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The night turned darker than before. His stomach growled which indicated him to consume something. He was feeling a light headache which was the result of staying hungry for half of the day and now it was mid-night. 

The thought made him realise that she too hadn't have her dinner. Why will she when everyday he made her shed tears?

He was feeling enough of everything. He was tired of this cruelty he was showing on her. Everyday by any mean he breaks her heart and then overthink on every fucking thing.

Just forget everything! You need to give a chance to your happiness. Leave this hatred and move on for your love. Let the love win over hate.

His heart suggested and a tear slipped from the corner of his eye. He immediately wiped it off, it was strange. He never shed tears normally, yeah sometimes when he over drink but never in the normal condition.

It proves that you too are carving for love!

Again it was his heart but the mind adviced the opposite.

Atleast don't starve her for food, for the sake of humanity left in you.

He felt the urge and got up leaving for the kitchen. While passing from the corridor his ears sensed the soft sniffles and his heart clenched at the familiar voice. Who else it will be other than her.

He changed the direction and stepped towards her room. Yeah, they don't live in a same room. He made her stay in a small room at the apartment to give her pain and made her realise her position in his life.

The room was much small than his one, there was a single bed, a small balcony and some space left other than few furniture.

He came back to present and made sure than the door didn't make any voice. Reaching to the bed he saw her back facing him and the covers were on half of her body.

She was shivering not due to coldness but due to the over crying and nightmares she was nowadays frequently getting.

'He is like a brother to me!'

Her words printed in his mind as he couldn't help but feel guilty. But the thing he couldn't understand is why his claims affect her? She did wrong and yet it pains her like she never had done anything. Like she never left him for money, for someone else! Yeah he is doing wrong but she didn't do less. She had given him the biggest wound one could ever give to anyone.

But everytime he sees her this condition, his heart feels everything useless. Nothing matters to him more than her.

She again hiccuped between the soft and silent sobs. His attention diverted to her as he got over his knees and overstretched his trembling palm to her.

There krisha who suddenly smelt his perfume got alerted. She sensed that he was close to her and wiped off her tears.

Deciding to face him she got up with a jerk and her puffy eyes caught the concern and fear of his face. She gulped down her tears and looked anywhere but him.

"Yo_you_need anything!"

He didn't pay a heed to her question and silently stood up on his place. His eyes scanned through her face as her puffy red swollen eyes, red nose and dried tears printed on her fair cheeks didn't go unnoticed from his sight.

He sighed and inhaled a deep breathe while closing his eyes and again focused on her.

At that moment he was clueless, he doesn't know what to say.

Before, they never had to do any efforts to talk, they had something to share with each other but now the situation was it that they couldn't have a normal conversation too. It's always an argument.

At the same time he didn't want to behave so nicely with her as he can't let her take advantage of his goodness again. He decided to go in his own way.

"As you are my employee also the project head so i need your time for my benifit. I don't want to extend the timeline of this project by any mean."

She confusingly gazed at him. "I_i didn't get it!"

"Do you want to fall sick by waking up whole night and staying hungry? I am warning you in advance that I don't like it when it's related to my work."

His words just saddened her heart. He still cares for his work but not her.

"I'm not hungry!" She mumbled back trying to lay back, only to pulled off by him.

He carefully dragged her out in the dinning room, then making her sit before him he went inside the kitchen. Once heating up the food he served for both of them.

"I won't bear this everyday. It's the last time I'm showing an ounce of care for you but remember only for my benifit." He snapped still with clenched jaw and flippering nostrils.

She didn't lift her head and focused on her food. Though he was behaving coldly to hurt her but she could read his eyes very well.

The way his eyes we're again and again shifting on her injured arm and face was exactly telling her that he cares for her. He still have that old ritvik alive in him who loves her and cares for her.


It were the working hours. After finishing the hectic meeting he entered in his cabin and throw back his head on his chair getting over tired.

"So you came finally!" He groaned at the voice and left a dragger by his look.

"What else will i do when I have useless people in my company just like you?" 

"Well, I'll take it as a compliment Rituuu__" Prem stretched his name and ritvik's face was a sight to see.

"Fuck off!"

"Okay leave this and have coffee!" He stretched out the mug. Ritvik glared at him and didn't respond to his approach.

"What man? You have a wife to give this romantic looks and don't think anything unholy about me. I have a wife and a kid too__"

"Will you shut up or I should kick you out from here?" He bitterly smiled sealing his lips. Prem twitched his nose and put the coffee mug on desk.

"By the way, aren't you both planning for honeymoon? I mean it's okay you didn't arrange a proper wedding but atleast take her out somewhere. She deserves it man!"

He suggested sipping on his coffee while ritvik gave him an uninterested look. "I don't have time to waste. Take your wife and that irritating kid to honeymoon."

"I used my power and formed a kid but you are yet to do anything. Listen to me, act or it will rust!"

He threw dragger with his eyes knowing what exactly he hinted.

"Get the fuck out of here!!" He snapped at him only to earn a heartful chuckle from prem.

Sometime passed as krisha entered in the cabin. She was still upset with him and so avoided him as much as possible. Her unusual behavior wasn't tolerable for him, he didn't like when she ignores him.

She smiled at prem who in returns gave her a side hug.

"Isha and ishaan are coming tomorrow. I really want you to help me for arranging everything for them. I am confused with the apartment. Please help me out!" He voiced out the tension as she sat beside him and asked.

"What confusion?"

"Till now I was staying in hotel but now they both are coming and I want a safe environment for both. Ishaan is very naughty, he can't stay in a single room for whole day. I need atleast 3bhk apartment." 

She lifted her eyes to look at him and he was already staring at her. Feelings his gaze she shifted a little away from prem but didn't show up. Ritvik noticed it and took away his gaze. He felt it wrong.

Yeah, he doubted her but after her explanation he left that there itself. He isn't a jerk to behave unnecessarily. Whatever he did and does to her has proper reasons.  And about prem then he left that topic. She didn't has to get conscious and fear from him.

Still with a smile she scrolled throw the site which prem was showing her.

"This one is beautiful! Isha will like it. And big enough for ishaan to roam around." Her eyes sparkled up at ishaan's mentions. How much she used to demand for their own child before ritvik but now she has to satisfy her emotions by playing with other children only.

Ritvik's eyes didn't miss the spark in hers. His own lips curved in a smile as he reminded how they used to banter over this topic. It was her favorite topic and the most irritating one for him.

"Thank you so much! You are the best unlike this useless moron. He just hate my kid so much." Prem dramatically stated and in returns got a blank look from ritvik.

Thanking her again he left the cabin to arrange everything for his wife and kid.

Just after him krisha too got up and decided to leave as it was time to get back home. She glanced at ritvik but as usual he was not interested in her.

"Where are you going?"


"Then go to the parking, I'm coming there!" She smiled and nodded, atleast he considered her.


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