CHAPTER TEN, unspoken feelings dilemma

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hey kiki, how are you doing? ready for the knockouts?


honestly yeah, and i know i already said this a lot but im so thankful and honored that you gave me the playoff pass like still cant really believe it 


you earned that playoff pass kiki. you blew everyone away, so don't even think twice about it. I just gave you what you deserved 


Still feels surreal though... like, one minute I thought it was over, then BAM! You gave me another shot. I legit had tears in my eyes


Aw, come on, don't get all teary on me now, love. you deserved that moment, and I'm glad I could be a part of it.


You're seriously the best <3 And can we talk about how people are still talking about it? My notifications are non-stop. The edits, the reactions...It's wild!


That's amazing to hear! You really made an impact. All the buzz is just proof of how special your performance was. 


I'm definitely trying to. It's just so overwhelming, but in the best way. I can't wait for the knockouts, though, it'll be nice to have a little break from preforming on stage & worrying whether or not I'm gonna go to the next round  


I get that! It's been a whirlwind, but you're handling it all like a pro. probably said this a lot now but i really am so proud of you kiki  


Thanks so much! Your support means everything to me. It's been a rollercoaster, but having you in my corner makes it all worth it. 😊


I'm always here for you, love Your journey is far from over, and I'm excited to see where it takes you.


That means the world to me, knowing you're here for me makes all the difference.


i'm glad to hear that. You've been working so hard, and I'm just excited to see you shine !


 Thanks! I'm really excited too. also when you're free we should definitely hang out soon


Absolutely, I'd love that! Just let me know when you're free and we'll make it happen.


okay sounds great! i'll get back to you soon about that

Kinsley's week leading up to the Knockouts was uneventful, except for the fact that she and Niall were texting and talking constantly. Kinsley's week leading up to the Knockouts was relatively calm, but the constant texting and talking with Niall kept things exciting for her. Despite the pressure of the competition, their frequent conversations provided a comforting distraction and allowed her to feel more connected and supported. Their bond seemed to grow stronger during this time, making the otherwise uneventful week feel more special and filled with anticipation. Kinsley quickly realized her name and Niall and his new song 'Heaven' was trending on social media.

She was used to being in the spotlight because of the fact she had been on the X Factor and in the popular band One Direction, but the sudden surge of attention still caught her off guard. Kinsley had been in the public eye for years, but seeing her name alongside Niall's and his hit song "Heaven" made it feel different this time. The buzz wasn't just about her musical talent—it was about the connection people were sensing between her and Niall. Social media was flooded with fan theories, ship names, and excitement over their growing closeness.

There were rumors going around about who the song was about and that most fans theorized it was about Kinsley. They didn't bother her too much though it got her thinking. And the more she hung out with Niall, falling deeper and deeper in love with him, she was hoping and wishing this song was about her. She also started thinking about what Aurora said, about her and Niall. She was starting to think that maybe her friend was right. Maybe there was a chance that Niall felt the same way about her.

Kinsley had gone down the rabbit hole on TikTok of the theories and rumors about the new solo. The more she listened to the song, the more she realized it went along with the bond she had with Niall. And no one knew this but them, they had kissed once. They were both drunk when they were younger in their teens one night while at a party, and it had been a peck on the lips. But the song brought up those memories and feelings. Especially the lyric, "I believe, I believe, I could die in your kiss. No, it doesn't get, doesn't get better than this." It was exactly how Kinsley had felt when they had kissed that night all those years ago.

