15 :im safe enid

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Chapter Fifteen
I'm safe enid

3rd person pov

mina was confused by the plan none the less but whatever she had to do to stop things from happening and to save xavier, she was prepared for. so there she stood in the woods behind the trees as she held her own hand and waited for the signal

"who said i was alone?" Wednesday said and they stepped out from behind the stone and looked at the pair

"okay , i don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here" he said and he turned to Wednesday. Mina looked at serena and bianca who held each others hand and she smiled softly. "actually. you're coming with us" bianca said and they led him to xaviers shed. Wednesday tied him up and then bianca snapped waking him yp

"welcome back" Wednesday said

"where the hell am i?" he asked

"somewhere where no one can hear your screams" Wednesday stated

"whats with the chains?" he questioned further

"don't ask stupid questions" Wednesday said and serena sighed as she leaned her head on her girlfriends shoulder

"this is going to take forever" serena said and mina nodded as she watched serena lay her head on bianca and mina laid her head on serenas as they began to not listen to the girl and the fight.

mina hadnt been sleeping but then ajax spoke up

"enid just texted. thornhills suspicious, how long until he morphs into that thing?" ajax asked

and mina lifted her head as they all turned to him. Wednesday began to get torture things out and mina grabbed biancas hand and serenas as they left the room.

"we're leaving now" serena said and she left the room with the girls as they walked back to the school. they held each others hands and followed after each other. mina walked to her room as serena and bianca seperated from the girl

"what happened? where did you go? why didnt you tell me? you promise to tell me? how did you get back?" enid asked and mina grabbed the girls face softly as she looked at her in the eyes.

"im safe enid. thats all that matters, i promise you it was nothing" she said and she hugged the girl softly who sighed into her neck and hugged her back.

"please just tell me when you leave, i get worried you know that" enid spoke and mina nodded as she kissed the girls forehead. she held her closely and let enid feel what she needed to. she knew the girls had alot of emotions coursing through her and she knew that so she did what she did best and she was there for her. she just needed to be there for the girl.

later the next morning, mina, enid and wednesday stood in the two girls room as they helped wednesday pack up her things.

"i cant believe im actually going to miss your creepy lifeless eyes waking me up in the morning. it wont be the same without you" enid said and wednesday took a deep breathe and walked away

"so i am to assume that you will be moving in with mina or yoko? leaving me in the past" wednesday said and mina sighed

"not ever. what about you? will you forget about me and mina?" she asked and mina ran her thumb over the back of her girlfriends hand with a sad smile.

"enid... mina. the mark you two have left on me is indelible . anytime i grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow or hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed, or i see the color purple or a drawing of a siren. ill think of you" she said and mina smiled softly and nodded

"thanks. i guess" she exclaimed.

"i always believe relying on other people to be a a sign of weakness. that inevitably they would lead me to disappointment . turns out ive been the disappointment" wednesday said and mina shook her head

"are you kidding me? ive learned so much from you. part of it is admittedly criminal behavior , but... most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give. any chance youve got some sort of sneaky plan to elude weems?" enid asked

"xaviers right" wednesday began

"he usually is" mina said with a small scoff. she hated how right the boy could be but it made her proud of how right he could be.

"this prophecy cannot come true if im not here. but it kills me to leave when tyler is still walking around free" wednesday said

"if he trys anything , we have a school full of gorgons, vampires and werewolves, ready and waiting. weve got this wednesday i promise. on a good note, i got from eugenes mom , he woke up last night, maybe weems will let you drop by on the way to the station" enid said and then they heard two snaps making them turn to thing.

"i think we're all set" wednesday spoke

"thing im going to miss our makeup tutorials, and you better keep sending me moisturizing tips. stay in touch, okay?" enid said and he fist-bumped her before he got in the bag and enid looked at wednesday

"so we're gonna" enid spoke and she went to hug the girl but she stepped back and sighed. mina sighed sadly for the girl , once wednesday left the room mina turned to enid and grabbed her hand

"will you be alright?" mina asked enid and she nodded sadly. mina knew that the girl wouldnt be alright but she had to be there for her. she cared about the girl deeply. all of a sudden, her phone rang and there was eugenes face

"have you guys heard from wednesday?" he said and mina shook her head

"listen, principal weems and her went and confronted ms.thornhill but i havent heard a peep from either of them" Eugene stated

"why would they confront ms.thornhill?" enid asked

"because shes behind everything thats happened. shes the bad guy... bad owmen. shes just a really bad person" he retorted

"okay mina and i will go check out the conservatory" enid said and mina smiled at eugene before the door opened and in came thing. enid turned to the hand and stared at him as he began to talk and mina listened

"i think i know where to go come on" she said and enid nodded as she followed after mina and she led her to the nightshades library.

mina didnt know what was happening but she didnt care. it was all too much and she was tired. so very tired.


making them a trio is the best thing i couldve ever done

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