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A completely shocked ritvik was standing on his place being stoned on the floor. His mind had stopped proceeding far back and his heart beats getting faster like the next moment it will jump out breaking the cage of his ribs. Ritvik was more than overwhelmed after seeing her. His eyes full of tears as the pain had came out and in no way it will remain hidden to alone himself.

Krisha somehow smiled within her tears. She stepped near him and held both of his palms in hers. She was very hurt before but now everything had faded away and she could remember only her love. She pecked on his palms and immediately hugged him. Ritvik felt her touch real and his arms wrapped around her possessively.

He hid his face in her hair and cried out his fear and pain. Both of them lost in each others arms after a far long time.

After few minutes they parted away. Ritvik didn't leave her and cupped her face in his hands kissing her forehead while still checking if she was real Or not.


"You are real, right? You really came to me? Am I dreaming krisha?" Ritvik's questions made her guilty. How much she had made him suffer in just a week! How will be his condition if they separated? And how will she live if something like that happened? This one whole week had tested them and their love with lot of hardships. They had faced the end level pain and fear that even the though of separation was trembling their hearts badly.

Krisha held his strong muscled arms and leaned forward sealing his lips with hers. She didn't deepened the kiss just kept her soft pairs on his rough ones in a manner to calm him down.

Ritvik's eyes closed as the stings of tears flowed down his fair clean shaved cheeks. Krisha's palms reached wiping them as she parted away and smiled kissing on his cheek. She took the soft end of her drape and cleaned his handsome face which was little covered with tears.

Still looking at her face he sniffled. He was still unable to belive but her touch, her presence and her peaceful appearance had made him believe that she was real and they were both together in each other's arms. Ritvik hugged her one more time pecking over her hair.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!" She whispered back looking deep into his brown orbs.

"How do you come here? Did you tell your parents? And why I don't know anything? I_i am confused!" Ritvik voiced out being clueless. Krisha shook her head and decided to explain him.

"I didn't know that it's your home. Mumma, papa and I had come to meet the boy's family with whom they had decided my marriage but after coming here I came to know that it's you. That's all I know the rest is still unfolded." She narrated her side story. Ritvik was clueless as even he didn't know anything and also he had refused to see the picture when his father was showing. Definitely that's the root of all confusion, if he had seen it already then maybe the story would have different but whatever it was now he was happy and satisfied.

He glanced at her face and pecked on her cheek with love filled gesture. Krisha blushed and hugged him one more time in a manner to fill the gap of whole week. She had suffered more in the whole week without him and at that time she only needed him, her love.

"I love you and I'm sorry. I always ignored you, because of me our relationship was on the verge to break. Please forgive me for being an irresponsible and stupid man." Hearing him krisha stared at him and held his face in her palms.

"Even I am sorry. It's was never you alone, I also reacted like an typical overreacting woman. I should have understood your problem." He shook his head not wanting to hear anything against her. At last accepting each other's fault they cleared their problem. Both the love birds smiled out of happiness as ritvik pressed his lips on her head while his thumb rubbing on her soft skin fixing the curly hair strand of hers which was avoiding his vision to admire her beautiful face. Krisha chuckled and intentionally pulled it over her face troubling him as always.

"You didn't show me your room." She suddenly spoke out looking here and there. Ritvik tugged her wrist and dragged her to the cupboard, sliding the door he pushed all his clothes on side and showed her something which left krisha with her mouth opened and eyes widened. She snapped at him as a charming smile shined over his handsome face. He came from behind and wrapped his strong muscled arms around her waist caging her into his embrace. He pecked on her cheek, and asked while nuzzling her neckline and jaw with his long nose.

"Do you like it?"

Krisha had no words for expressing. She was speechless to see the beautiful collage of their pictures which together was forming her alone sketch. She was wondering on how would have the artist made such beautiful frame. She was just in awe looking it.

"When did you make it?"

"A long ago. Just didn't tell you as I wanted to surprise you and see your beautiful face in awe." Krisha felt overwhelmed. She flipped back and stick to him pulling him into a bone crushing hug. Ritvik sighed in satisfaction responding the hug with equal passion.

"Ritvik__" Suddenly the voice dashed inside as both of them forced to parted ways. Krisha jerked back as she saw rekha standing little forward to the door with a shocking expression. Her heart trumped inside the ribcage as a certain fear knot it tightly. She breathed heavily to which ritvik snapped at her and shook his head.

"Mom!" The next moment he walked to his mother and holding her palm brought her near krisha as he nodded her like gesturing about something.


