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As usual the day was going on with full energetic mood. It was the morning time as by the passing minutes the employees were entering in the office. Taking their respective seats they began their works as usual with full concentration and dedication. Everyone's face was stuck in the computers.

There on the side, a handsome man was standing near the cabin. He was checking over the file as they were having a meeting and he had done the presentation needed. His clean shaved cheeks with well set hair and the style of dressing was enough to leave the girls around him drooling.

He finally closed the file and huffing over his breathe walked out of their towards his desk. Once taking the seat he drank some water and relaxed himself taking off the blazer.
His palm rolled the sleeves up adding up the spices to his hotness.

"How was the meeting?"

"Which meeting? It got cancelled at last moment, After lot of effort I had made the presentation and now in last moment this happened! I am pissed of this!!" Ritvik's huffing voice came as he continued drinking the water from his water bottle.

"It's okay, don't be sad. Check this file, boss has asked for it! See if everything is fine." Ritvik's friend vishal told him as placing the file over his desk he nodded positively.

Once after finishing the re-checking he leaned backward on his chair. His head moved sideways as leaning little more back his sight took the view of a certain someone. Hie tired face automatically changed energetic as he smiled sweetly yet a smirk was adoring over the fair face. He checked here and there then moulded his lips and whistled with low sound not wanting to disturb others.

The person whom he was approaching titled her head as she showed an irritated expression but later seeing his face it turned to the same smile he had on his face. She smilingly shook her head and again concentrated at her work.

"Shhh shh!!" Ritvik made voices but instead of her a other girl behind him began blushing as if he was doing that for her. She looked at him with shy smile as he nervously showed a zipped lip smile. "Sneha, My dear sister, why are you staring at your brother? Do you work, dear!" His statement almost twitched her face and she glared him sharply before going back to her work.

His ears stood up hearing the giggling voice as he turned back to her and made a grumpy expression. 'Iss krisha ki bacchi ko toh!'

Krisha pulled out her tongue and teased him giggling but not making any sound. She swiftly tugged her hair behind her ear then signed on few papers and attaching them to the file gave it to her friend who was waiting for it. They exchanged smiles and then her friend went!

Krisha's attention diverted as she felt something collapsing with her, turning her head she saw a paper ball near her leg and then directed towards it's owner. It was none other than ritvik who later winked at her earning a sharp glare, she lowered her eyelashes, trying not to smile over his silly but lovely gestures. She again lifted them to look at him and was wide eyes surprised with his next gesture. Ritvik was waiting for her look only, as soon as she lifted her eyelids he pouted his lips showing her a expression like kissing her.

She made a stern face and showed her palm to him in a manner to slap him 'Let me do my work or else I will kill you.' She threw her words towards him in the gesture.

He placed his palm over his chest near the heart and leaned backward on chair 'You have already killed me now what is remaining?'

His fire replies pissed her as throwing back the paper ball at him she greeted her teeth and warned him last time before going back to her work.
There ritvik chuckled as he picked the paper ball then opening it, wrote something over it. He fisted it tightly and targeted towards her, which straightly went and fell on her lap. She glared at the paper then at him, but no effect as he threw the same sheepish smile and pointed his finger at the paper to open it.

She opened it and saw a heart drawn and beside it 'I love you' was written in his beautiful handwriting. She smiled but soon hid it. Looking at him she firstly smiled very sweetly and then brining the paper tore it. He greeted his teeth and twitched his nose.

"Brother, what are you doing? Do your work atleast in office! Play this catch and throw game later! " Ritvik heard his friend sumit mocking him in teasing tone, he ignored then passing a seductive wink to her he bite his lips and told..... "Doing my work only! Most important work! How can i ignore it. Iye kaam nahi kiya toh kya hi kiya!" He smirked looking at her as their sweet gestures continued...


Soon packing their works they all got up for having their lunch after few tiring hours. Unlike others krisha and ritvik's story was something different. Krisha was standing at the corner when suddenly he held her wrist and pulled her inside the store room. She gasped little but then relaxed seeing those brownish orbs, which had snatched her sleep. She gasped one more time when he pulled her and brought deadly closer to him. She raised her head and looked into his eyes which were only reflecting mischievousness.

"What is your problem? Why have you brought me here? Leave me, someone will see us!" She chided punching on his arms but only if he would leave her easily.
Ritvik's head bent over her neck as he attacked there and began sucking and biting on her neck below the linning of dress so that none will be able to understand about it.

Krisha's palms moved up from his palm as she clutched over his shirt biting her lips to control herself from making any voices which could distract everyone's attention at them. Ritvik gone more boldly with it as he slipped his arms from both sides of her legs and picked her up wrapping her legs around his trouser. He pinned her to wall and dug his face over her cleavage, nibbling over it, seducing her further more.

She tugged his hair and pulled him closer hiding her own face on his neck while roughly biting on it leaving a dark purple mark there. He moaned on her skin as she sucked on the same place again and again.

