10 :go take care of your girlfriend

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Chapter Ten
go take care of your girlfriend 

3rd person pov

mina had heard about what had happened with enid and her mom and she felt horrible but she couldn't do anything about it. she also heard about what had happened with Wednesdays dad but she didn't do anything. she physically couldn't do anything and maybe she didn't want to, she tended to stay out of everyone's business.

she hated the fact that Carlos had to witness that but it was a new day and she liked that. she sat there with the others as she smiled at him and roasted her marshmallow until she heard enid and her mother talking to each other and she turned to look at them. she watched in fear or anger as enids eyes grew to have tears in them, she watched enid get up and walk away before samira looked at mina and rubbed her shoulders

"go take care of your girlfriend," samira said and mina smiled gratefully and she hugged her mom before she ran off to enid and grabbed her hand. enid turned to her and she hugged her tightly. mina rocked back before she hugged her and she ran her hand over her back as she let enid nuzzle her head into her neck and sigh.

"E, hey whats wrong? what happened?" she asked and she heard enid sniffle and sigh.

"mom wants to send me to lycanthropy conversion camp. she said that I need to wolf out, I told you all I will ever be is a disappointment to her and my family. she will never think that I am good enough" enid said and mina looked at her girlfriend and she shook her head as she held enids face and she kissed her forehead

"you will always be enough and I can promise you that you don't need to change for anyone or anything. you are a good person and you deserve a lot better than that. you will always deserve better that that" she exclaimed and enid stared her girlfriend in the eyes and she sighed

"why do you always know what to say?" enid asked and mina shrugged

"guess you can say my mom taught me well" she exclaimed and enid smiled at the girl who smiled back.

"can I meet your mom?" enid asked and mina nodded as she grabbed her hand and she led her back outside to everyone else and she walked over to her family. she saw carlos and samira sitting next to each other smiling and she led enid over to them and smiled.

"mom, carlos, this is my girlfriend enid. enid , this is my brother carlos and my mom" mina introduced and enid felt her cheeks begin to burn. she was so happy to hear the word girlfriend coming out of minas mouth about her. she never knew someone could make her so happy.

"oh enid sweetheart, mina has told us so much about you" she said and she stepped forward as she hugged enid and enid took a deep breathe. it had been long since she felt the comfort of a mother or an older women and she liked it

"you've told your mom about me?" enid asked when she pulled away from samira and looked at mina who laughed softly and nodded

"I couldn't help it, you're like the sunshine E, its hard to not talk about you" mina stated and samira smiled at the couple again.

"I'm glad that you two have each other, I know that being at this school alone isn't easy but its good that you two have each other and will be by each others side" samira said and carlos giggled.

"mommy whats a girlfriend?"  he asked and mina laughed softly with the others at the question. mina shook her head and kneeled down to make eye contact

"maybe you'll find out when you're older" she used the same excuse and he groaned out again making them all smile at the boy.

"I hate being younger then you, why can't I know everything that you do?" he asked and mina looked at samira who sighed and looked at the ground

"because you're not ready to know everything that I know but when you are and I promise you that there will be time when you are ready, I will tell you everything and teach you what you need to know" she stated and enid smiled at her girlfriend before she noticed the time and sighed. she didn't want to leave them and go back to her family, she felt at home and happy but clearly that wasn't the answer.

"its almost dinner time and I have to go back to my family" enid said and she kissed minas cheek before she walked away and mina watched.

"dinner?" carlos said and mina nodded as she let him jump on her back and she led them into the quad again. mina saw enid with her family and she watched as enid walked between her mom and dad with a hard look on her face.

she also saw serena and bianca walking in together holding hands and she smiled. truthfully she had heard everything between serena and mona just like everyone else but she liked that bianca was there for the girl and could help her.

"M" enid called and mina turned to her as she came running and mina caught her

"what's up E?" she asked and enid panted

"I told mom Im not going" she said and samira smiled as carlos did too. they were all so proud of the girl

"im proud of you E. this is a big thing" she stated and enid smiled at her as she turned to samira 

"im proud of you too enid, i don't know your mom but she should never force something on you that you don't want. good job" she said and enid smiled brightly at the women. she liked the amount of support she got from the women.

mina smiled at the girl who smiled back at her. mina was happy and calm for the moment but it could all change, she only hoped it wouldn't. but she knew it would.


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