett and the Delta's Josh and apparently their twins and the old Beta female's kids.

☆⊙☆ 2 minutes later☆⊙☆

we walk up to Albetros and he snaps at Brett and Josh"took you guys long enough!" "It's not their fault I took so long." I intervene he looks at me and his eyes are silver with the blade of light blue through the center this time though I don't let it bother me as much and stand strong then he says to me with Alpha tone "I am the Alpha and your mate and you will not intervene when I am speaking to my Beta and Delta!" I feel like I'm taking a seat on the side lines again as Angelica's voice comes out strong and powerful from my mouth saying "first off you will not use that tone on me I am your mate secondly you will not tell me what to do and you will not stop me from intervening in unjust circumstances! Also I have not been initiated into your pack yet thus I am not your problemo!" with that I took off and shifted I still have absolutely no control as we ran whatsoever over my actions as we ran past the school must have been a school day because there were a lot of people I recognize from drama class on the school yard I notice Jake my one friend so far at this school and my wolf runs over to him and finally I have control again I stand in the way of where he was walking he tried to go around me but I blocked his way he growls annoyed and snaps out "what do you want" I stick my nose in the air telling him to smell the air when he finally figures it out and does you can literally see the recognition lighting his face "Angelin!" He exclaims I nod he tells me I'm lucky I'm on the supernatural yard and he tells me I should probably shift before going to any classes I nod and run home I try to open our giant double doors yes! I can open them with my paws I walk through the hallway to my room I shift to human form grab out a new outfit and put it on then head back to school. I meet up with Jake he asks me what happened I tell him nothing we head to drama in silence we are a little late we walk in and the teacher is already taking attendance and when the door opens all heads turn to the door when they see me and Jake everyone stares then J hear a rather loud possessive growl coming from a rather pissed looking Albetros Jake looks like a deer caught in the headlights I gulp and slowly turn around to leave Albetros is fast and he blocks the door way before I can leave I say "hi" rather nervously and with a slight wave then all of a sudden I hear behind me the same person who called me an ass kisser on the first day exclaim like some people would talk to a baby "Oh my did little angel girl do something wrong!" that got Angelica mad I feel her taking over again I know this because I put the pieces together taking a seat on the sidelines speaking with Angelica's voice how Albetros asked me what my name was the first time I or rather Angelica turns around and I can hear everyone gasp we Angelica/I exclaim "Yeah do you got a problem with that!" everyone gasps again that gasping is really getting on my nerves! "okay has everyone got enough air in there lungs now no one needs more air in there lungs in a big amounts?!" Angelica asks annoyed then everyone just stares then a random person gasps again and everyone stares at them. They have bright green hair that slowly lightens to z slightly greenish white at the bottom her hair reaches her shoulder blades her skin is really pale almost paper white her eyes are a nice sea green she looks really pretty I ask her if she's done now she says almost than gasps again and I tell her I like her because she's not afraid to be different. I turn back to Albetros

he looks even more pissed off now because he was interrupted I ask him "does Mr. grumpy alpha want to talk in the the hall he huffs out the air he was holding in to make him look tougher and pulls me out into the hall once we're in the hall he growls in my ear "why did you run off and why did you come into class with Jake!" I shrug my shoulders and say Jake id like my only friend at this school "Well your are mine and don't you ever forget it!" He growls possessively in my ear making me gasp as a realization dawns on me " your jealous!" I say a little louder than I meant to and I guess the walls are thin because right after we heard some laughter coming from inside the classroom he huffs pouting all of a sudden we hear coming from the classroom doorway someone say aww that's so adorable you got Mr. Alpha pouting then we hear the snap of a phone camera taking a photo we turn yo see the green haired girl and I look over at Albetros his face had shock written all over it, it was really quite amusing. she goes back into the drama class. I silently laugh. His eyes snap to mine I quickly look away.

"Now where were we?" he asks I tell him" I was leaving to go home and you were going back into class." I then turned around and started walking away Did I just lie? Man did that feel horrible flat out lying "Yeah nice try." He says as he grabs my wrist successfully stopping me he then pulls me back while making me spin into his chest like a dance move. as I hit his chest I gasp in surprise. He then bends down and whispers in my ear you are mine and I'll help you to remember it he then bites my neck I howl in happiness? what the fudgical it hurt at first but Angelica was so excited and happy so I didn't notice the pain as much. I turn to him and look at him like he's crazy he's GRINNING! "What the FUDGEICAL did you just do!" I yell at him he shrugs and says " I think I just bit your neck." " I kinda figured that much but why the fudge would you do that!" I scream fuming "to mark you." he says in a bored tone. Never have I ever felt even half as mad as I did now how could he! mark me! What am I a piece of property I get out of his grip and ran faster than I have ever ran before I suddenly feel an unbearable pain in my neck and I collapse screaming in pain all I can think is what the gummy bears is happening and why.sudenly I'm picked up and I know it's Albetros because only he could make me have such mixed emotions while still in this much pain. The pain then subsides as he puts me in his truck. he starts driving he stays silent he seems frustrated so I leave him alone.

Then I hear Angelica she tells me =You shouldn't have run= I respond = WHAT you think I should have stayed and taken basically being called a piece of property that can be traded and sold?!?= = No DUH! You didn't let him explain! I'm sure he had a reasonable explanation for marking us now!= she screams at me = OW Your giving me a head ache and SORRY for wanting to be treated like a human being and not a chew toy!= I then cut off our connection.

I look up and notice Albetros picking me up "I have two working legs and a heartbeat I think I can walk" I he just ooks down at me and without a word walks up to the pack house oh great we're here again. I then decide that since he won't let me walk I'll try changing his mind I then make myself as hard to carry as possible this included squirming, grabbing onto nearby objects and or people, screamin, Tickling, and kicking...That was not a good idea because suddenly I feel my neck start to throb it starts hurting more and more until it becomes unbearable and I pass out

OK so I'm thinking about putting in a chapter solely Albetros POV what do you guys think? Also anyone actually competing in the cover contest my kik WAS changed to ilovetigerz98 and yes my profile pic is a white wolf on kik

Byez for now!


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