But the thought of confessing her feelings to him made her anxious. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if she ruined their friendship? What if she was misreading the signs and he didn't actually like her like that? She didn't want to take that risk. At least not yet. She wasn't ready. She needed more time. She didn't know how much longer she could keep her feelings a secret though. Especially with all the rumors and theories and seeing all the cute edits the fans had made of them. She knew she needed to tell him, but she was afraid. Afraid of losing him, afraid of rejection, afraid of what would happen next. She just hoped that when the time was right, she would find the courage to tell him the truth.

liked by simplypoppyt & others

kinsleyscott My kind of party 🎶☕  

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simplypoppyt thats some good looking coffee right there

⤿kinsleyscott @simplypoppyt its so good 

username what does this mean?? so curious though now i want coffee

username ooh are those song lyrics?? I'm so excited! You've been killing it on The Voice but I missed your solo stuff!

elorih ooh interesting, cute pjs btws 

⤿kinsleyscott awe tysm el <3 

username AHHH the tease! pretty sure this could be a hint to a song — which i need like yesterday!

username My kind of party too, if it means new Kinsley Scott music!! 🎉

username She's been quiet with solo stuff since joining The Voice—definitely seems like a solo project brewing. 🤔🎶

username she hasn't released anything in a while, so this better be worth the wait.

Niall had been nervous all week. 

His new single "Heaven," had been out for a few months now and everyone was still speculating who the song was about. And it was definitely Kinsley. Though only he knew that so far. She was the inspiration for the song. She was the person he thought of at 1am when he was at The Joshua Tree on a retreat to work on this song. When it had been time for bed, he had just started playing around on his guitar and ended up finding the perfect melody. And when his phone buzzed with a notification, he looked at it to see Kinsley was texting him. They had been texting on and off the whole day, but that moment of seeing the text from her and thinking about her helped him easily come up with the rest of the song. He had texted her goodnight, and he had fallen asleep that night, dreaming of her and her beautiful smile.

Niall couldn't stop thinking about her and their relationship. He wanted her in his life forever. That was for sure. And he would be perfectly fine with being her best friend if it wasn't for these strong feelings he has for her. He wanted more. He wanted to be the man she fell in love with and the man who would spend the rest of his life making her happy. He wanted to be the one to kiss her and hold her and make her feel special. He loves her. He knew that. And he hoped she felt the same way. He had been dropping hints for the past couple of weeks and trying to hang out with her more. At least, he thought he had been making some hints of his feelings for her. Maybe he's not as obvious as he thought he is. Maybe he should be more forward about his feelings. Though he was nervous and scared about that, he wanted to tell her. But he wasn't sure how. He didn't want to mess anything up. He didn't want to lose her. She meant too much to him.

He, of course, knew about all the rumors and theories people had about who his new solo 'Heaven' was about. It had been trending the past few weeks along with Kinsley's name. People made so many clips and videos and posts about it all over social media. The more he heard about it, the more he wondered if he should just come clean about the song's inspiration. He worried that keeping it a secret was only fueling speculation and causing unnecessary stress for both of them. The last thing he wanted was for Kinsley to be hurt or uncomfortable by the situation. He just wished people could mind their own business. If she was going to find out about his feelings, he wanted to be the one to tell her. Though, he wasn't sure if or when that was going to happen. He hadn't quite worked up the courage yet. But he hoped that he would soon. 

Because the last thing he wants is for her to find out through someone else or online. She deserves better than that. He hopes to God that he will get the courage he needs to tell her soon. Because he hates lying to her and keeping it a secret. He hopes she will accept him and his feelings. Though if she doesn't, he won't force her. He will back off and respect her wishes. But he really hopes and prays that she feels the same way about him. He has seen glimpses of those feelings and hints that she likes him too, but he isn't sure. Maybe it was all in his head. But he wants to find out. He will find out. Soon. Just not right now. Not yet.

He wanted her to know that she was the one who inspired him, that the song was about her. That he loves her more than just a best friend. But he was scared. Scared of rejection, scared of losing her. But maybe it would be worth the risk. Maybe it was time to tell her how he feels. He wasn't sure what would happen, but he was willing to take the chance. Because she was worth it.

As the day for the Knockouts approached, the nerves grew in Niall. He wanted to tell her, but he was afraid. Afraid that she didn't feel the same way, afraid that he would ruin their friendship, afraid that she would never look at him the same way again. But he had to tell her. He couldn't keep these feelings inside anymore. He had to take the risk, even if it meant losing her. He needed to tell her though. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to tell her.

