CHAPTER THREE, a surprising visitor

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tagged niallhoran 

liked by simplypoppyt & others 

kinsleyscott so excited & honored to be on my best friend's team <3 ready to win the voice with his coaching! 

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i couldn't be more excited to have the incredible kinsley scott on my team! can't wait to work together again <3

⤿kinsleyscott @niallhoran same goes to you nialler <3 

simplypoppyt screaming, crying, throwing up bc i get to be on team niall with you. also where is the photo credit?? @kinsleyscott

⤿kinsleyscott lol oops. photo cred: @simplypoppyt. there you go <3 so happy to be on the same team with you too, pops! 

username kinsley & niall together again yay !

username team niall for the win!

aurorahh so happy for you bestie! that hoodie looks so comfy btws

⤿kinsleyscott @aurorahh tysm rory <3 it really is so comfy, i love it

griffinscott you can thank me for signing you up with money, sis

⤿kinsleyscott @griffinscott haha, thanks bro

username congrats kinsley, so happy you're on the show!!

username super excited!!

officallyfelixh yess that's my friend! so talented! go team niall!!

_lorelaiscott_ sweetheart so happy for you! had a feeling you would pick this team haha, love you <3

⤿kinsleyscott @_lorelaiscott_ love you mom <3

elorih girl, you're for sure gonna go all the way to the top !! love you !

⤿kinsleyscott elorih love you too !

username still think she shouldn't be on the show. cause isn't she already famous??

⤿username @username people who were famous have went through the show before! if you're gonna be a negative nancy then there's the door 👉🚪

username dont really get the hype with her

⤿username @username then why would you comment if you dont like her??

harrystyles don't listen to the haters, love, you're gonna kill it, kins! Go win this thing! <3

⤿username @harrystyles omg harry!

⤿username @username I love how Harry always supports Kinsley! Their friendship is everything!


Later that night, Kinsley was at her apartment, laying on the couch with a bowl of ice cream and a movie playing on the tv. It was one of her favorite things to do. It was peaceful and relaxing. She enjoyed it. She had a lot of fun today. And it was a bit nerve wracking but she knew that was to be expected. She had just auditioned for The Voice and she got not one but all four coaches to turn for her. That was a pretty big deal. She had no idea if she would make the cut or not though. All she could do now was wait.

Her dog, Roxy, was laying on her stomach while her kitten, Milo, laid on her legs. She couldn't help but smile down at her two little babies, loving how adorable they were. She had been so surprised they got along so well. Roxy was a husky/lab mix, and she was almost three years old. Milo was a Maine Coon cat, and he was two years old. He was a bit smaller than the average size. Both of them were her little babies. She couldn't ask for better animals. She loved them more than anything. Kinsley had gotten Roxy when she was a puppy and had gotten her not long after her dad died. She was the only thing that kept her happy and helped her feel less alone. It was her first step into getting her life back together after he passed away. 

Roxy was always there for her when she needed someone, and she couldn't have asked for a better companion. She had actually found Milo on the side of the road in a box with the rest of his litter. He was the last kitten left. All of his brothers and sisters had already been taken. He was so small and he was shivering. His blue eyes had stared up at her with such an innocent look. Kinsley's heart immediately went out to him. So, she decided to take him to a vet. After finding out that he was okay and that he would be fine, she took him home and he had been with her ever since then.

Kinsley couldn't help but smile a little to herself. She had such a good day. She was happy and proud of herself. She couldn't believe that she was actually going to be on The Voice. It was a dream come true. When her phone went off, she picked it up and smiled at the text she got from Niall.


The looks on the other coaches' faces when you picked me were priceless! I'm so glad you picked me though, I can't wait to get started with you! I'm so proud of you, Kiki. I'll see you soon, love. Xx

Kinsley chuckled, rolling her eyes a little at his message. Of course, he would be smug about her picking him. That was just like Niall. She would expect nothing less from him. However, his compliment made her cheeks heat up a little bit.


You're so smug! I'll admit, I'm glad I picked you too. You've taught me so much, I can't imagine having anyone else as my coach. I'm excited too! Thanks Ni, I'm proud of myself as well. See you soon, Nialler. xx

She put her phone back on the table, shaking her head at him. She couldn't help but think that he was an absolute dork. But, she would be lying if she said she wasn't excited to work with him. He was really talented and she knew he would be a great coach.