"Yes mom! I was telling about her only but I didn't know that you and dad had choosen her only." He explained as his mother's eyebrows narrowed in different emotion. She was happy that now her child won't have to suffer and after this her husband will never interfere too as somehow krisha was his choice for his son.

She extended her hand and creased krisha's cheek. "I am so happy for you both. Form now onwards never leave each other. I won't tolerate your fights and separation, this was the last fight after this you both are not allowed to do that again." She glared at her son who held his ears apologizing.

"Mom, we should tell dad and uncle, aunty about this." Ritvik suggested as his mother gestured in no.

"We will but later. Now just tell that you both know each other and work together. That will be enough." Both krisha and ritvik exchanged looks but later agreed as whatever she decided must have some reasons.

After talking for few minutes, rekha brought them out. Shakti was surprised or can say shocked to see his son all smiling and giggling. Before going inside he was clumsy and gloomy but now suddenly the change. He looked at his wife who blinked which created the thought in his mind that she may had convinced him as he very well knew his son never disagree to his mother then whatever it be.

"Do you both talked to each other?" Alok spoke out as his daughter nodded her head with little shyness.

"We already know each other, even we both work together in same office." Ritvik told looking at his mother. Everyone present there except rekha were surprised to know the news. Alok and shivani saw their daughter who nodded her head positively so as shakti.

"You didn't tell us krishu!"

"Mumma, I hadn't seen his picture. I was not aware that you have chosen him." She politely answered. Shakti snapped at his son who shrugged his shoulders and whispered. "I was also unaware. You decided by yourself, right?"

Shakti passed a stern expression as whatever happen his son will never leave a chance to back fire his own act to him. He focused on the guests. As already he was too much adamant for the proposal and had given the words to alok and shivani so he wasn't in any mood to refuse krisha and moreover now they both know each other so it was an easy task for him only if he knew that his son had already selected her as his love.

"It's a good thing then! What's your opinion Mr. Joshi? Should we proceed with it?" The sudden question from Shakti passed the waves of shivers and goosebumps to both ritvik and krisha. They shared a shy look to each other as both of them were in same condition turning heavily red by each passing second.

"Better if we ask about this to children. It's there life, they should have the right to speak." Shivani suggested as everyone looked at them.

Krisha didn't dare to lift her face and nodded her head positively while ritvik was numb after realising all were spotlighting him. He gulped the lump of his throat and clutched on his mother's drape little tightly getting nervous.
Rekha kept her palm on his lap lightly patting it and blinking her lashes to calm down. He inhaled a deep breathe and shook his head positively.

"Time to celebrate! My bro is getting married!" A cheerful cry came as ritvik felt his cheeks turning tomato red. His brother entered with the plate of sweets as he picked up a laddoo and fed it to him in one go getting death glares from his elder one.

"Excited for marriage bhai!" Hrithik whispered winking at him as if he knew everything.

"I know she is the one whom you are dating from more than two years." He added to ritvik's shock. Hrithik chuckled mischievously tightening the his hold around ritvik's neck while kissing on his cheek.

"Shut your mouth or I will kick you out of here." Ritvik elbowed his stomach while hrithik teased him more.

"If everyone is agree with this then can we do the 'roka' today itself. I have prepared all the needy things already. This will be the sign of their alliance." Rekha advised as everyone nodded with a happy smile. Ritvik glanced at krisha who lifted her shyness filled lashes and passed a beautiful smile to him.

"Best idea. We had also brought the things needed for roka. We both had made the mind to fix krisha's marriage with ritvik from the time we had seen him and now when everything is going good then we shouldn't delay." Shivani told surprising her daughter who looked sharply as before coming they were assuring her that if she doesn't like the boy then they won't force her but here they had some other plans only.

"Don't look like that. You also liked our choice, see I told you." Alok whispered at his daughter who later blushed and side hugged him thanking him silently for choosing her love for her.

Later shivani and rekha arranged the needed things, they both brought the respective gifts for the soon to be bride and groom.
While ritvik and krisha sat on one couch together beside each other. Rekha put a red embroidered chunni over her head while a white handkerchief on her son's head. They both smiled at her as she held both of their chins in each hand pecking on their heads and admiring both.
Later alok and shivani came as alok put tilak on ritvik's forehead. He gave him the shreefal and then both the couple gifted him the packet full with gifts. Ritvik accepted it and touched the feet of the elderly couple. Alok and shivani placed their palms on his head blessing him.

After that Rekha and Shakti performed the same for krisha, applying the tilak they tied the roli around her wrist and handed her the tray of gifts which was carrying bangles, hand bag, earrings, make-up and many more.

