3: I didn't know it was such a crime to want to do things with you

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Chapter Three
I didn't know it was such a crime to want to do things with you

3rd person pov

the rumor got around faster then mina believed it ever could and she was shocked. she didn't believe that the rumor about someones death could get around so easily but then again, any story got around easily when someone like enid and her blog existed. speaking of enid, that's where mina and her were. in the yard, painting the boat for the poe cup

"why are you painting our boat if you're a siren and are going to be working with bianca and the others to beat us anyway?" enid asked and mina looked up at the girl with a smile

"I didn't know it was such a crime to want to do things with you, remind me next time," Mina said sarcastically and Enid felt taken aback.

"enid I'm kidding" she stated and enid smiled before the bell rang and they left to let the boat dry out. the next day , mina stood in the quad with the rest of the group as they sang the song and then they heard footsteps. mina looked up and saw Wednesday walking in , Mina  smiled and waved at the girl

" weems said you'd be stopping by. but to be honest, after your performance at the harvest festival, drama club might be more your speed" Bianca said and Mina scoffed

"after I passed out, who did you tell? the sheriff?" Wednesday asked and that's when mina noticed that everyone was staring at the two girls and she sighed. she ran a hand through her hair

" you think id trust normie cops?" bianca asked and even mina was mad, she couldn't help but agree.

the cops of jericho were assholes, they had let teenagers put fishnets in the rivers and when the sirens aka mina and the others got stuck, they laughed. the kids didn't get in trouble and mina remembered it for the rest of her life, that's why she didn't go into jericho. that's why she hated it, they were pricks and assholes who judged the nevermore kids like they wanted to be there when in reality, nevermore just made you feel less then. made you feel like everyone else when out in the real world, even though the difference was large, you didn't feel basic. mina didn't hate the school, just hated how it made her feel and think.

"I went straight to weems and let her handle it. anyway, lets get this audition over with. what are you? alto, soprano or just loco?" bianca said and everyone laughed but mina. why did she feel the need to bully someone for being different? wasn't that what the school was for? to not be bullied and to not feel different. they watched Wednesday open her mouth and saw the pianists glasses crack

"what was that?" bianca asked in confusion

" a note only dogs can hear" Wednesday said and she walked off as bianca made them sing and mina started to shimmy her shoulders with kent until the bell rang and they walked off. Mina changed her clothes before she walked to botany class and she sat down next to enid.

"hi" enid said and mina smiled at the girl softly. she felt people staring and she turned to see bianca looking at her with a knowing look and she shook her head. bianca knew that she shouldn't say anything about mina and her feelings and she wouldn't. she wouldn't do that to mina, she could never.

Mina saw Wednesday walk in and she saw her look around before xavier spoke up

"there's an open spot next to me if you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob" he said and mina could only wonder where that was coming from. her and xavier had famous parents and she knew what it was like for people to think that you came from your parents money and she almost felt bad until Wednesday sat down next to him and she smiled.

mina now watched as xavier hovered his hand over the page and made the spider come to life. she had always loved his powers, its what made him xavier, its what made him unique.

"i doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, mr.thorpe" ms.thornhill said and mina looked at her in a shocked way. anyone could or would agree that xaviers power was impressive but mina decided to keep her mouth shut and not say anything in fear of getting in trouble and facing whatever was going to be the punishment.

"admit it, you're a little impressed" xavier said to Wednesday and she slammed her hand down on the table murdering the made up spider and mina felt sad for him. he had worked hard on it but Wednesday didn't care and Mina knew that Wednesday cared about very few things so it wasn't a surprise to her in anyway.

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" ms. thornhill said and mina turned to bianca for the answer but Wednesday spoke up first

"dendrophylax lindenii" she said and mina made eye contact with enid as they saw the look in biancas eye and they grabbed each others hand.

"otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca said and mina smiled proudly of the girl. her and bianca were like sisters, they supported each other through anything and everything that's just how it worked between the two of them.

"first discovered on the isle of wight in 1854" Wednesday led on and  mina smiled proudly of her too

"very good, Wednesday. looks like you may have competition for first chair, bianca" and that's when mina got mad. she hated when someone made bianca feel less than but she couldn't say anything about it and god how she wanted to.

"Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghosts orchids greatest qualities" she continued and they all turned to Wednesday waiting for the answer.

"resilience and adaptability. its able to thrive in even the most hostile environments" Wednesday said and mina nodded along

"but its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it" Bianca retorted, mina felt the air thickening.

"usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. nothing a weedwhacker couldn't fix" Wednesday said

"you can most certainly try" bianca retorted

"are we still talking about flowers?" xavier asked and mina laughed as she nudged enid

"I was thinking the same thing" she said and enid giggled with the girl

"thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. clearly the plants arent the only carnivores in class today" Ms.Thornhill said and mina sighed

"god it has been a long day" Mina states and she leaned her head against enid who laid her head on hers.

mina wished she could stay there forever with the girl but she couldn't because the day after, they would be going against each other.

nothing would change between them and they knew that. 


mina and Bianca make my heart happy because I love Bianca so much and she deserves happiness beyond belief.

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