Her phone went off again and she glanced at the screen. A smile immediately broke out on her face. She quickly opened the message.


I know you're still awake, Kiki. Just wanted to ask can I come over?

The unexpected text made her raise her eyebrow in confusion. Sure, Niall always came over to hang out, but she didn't expect him to come over tonight. She wasn't complaining though. It would be nice to spend some time with her best friend. She wasn't sure what made him want to come over though. But she would be more than happy to have him over. She quickly typed out a reply and hit send.


yeah, of course. you're always welcome here. :)

She watched the little dots dance on the screen as he typed, her stomach flipping nervously. She didn't know why she was so nervous. There was no reason for her to be. They were just going to hang out and talk like they usually did.


Thanks, love. I'll be there soon.

A soft smile appeared on her face as she read the message, her heart skipping a beat at his pet name. He always called her "love" and she had gotten used to it. However, every time he did, her heart did a little flip. She wasn't exactly sure why. She didn't want to think about it though. She put her phone down and continued watching the movie. About ten minutes later, there was a knock on her door. She carefully moved the animals off her body and went to the door, but Roxy beat her to the door with a happy bark. She knew Roxy could probably tell Niall was there. He always brought treats with him and Roxy loved treats.

She chuckled at Roxy and followed her over to the door. She opened the door, smiling at Niall, who was leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face.

"You came." Kinsley teased.

"You doubted that I would?" He raises his eyebrows, walking into the apartment. But he didn't get far because Roxy immediately tackled him, licking his face. "Aw, I've missed you too, girl. I'm so sorry I haven't been around, I'm the worst. Oh, yes I love you too, and I love you." He spoke to the dog in a baby voice. 

Kinsley closed the door behind her, chuckling as she watched him talk to her dog like she was a person. Suddenly a loud meow is heard and it sounded annoyed. Milo walked over to Niall, and he doesn't seem amused. He then walked away from Niall and into the living room where he jumped up onto the couch and glared at the man.

"And I've missed you, buddy." Niall laughed, looking at the cat with a smile.

Kinsley rolls her eyes, but had a smile on her face as she sat on the couch. "He thinks you betrayed him cause you went to Roxy first."

"Okay, in my defense she tackled me." Niall chuckles. "I'm sure Milo will forgive me, right? Yes, I know. I'm your favorite." He spoke in the baby voice again, walking over to the cat and scratching him under the chin. Milo meowed in content, his eyes closing happily. Kinsley shook her head with a smile, her heart warming at the sight. Niall was really good with her pets, and they adored him. And the feeling was mutual. It was adorable to watch him interact with them.

"Alright, that's enough. Go cuddle your mother." He smirked, picking up the cat and putting him in Kinsley's lap. Milo gave him a glare before settling on her lap and curling up. Kinsley scratched behind his ear, chuckling a little at her cat's actions. Niall sat next to her, and Roxy hopped up on the couch and put her head on his lap, staring at him with those cute brown eyes. She loved getting attention and didn't mind begging for it. Niall immediately gave it to her, scratching behind her ears. Roxy's tail wagged in response, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"So, what brings you over here? It's almost midnight." Kinsley asked curiously, turning her attention back to Niall.

"Can't I come hang out with my best friend?" He raises his eyebrow, smirking at her. "I just wanted to see you, Kiki. Is that a crime?" He teased.

"No, it's not. You know I love spending time with you. I just figured you were busy or something. I don't mind, though. I'm happy you're here." Kinsley assured him, her cheeks heating up slightly. Niall nodded, giving her a warm smile.

"I'm happy I'm here too. And no, I wasn't busy. I just wanted to hang out with you. How was your night, love?" He asked, resting his head on her shoulder. She felt her heart skip a beat and she mentally scolded herself for being so affected by such a simple action. She was used to Niall's affection. They were best friends. There was no reason for her heart to race when he was just sitting next to her.

"It was good. I've been laying here watching a movie with my babies." Kinsley replies with a soft smile as she looked at her two animals. "Yours?" She questioned, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, her hand coming up to run her fingers through his hair. She didn't realize what she was doing. It was just a habit. But Niall didn't mind. In fact, he liked it.