She accepted the same and took their blessings.


"So it's final then! Two weeks later the engagement ceremony will take place. We will decide the venue later." An excited shivani cheered as finally her daughter will be settled down in her life with a charming prince that of her would be husband.

"In fact, next week you all come to our house. We will have dinner together and will also discuss about the venue. I and shivani are returning back to bhopal tomorrow. We will shift here till next week and then we all can decide everything." Ritvik noted the important thing as finally he will get a private moment with krisha. He narrowed his eyebrow at her winking secretly which was noticed by hrithik who later pinched on his brother's arm blowing his eyebrows mischievously.

Hrithik jumped beside krisha getting a dangerous glare from ritvik. He held his soon to be sister in law's hand and shook it welcoming her to their life.
"See I am elder than you but treat me as your younger brother and alway protect me from your soon to be very dangerous husband. He really tortures me with his dangerous looks. Don't get trapped in his charming and handsome face__"

"Hrithik!! Don't trouble her." He gulped his saliva and keep quietly sat on a corner.

"Shakti ji, Rekha ji! We may take our leave now. It was a nice meeting you all." Alok stood up joining his palms together as after discussing and fixing everything finally they had to leave.

"Krisha will live alone right?"

"Yaa, just for one week and before too she used to live alone. She won't face any problem." Shivani answered briefly.

"Before we didn't have any connection but now we have. If you both don't mind then she can stay here with us. We don't want her to face any problem or difficulty in our presence. And also ritvik and krisha can accompany each other while going to office."
Ritvik chocked on the water as he coughed out the little sip he had taken. His eyes were widening by his father's strange personality. He still couldn't believe that his father has offered krisha to stay with them.

'Is he reading my mind? Whatever I am wishing he is completing. He is my father, right?'

He thought and stood up staring at his father with unblinking lashes.  He then glanced at krisha whose head was lowered and slowly she was turning tomato red.

"No issues. If krisha is comfortable then we have no problem at all." They told and looked at krisha who nodded her head positively.

After biding a bye to the kashyap family, krisha and her parents landed on the ground floor. Alok and shivani went to the underground parking area where they had parked their car. Krisha gave the gifts to her mother and stood outside waiting for them as she had no energy to walk with it till the car.

Here standing alone in a side she was looking here and there remembering the whole day events. Till yesterday she hadn't thought that the proposal will turn a blessing for her. Now she was all red by his thoughts and dreaming about their golden future. She just couldn't wait for the day when they will be each other's forever with their parents blessings.

Suddenly she felt a strong grip on her arm and before she could react it pulled her back. She horrified and opened her mouth to yell but the other palm covered her mouth. She struggled while punching the man who had dragged her.

"Calm down warrior. It's your fiance!" The certain soft manly voice soothed her as relief washed through her soul and she opened her eyes. The immediate sight of ritvik made her wrap her arms around him and she stepped forward embracing him.

"You scared me!"

"How can my warrior get scared? Doesn't she know that her prince will never let anyone touch her? Just remember that no one have the guts to even glance at you. I repeat no one!" She felt the possessiveness behind his words which formed a smile on her own face.

"You are not any mafia Or don that you can present any where to save me."

"For you i can become a mafia too! And don't underestimate me would be wife! I need some time and then see how I will enter in the list of richest business men!" Krisha chuckled at him.

"Don't dream and act on your words. I promise when your dream turned into reality that time I will be the first one to cheer your name. That day i will proudly say that i am the gorgeous wife of Ritvik Kashyap!" She shrugged her shoulders throwing her hair behind. Ritvik narrowed his eyebrow then smiled and nuzzled her nose with his long one.

"I promise that your wish will be fulfilled. I just want you beside me in every phase of my life. I want to see your face when we will achieve the success. And the surprising thing is that, the project on which I was working I almost ready. I need someone to guide me, I am pretty sure that this project will turn a blessing for us." He stated with shinning eyes. Krisha's heart calmed at the place seeing his charming smile. She leaned at him and pecked on his lips.

"I love you!" He hugged her and whispered back "Love you too!"

They both were having their moment when the loud horn starting ringing. Krisha jerked biting her tongue as she had almost forgot about her parents.

"Mumma, papa are waiting. I will meet you tomorrow! Bye!" She pecked on his cheeks and left hurriedly.

Ritvik ruffled his back hair and smiled shaking his head seeing her disappearing figure. Once krisha and her parents left he took made his way towards the elevator to reach the 5th floor......


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