Chapter 9

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I took a deep breath, trying to steady my thoughts as I walked through the dimly lit corridors of my realm. The weight of Haze's words lingered in my mind, mingling with the unsettling memories of Heaven's actions. The echoes of the past, filled with betrayal and unresolved anger, reverberated through my soul.

As I entered my private chamber, the familiar surroundings offered little comfort. The flickering candlelight cast long shadows on the walls, and the air was thick with the scent of incense. I paced the room, my mind racing.

The council's outrage still echoed in my ears. I had to confront the issue head-on. Heaven's presence was a threat to the delicate balance of power in Hell. Yet, Haze's insistence that she wasn't a mistake made me question everything I knew.

A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see Victor standing there, his expression serious but calm.

"Milord," he began, "I have a report on Heaven."

I nodded, motioning for him to enter. Victor stepped inside and handed me a parchment. The document detailed Heaven's potential risks her instability posed.

"We need to proceed carefully," Victor continued. "Her presence here could either be a significant threat or an opportunity. I intend to find out which."

I studied the parchment, the lines of her condition revealing the complexity of the situation. Victor's approach seemed pragmatic, and despite my reservations, I had to admit that understanding Heaven's true purpose could be crucial.

"Very well," I said, setting the parchment aside. "You may proceed with your plan. But remember, Victor, if she proves to be a danger, we cannot afford to be lenient."

Victor nodded and took his leave, his confident stride reflecting his resolve.

I sat down at my desk, my mind returning to Haze's earlier words. "She is not His mistake," he had said. But what if she was? What if her arrival here was part of a larger, divine scheme I couldn't yet fathom?

The flickering candlelight seemed to dance with the shadows on the walls, each movement a reminder of the turmoil within me. I could sense a storm brewing, one that threatened to unravel the very fabric of my world.

With a sigh, I leaned back in my chair, trying to clear my thoughts. My gaze fell upon a small, ornate box on the shelf—a keepsake from a time before the chaos. Inside was a delicate locket, a thing I do not remember owing. It held more than what it seems. A snake crossing the black stone, its white beady pearl eyes staring back at me with deep earnest. 

Suddenly, the door creaked open again. I looked up to see Haze entering, his form barely visible in the dim light.

"Hell," Haze said softly, his voice carrying an unusual note of empathy. "I know you're struggling with this. But remember, even in darkness, there is a sliver of light."

I met his gaze, the depth of his words hitting me harder than I expected. Despite his often irritating presence, Haze had a way of cutting through the fog of my emotions.

"I'll consider your words," I replied, my voice weary. "But for now, I have to focus on the immediate threat."

Haze nodded and quietly left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. The weight of the decisions ahead pressed heavily on my shoulders, and I knew that the coming days would be crucial in determining the fate of Heaven, Hell, and everything in between.

As the candlelight flickered and the shadows danced, I resolved to confront the chaos with clarity and resolve. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: I would not rest until the truth was uncovered.



"You may proceed with your plan. But remember, Victor, if she proves to be a danger, we cannot afford to be lenient." His voice echoed in my mind as I navigated the dimly lit hallways, the shadows dancing around me like whispering ghosts.

What did I do? Why are they searching for me now? Does he remember everything?

A smile briefly lit up my face, but a nagging thought quickly dampened it. If he knew, why didn't he confront me?

The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly before me, each step echoing with uncertainty. I turned a corner, and the familiar scent of old books and leather bindings filled the air. The library. It used to be our sanctuary, a place where we shared stolen moments and whispered secrets.

I paused, my fingers brushing against the spines of the books. Memories flooded back—our laughter, our arguments, the way he would look at me when he thought I wasn't watching.

What should I do to make him— "Oomph!" I stumbled over a stone protruding from the ground, breaking my reverie.

Cursing under my breath, I pressed forward, the pain in my ankle a sharp reminder of my reality. I glanced around, ensuring no one had seen my clumsy moment, then resumed my determined stride.

As I reached the end of the hallway, I found myself standing before a large, ornate mirror. I stared at my reflection, my eyes searching for answers. Who had I become? What had I done to warrant this chase?

The memory of his touch, the warmth of his embrace, it all felt so distant now. I clenched my fists, determination fueling my resolve. I know how to make you remember me, Hell!

I made my way to the grand staircase, the intricate banister cold beneath my fingertips. The sounds of the bustling estate below filtered up, a reminder of the world I had once been a part of. I descended the stairs, each step bringing me closer to my goal.

