5: I'm glad its you im with

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Chapter Five
I'm glad it's you i'm with

3rd Person POV

when mina thought of outreach day, nothing came to mind. not the thought of fear or hatred or anger, maybe she hated going to Jericho when she was forced to, she needed therapy and a whole lot of love. Mina hated outreach day, being stared at by the normies who had nothing better to do than judge anyone and everyone who wasn't like them. She hated having to pretend and act like she didn't hate the looks or the feelings, she hated normies more then anything.

so there she was in the quad, standing beside enid as they all stared at ms. Weems and waited for her to give the announcement and then give them their assignments. Mina could only hope that she would be with enid or Bianca, anything else would be horrible and whatever they had she would be okay with.

"mina are you alright?" enid asked and mina nodded as she sighed

"yeah I'm alright, I promise" she said and then they all turned to Ms.Weems again. Mina saw Serena with Xavier and she saw the way bianca was staring and she smiled. she had never seen bianca so enthralled with someone and it made her feel human and calm.

"all students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10;00 a.m, sharp, followed by a community lunch at one. as you know, this year outreach day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by nevermore students. as representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward" Mina chuckled under her breathe softly with enid

"I got pilgrim world, what did you get?" enid asked and mina opened the letter and sighed as she read it

"uriahs heap, we're not together this year e" she said and enid sighed and nodded as she ran off to find Wednesday and Mina watched. she liked enid and she wanted to be with her to protect her but it seemed that she wouldn't be able to do that.

"so mina, where did you get?" bianca questioned and mina sighed

"Uriahs heap" she stated

"oh god good luck, is enid with you?" she asked and mina shook her head sadly and bianca sighed for her. she knew how much the sanchez girl cared for the sinclair

"no she got pilgrim world" mina sighed

"I got uriahs heap, do you need to me to give mine to her so you two can be together?" bianca asked and mina smiled as she jumped up and hugged the girl

"oh bianca that would be amazing, thank you" she exclaimed and bianca walked away to enid and mina watched with a smile. she watched them trade and enid smiled at mina who smiled back and they walked to the bus together.

they sat together and smiled as mina handed enid a headphone and they listened together. they rode to jericho. when they got out, mina and enid held hands as they walked to the bench together and they sat down.

"yes alright everyone take a seat, we have a special announcement" ms.weems said and mina looked forward to see the mayor

"welcome,welcome, nevermore academy. now, on behalf of the entire jericho community, we are so,so pleased to have you all here today. your generosity and hard work are truly outreachous" he said but no one laughed and serena felt bad for the man. just then weems stepped forward again

"okay, everyone, we'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch, enjoy" she said and then mina walked with enid to uriahs heap. they walked in together with smils on their faces as they held each others hands. 

they stood in front of a dead mouse and enid stared at in fear

"e I can assure you that it is dead" mina said and she rubbed enids shoulders as she smiled at the girl and her face.

"its still odd" enid said and mina nodded in agreement before they heard the owner

"local artist scooped that fella up right here on route 22" She said and they made eye contact with each other

"you're telling me someone actually goes out and collects roadkill and turned them into that" enid asked and mina held her hand as she rubbed her thumb over it trying to calm the distraught girl down

"can't keep them on the shelves. got a whole section dedicated to these beauties. squirrels, skunks, snakes, and my personal fave, family of ferrtes at a clambake. too cute. you two want to make yourself useful? i reckon they could use a good brush with a tangle teezer. it freshens up the fur" she said and she went to hand them brushes but enid stopped her

"maybe we can do that after, like, a an extended coffee break, right mina?" she asked and mina smiled at the girl with a nod

"yeah we'll head to weathervane. do you want or need anything?" mina asked the women

"no need to pay for that overpriced hipster swill. I'm brewing chaga. its my own blend. mushroom tea. i foraged the little buggers myself, better get teasing you're in for a treat" she said and she handed the brushes to the girl as they both stared at it and then looked at each other and sighed.

"lets just get this over with" she said and enid nodded as they smiled at each other. they were like that for a while after until a man walked in and enid walked over to help. Mina loved enid for who she was but sometimes she helped a little too much. Mina watched waiting for something to happen with him but nothing did. if it had, she would've done anything to keep enid safe and even enid knew that.

Mina stood next to two rats dressed in wedding attire and enid walked over

"oh that gives me the heebie-jeebies" she said and mina smiled softly at the words.

"I don't know, its kind of cute and sweet in a very odd , very weird way" mina stated and enid looked at her

"ya know I'm glad its you I'm with" enid said and mina blushed softly as she looked at the girl and she smiled

"I am too" mina said back and they both smiled again. Mina was happy there with enid, she liked it and she didn't want to leave but she had too at some point.

god mina hated the outside world and she would soon hate it more.


they make my heart smile

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