The Knockouts started out great. Kinsley felt so relieved she didn't have to worry about singing for the Knockouts. She had loved the week off and hanging out with friends and family. And she was excited for tonight's performance to see the others preform and get to hang out with her fellow Playoff Pass contestants. She sat by Mary Kate, who was Blake's pick for the Playoff Pass. Mary Kate was such a sweet girl, and Kinsley enjoyed hanging out with her. She thought the blonde had such a soft and unique sound. Mary Kate definitely deserved the Playoff Pass.

"You excited?" Mary Kate asked, smiling at her.

"Definitely, Mk. It's going to be a fun night." Kinsley grinned.

"So, you've been pretty popular the past few weeks." Manasseh, Chance's Playoff Pass pick, teased her, gently nudging her. She sat by Kinsley's right side while Mary Kate was by her left.

"Really? Why?" Kinsley asked, feigning innocent as her face turned red.

"You know why. You're the girl who's supposedly Niall's new solo song 'Heaven' is about. All the rumors and theories going around on social media. Don't play dumb." Manasseh chuckled.

"Yeah, you've been trending all over social media." D. Smooth chimed in. He was the one Kelly chose to be her Playoff Pass.

"Well, it's all just rumors and theories. Nothing to get excited about." Kinsley insisted, trying to downplay it.

"Uh-huh." Mary Kate said, sounding unconvinced. "Whatever you say."

"Seriously, guys. It's just a bunch of rumors and theories." Kinsley sighs, rolling her eyes. "You shouldn't believe those."

"Oh, come on, Kins." D. Smooth chuckles. "You clearly want the rumors and theories to be true. We can tell. Plus you've been hanging out with him nonstop the past couple weeks. Getting all buddy-buddy with him. I bet you two are totally into each other."

"What? No. We're just best friends. Nothing more." Kinsley argued, her face heating up.

"Sure. And you're telling me, you haven't thought about the possibility of you two getting together?" D. Smooth challenged, raising his eyebrows.

"I mean, I can't say I haven't thought about it. But it's just not meant to be. He's my best friend, and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less." Kinsley mumbled, ignoring the ache in her heart.

"You say that now, but we all know the truth. You two are totally into each other. Just give it a shot." Mary Kate encouraged, smiling at her.

"You won't know unless you try." D. Smooth agreed, nodding.

"I'll think about it." Kinsley said, sighing.

"That's all we ask." Manasseh grinned.

They changed the subject and started chatting about the upcoming performances. When the coaches finally walked out, she couldn't help the fond smile forming on her lips at seeing Niall. As if he sensed her looking, he turned his head and met her gaze, a grin spreading across his face. Kinsley's heart fluttered as they continued staring at each other. It felt like time stopped while they looked at each other. Everything around her seemed to fade away. She was lost in his ocean blue eyes. She felt like she was drowning, and she never wanted to come up for air.

"You're so gone for him, it's adorable." Manasseh's teasing voice cut through her thoughts, and she reluctantly looked away, feeling her face heat up.

"Shut up." She mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"You two are cute." D. Smooth commented, a grin on his face.

Kinsley shook her head, ignoring them. She tried to focus on the performances instead, but her thoughts and her gaze kept drifting back to Niall. She couldn't help it. He was just so gorgeous. And when he smiled, she felt her heart skip a beat.

The rest of the night was a blur. She cheered for all the contestants, but her eyes and attention kept being drawn to Niall. And he would glance at her from time to time, a soft smile on his lips. She couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach and the blush that was always present on her face. At one point during the night to celebrate Niall and his new solo song that had been out for a few months, the show played a clip of it. Niall was so excited and happy, his face lit up and he couldn't stop smiling. Kinsley couldn't help but smile at seeing him like that, so happy and full of life. He looked over at her, a big grin on his face, and she blushed, looking away shyly.