"Mine was good too. I was just hanging out at home. I've just been thinking about a lot." Niall shrugged, a little bit of pink appearing on his cheeks.

"Oh, yeah? About what?" She raised her eyebrows. She wasn't sure why Niall was blushing, but she wanted to know.

"You. The fact that you're going to be on The Voice soon, and how that makes me feel." He answers honestly. "It means a lot to me that you picked me out of the other coaches. It really does." He added, looking at her with a soft expression. Kinsley felt her heart melt at his words and the look he gave her. She smiled softly, shaking her head a little.

"It means a lot to me that you turned around, Ni. I mean, I figured you would, well, I hope you would since we're best friends, but I still had some doubt. The fact that you did though, it means everything. It makes me feel better knowing that you're going to be my coach. I couldn't have picked a better one. Even if you're an idiot." She teased him, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Hey, I resent that. I'm not an idiot." He pouted, crossing his arms. Kinsley chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." She giggled, nudging his shoulder lightly. Niall rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. He knew she was just joking around. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She leaned into his side, moving her hand from his head to wrap her arm around his waist. She was comfortable, and she couldn't deny that she enjoyed the warmth that was radiating from him.

"Wanna watch another movie?" Kinsley questioned, noticing the movie she had been watching was over now.

"Yeah, sure. Only if I can get some of that ice cream. And no, not the mint chocolate chip. We all know that's yours." He teased her, knowing she was particular about her mint chocolate chip ice cream. He would never dare touch her stash. He knows she has a secret stash of it in her freezer.

Kinsley grins and nods, standing up and walking over to the freezer. She grabs his favorite and grabs a spoon. "Want a bowl or just eat it out of the container? I've been eating it out of the container." She sheepishly admitted. Niall chuckled and shook his head. He wasn't surprised by her actions.

"Container is fine. You know I don't care." He replies and she nods in response with a small smile. She walks back over and sat next to him, handing him the ice cream and the spoon. "Thank you, Kiki." He murmured, leaning over to kiss the side of her head.

A warm smile made its way to her lips, her heart fluttering at the sweet action. "You're welcome. What movie do you wanna watch? Or we can watch a show." She added, glancing at her animals to check on them. Milo had gotten off her lap when she had got up to head to the kitchen, now he was sleeping on the other side of the couch. Roxy was still sleeping on the floor with her head on her paws.

"I don't care, you can pick." He told her, digging his spoon into the ice cream and putting a spoonful in his mouth.

Kinsley nods and grabs the remote, looking through Disney + for a movie. After a few minutes, she picked a movie and turned it on. Niall wasn't surprised at all that she picked a Disney movie. She had always loved them. When they were kids, they had always watched Disney movies together. It was a tradition they had.

The two of them spent the rest of the night watching the movie, eating ice cream, and enjoying each other's company. It was a perfect night and neither of them could have asked for a better one. By the end of the night, they both were passed out on the couch, the tubs of ice cream put away and spoons in the sink. Milo had got back to sleep on Kinsley's lap while Roxy remained on the floor. The TV was the only source of light, the credits playing. Kinsley was leaned into Niall's side, her head on his chest. Niall had his arm wrapped around her, keeping her close to him and his head was leaned back against the couch.

Neither of them knew that in the coming months, they would be much closer than ever before. But they were excited to take this journey together. They couldn't wait to see what would happen. They were sure it would be a ride, and a wild one at that.

tagged niallhoran

liked by niallhoran & others 

kinsleyscott gotta love late night movie nights while eating ice cream with your best friend <3

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niallhoran Best night in ages! Can't wait for more movie marathons and ice cream sessions with you, Kiki!

⤿kinsleyscott same goes to you nialler <3 

username imagine being best friends with niall horan

⤿username @username imagine being best friends with kinsley scott 

⤿username @username dont know which one i'm jealous of 

aurorahh can I crash the next movie night? I'll bring extra snacks! 🍿🎬

⤿kinsleyscott @aurorahh heck yeah, for sure! we'll make it a sleepover! 🥰 

username goals! I need friends like you guys!

username so cute

A/N ugh niall & kinsley i love you so much

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