At the bottom of the staircase, I spotted Hell conversing with a group of men, their faces stern and focused. He glanced up, his eyes meeting mine for a fleeting moment. There was something there, questions? But it was gone as quickly as it came his stern face glaring at me. Lifting my chin higher I stomped past him, moving with purpose. 

I had a plan, and nothing would deter me. I made my way to the garden, the scent of blooming roses filling the air. This was where we had shared our first kiss, where he had promised me forever.

I will ensure you don't just remember—I'll make you fall in love with me again!

I took a deep breath, the cool air calming my racing heart. I knew what I had to do. I would remind him of the love we once shared, the bond that had brought us together. No matter the obstacles, I would make him see me, remember me, and love me once more.

This was just the beginning. I would fight for our love, for our future. And I would not rest until he was mine again.

"Why are you really here, Heaven?" His voice startled me as I glanced towards him, who stood with his firm, taut body amidst the soft glowing flowers, creating a stark yet beautiful contrast against the vibrant petals.

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. The garden, once a sanctuary, now felt like a stage where the past and present collided. Silence stretched between us, thick and suffocating. His question, so simple yet laden with suspicion, created a whirlwind of emotions within me. How could he not know? How could he stand there, so composed, while my world was unraveling?

"You really don't know?" I whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of vulnerability and defiance. For the first time, I allowed my true feelings to seep through, hoping he would see the honesty in my eyes. His gaze bore into mine, intense and searching, as if he could strip away the layers of secrecy that had enveloped me.

He took a step closer, his presence overwhelming. "Who are you?" he uttered incredulously, his eyes shining with a blend of confusion and a desperate need for answers. His words cut through me, raw and piercing, exposing the fragile line between who I had become and who I once was.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. "Hell, it's me, Heaven," I said softly, my voice wavering. "The girl who used to believe in forever, the girl who you promised to love. But life happened, and we were torn apart. I made mistakes, yes, but my feelings for you have never changed."

He remained silent, his expression unreadable. The garden seemed to hold its breath, the flowers swaying gently in the nature's breeze, as if itself was waiting for his response.

"I thought you knew," I continued, my voice gaining strength. "I thought you remembered everything. But if you don't, I'll remind you. I'll make you see that what we had was real, that it's worth fighting for."

God played a crucial game in my life, I know. But him not remembering even an ounce of me? It made me doubt his love, but I can't stop here, not after what I came here for.


"We?" He muttered, his deep eyes searching mine, his face an impassive mask, devoid of any fleeting expression. Yet, he seemed paler than I remembered.

"What do you mean by 'we'?" he gritted through clenched teeth, his eyes suddenly turning red with anger, making me gasp silently at the transformation. His gaze pinned me down, freezing me in place.

I tried lifting my arm to reach for his, but a shudder passed through me as I realized the futility of the gesture. His anger was palpable, a barrier I couldn't cross.

"Hell," I whispered, a feeble attempt to make him realize the effect he had on me. His red, glinting eyes rendered me speechless, trapping me in their intensity.

"What do you know that I do not? Heaven! What is it you—"

His voice cut off abruptly, and for a moment, the silence between us was deafening. The air around us crackled with tension, each second stretching into an eternity.

"Why are you really here, Heaven?" His voice, though still harsh, held a hint of something else—desperation? Fear? It was a vulnerability I hadn't expected.

I took a deep breath, summoning all the courage I had left. "I came here for you, Hell. To remind you of what we had, of what we could have again. I know you've forgotten, but I haven't. And I can't let go."

"What is wrong with you, woman!" he growled, his soft features turning cold in an instant. The abrupt shift in his demeanor sent a chill down my spine. He snapped his fingers, and I tried to voice my thoughts, but the words died in my throat as his next action unfolded.

A sudden gust of air surged through me, knocking the breath out of my lungs. The force was overwhelming, making me dizzy. My vision blurred, and I stumbled, unable to withstand the power coursing through the room. The ground seemed to sway beneath me as I fell, a helplessness I hadn't felt in years washing over me.

I landed hard, the impact jarring. My mind struggled to regain focus, the world spinning around me. Through the haze, I saw Hell standing over me, his eyes still burning with anger, but there was something else—regret? Pain?

"Hell!" I whispered as I saw him vanishing into thin air, my lids closing on its own.

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