Niall had even got on stage, recording a video of the whole crowd singing to his new song and already knowing all the words of it. He was impressed and flattered by it, and couldn't believe his luck. And the fact he noticed Kinsley singing it all as well and seeming to love it and the song, he was so proud of himself.

She had gotten a preview of the song after she had accidentally walked in on him singing the chorus. She managed to convince him to let her heart part of the new song he had been working on. They had planned for her to come to his house with takeout food for dinner. She had a spare key (just like he does with her) so she let herself in and noticed he was singing. She couldn't help but listen in and was really glad she did.

Niall was so happy everyone seemed to like his song. He was a bit disappointed Blake didn't seem to know this was his song though he wasn't that surprised. Blake acted like he liked listening to it, but when he asked if he knew what this song was, Blake was confused. Kinsley found that amusing, and she couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night. The performances were amazing, and she couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for everyone.


Thankfully Poppy made it to the next round. She was so happy for her. Poppy had improved so much since the Battles, and Kinsley was proud of her. She knew Poppy had a bright future ahead of her.

That night after the Knockouts, Kinsley found herself thinking about the conversation she had with D. Smooth and Manasseh earlier that night. Were they right? Should she tell Niall how she feels? Would she regret it if she didn't? What if she told him and he didn't feel the same way? She couldn't stop thinking about it, and the more she thought about it, the more she realized she had to tell him. She couldn't keep her feelings hidden any longer. She had to take the risk. She had to tell him....But after the Playoffs. She needed to focus on that first before telling him. But the more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. She couldn't wait to tell him, but she also was scared. Scared of rejection, scared of ruining their friendship, scared of the unknown. She couldn't get her hopes up though. She had to prepare herself for the worst. But she had to tell him, she just hoped everything would turn out alright in the end.

Meanwhile, Niall was dealing with his own feelings. Every time he looked at Kinsley, he was reminded of why he wrote "Heaven." She was his muse, the girl who had always been there for him, who had unknowingly captured his heart. He had been dropping hints, but now he wondered if he had been too subtle. Should he be more forward about his feelings? Would that help her realize his intentions? Or would it just make things awkward between them? He wasn't sure, but he knew he had to do something. He couldn't keep hiding his feelings for her any longer. The more time passed, the stronger his feelings grew, and the harder it became to keep them hidden.

As the night of the Knockouts progressed, his gaze often found its way back to her, each glance filled with unspoken emotion. He felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as he saw her reaction to his performance and the song. It was clear that Kinsley was an important part of his life, both professionally and personally. The energy between them was palpable, and every moment they shared only seemed to intensify his feelings. He was determined to let her know how he felt, even if it meant risking their friendship. Because she was worth it. And he wasn't giving up on her without a fight.

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liked by tashajessen & others

kinsleyscott Family photo from an unforgettable night! Proud of everyone for their incredible performances during the knockouts! Can't wait for the playoffs!! #teamniall #dreamteam 

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elorih  You all were amazing last night! cant wait to see you preform in the playoffs kins you're gonna be awesome!!

officallyfelixh Congrats to everyone on Team Niall! can't wait to cheer you all on during the playoffs!

aurorahh Such a great night! You all performed so well. Can't wait to cheer you on in the playoffs, Kinsley! 🎉💕

simplypoppyt Even though we're on different teams now, I'm still cheering you on, Kinsley, gonna do great in the playoffs ❤️

tashajessen Such an epic night! Proud of everyone on Team Niall.

⤿kinsleyscott @tashajessen love you so much tash <3

⤿tashajessen @kinsleyscott right back at you girl <3

michaelbsinging couldn't be prouder & happier to be part of Team Niall ❤️

ross_clayton So pumped for what's next. Let's kill it in the playoffs!

ginamilesofficial So proud of everyone tonight! love you all <3

⤿kinsleyscott love you too g <3 

⤿ginamilesoffical 💕

username team niall for the win !! 

username love all of you so much omg

username so excited for the playoffs!!

its_ryleytate love my team niall family so much 

⤿kinsleyscott me too ❤️

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