"Ritvik!!" A deep cosy moan left her mouth as he stopped his work and pulled back. He carefully settled her over the table and looked in her eyes.

"I am hungry! Now leave me!" Krisha voiced and tried to take her hands back but only if he would leave her easily.

"I have an idea to satisfy your hunger." His deep husky voice rang in her ear drums as she understood the mischievousness behind his words. She glared him as he licked his lips staring at her soft ones. Joining their heads together he slammed the rough pairs with her soft rose petal ones.
Krisha struggled to protest but he didn't leave any chance causing her to give up and loose herself in his charms. She smiled through the kiss, again wrapping up her arms around his neck shifted more closer to him which resulted her chest to collapse against his well toned muscular chest. Ritvik rubbed his palms back and fro through her back in a soothing manner as later it made way inside her top creasing her bare back, spreading chills through out her senses.

He moulded his lips with hers deepening the kiss more. Tasting her fully and drowning into her that he couldn't remember about anything but hers.

Krisha too sank into the moment as taking her love in her arms and being loved by him was the thing she couldn't get over of.
Soon after few seconds they parted ways, panting heavily with joined heads. His eyes closed as he could feel the mixing of breathes. A smile graced over them as he felt the possessive arms of his love tightening around his neck. He opened his eyes and earned a sweet smile on the cheek. His heart skipped as she did the same with another one too, peppering his face with kisses.

"I love you!!" He whispered and gave her a light kiss over those slightly swollen lips.

"I love you too!" She replied and pulled back. Ritvik held her hands and shook his head as she looked at him with questions. He just ignored them and neatly adjusted her top as he had pulled it little down from the shoulder. He took out his handkerchief and wiped the smudged lipstick from corner of her lips.

"Now you can leave!"

"First creates the mess and later clean it by yourself! What's the logic?" She spoke up noticing his habit of setting her outfit perfectly everything they make out of got intimate. He grabbed her arms and pulled her closer. His eyes sparkling with admiration with which he was checking her.

"Who will do if I won't? I have the only right to admire you and touch you! All rights reserved to me! No one have the gut or permission to see what I have seen. So, miss.tow__ okay okay! Miss. Krisha......I have restored what I had done now your turn." He changed his words getting few sharp glares from her.
Something clicked in his mind, he smirked then sinking his palm in the pocket brought out a pen. He gazed at her with an unknown emotion as krish too was confused by that look. She narrowed her eyebrows questioning him but he ignored her and bent closer. His eyes staring at her lips as she thought he will again kiss her.....but he didn't as he leaned forward, asiding her hairs little away from the back of neck he wrote his name there over her skin!

"What are you doing? What have you wrriten?" She questioned ones he came back.

"My name's stamp, sweetheart! It means this sweet lady belong to The Ritvik Kashyap only! In simple, 'Yeh maal apun ka hai'!" Krisha shook her head and giggled. She pulled him by wrapping her arms around his neck and then hugged him. He pecked over her head smilingly.

"Okay, see this!" Once pulling back he said diverting her attention and pointing his finger at his cheeks which were slightly coloured with her lipstick.

Krisha giggled seeing them as taking the handkerchief she wiped the marks, with time pecking over their again.
He sweetly smiled as they exchanged lovely gestures before leaving the store room without coming in anyone's sight.

"Hey krisha? How are you going to home? I can drop you if you are alone." Krisha turned around as someone approached her.

"Thank you so much, shreya but i will manage! Actually I have some work, so i will directly go home after finishing it." She sweetly replied as her friend nodded and left from there. Krisha packed her files then checking his desk she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Now where he has gone? He was coming to home, right?" She thought and checked her mobile to get his message popped over the screen. "Oh, waiting in parking!"

Krisha and ritvik together entered in her apartment as putting their bags down they both sat on the couch. She threw her arms around his neck then sitting on his lap dug her face in the crook of his neck. He too circled his arms over her waist rubbing there soothingly.

"Umm___i love you!" She confessed resting her cheek on his shoulder with closed eyes.

He pecked over her head, then lifting his palm rested it over her cheek. "I love you too! So much love today! Sometime ago you were running away from me, right? what happened suddenly?" She punched on his chest as he winced gigglingly.

"Don't be over-smart! It's my choice to do whatever and whenever I want! Now shut your sweet mouth or I will eat it." She warned with her cute face forming a stern expression. Ritvik pretended to be scared but later both started laughing. He brought her nearer and stayed in each other's embrace for some time.

Ritvik's phone started ringing as they both looked aside at it. She picked up the mobile and then showed him. "It's Hrithik's call!"

"Why this monkey is calling now?" He muttered and then took it.
After hanging up the call ritvik hurriedly got up. "Anything urgent?"

"Nothing, there is a cultural program in his college! He has to buy some stuff that's why calling me. I will come tomorrow." He stated as she smiled and nodded.

Ritvik kissed on her forehead before biding a bye to her as she too waved her hand and soon he disappeared from there.........


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