Judge Angel x Male OC

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Inside of a house, there is a young boy of some sort, who is at the age of 15, his head onto a pillow, as he is shown to be sleeping soundly and happily, almost like he is having a good dream of some sorts. His chest rises and then lowers, as he breaths soundly on his sleep, before he then turns to the side and tries to feel as comfortable as he can. As he does that, the bright ray of the sun suddenly goes onto his face, which made him stir in his sleep, making him turn to the side. But even as he did that, the sun rays grew brighter and brighter, and eventually, he began to open his eyes, slowly and surely, as he looks around his room that he is in. After a bit, he then sat up onto his bed and stretched his arms up into the air, as he yawned a little bit. He then looked around, as he saw that it is now morning. He looks and breathed in a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, time for me to get down."

He then threw the covers off of him, showing that he is in his pajamas, which consists of a pajama pants and a hoodie of some sort, which he used to put over his head while he slept, as he than gets up from the bed, before he began to put on his clothes. He took out some black pants with blue stripes out from the drawer, before taking out a red t-shirt. After that, he took off his pajamas, and put on his clothes. He then goes up to the mirror and looks at his reflection, all properly dressed, and shows his red hair and amber eyes and he looks to be 15-years old. He stretched a little bit at this, as he spoke out.

"Okay. Well...maybe I should go back to those woods like I did before. First, gonna have some breakfast."

He then goes down the stairs, as he goes into the kitchen. But as he does, he looks to see that there is a note that's written onto the table. Aaron goes to it and began to read the note.

"Dear Aaron,

Your father and I are now forced to work abroad due to some very important circumstances that are requiring our presence in the entire few months of summer. But do not worry, we will try to come back as soon as we can. In the mean time, we manage to buy some food for you that can least a few months for you. Please be well and okay.


Your mother."

The boy, Aaron, looked almost annoyed at this, as he shook his head and spoke out.

"Of course their job would take them this far into being long gone. Well...at least they care about me to make sure I don't starve. Still...really hope that they come back home sooner than even what I expect."

Aaron looked down for a little bit, as he then shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Still...wonder what type of business that they have that has made leaving me temporarily become this important."

He shook his head, before he then goes to the fridge and pulled out 2 pieces of bread and some vegetables. He puts the slices of bread into a toaster and chopped up the vegetables for a little bit, as he then continue to think of what his parents are doing. However, as he looked down, he saw that the cleaver almost hit his finger and it made him flinch a bit, as he got his fingers away quickly before it could accidentally cut them. He took a deep breath and sighed, as he spoke out.

"Woah, almost cut myself...or rather shop myself."

He shook his head briefly, as he continued to cut the vegetables. After a little but, the toaster was done and the 2 pieces of bread became toast, just as he was done cutting the vegetables. He then puts the vegetables onto the 2 pieces of toast, and made a sandwich, just for himself to eat. He sat down and enjoys his breakfast, as he closed his eyes in content of the taste that he had in his mouth. He sighed a little bit, as he then spoke out to himself.

"Kind of wish that my parents are still around and not in their odd trip."

He looked down, as he then shook his head, before he than spoke out.

"Well, nothing that I can do. It is their job, and not my business...only hope is that nothing bad happens to them."

Aaron then finished eating his breakfast, as he cleaners the plate at the sink, before he then goes to the front door, and puts on his shoes, and spoke out.

"Well, gonna go back to the woods. Been a long time since I have been inside of it."

He then takes out his keys, only so that he can see that he has it so that he can go back to his home and unlock it, as he then opens it up. He walked outside, and closed the door, before he then locked it, and pulled the handle to make sure that it is perfectly locked. He then walked outside, as he has his hands in his pants pockets, as he walked on the sidewalk to the woods. The air and atmosphere is very warm, due to the fact that it is summer, as he spoke out.

"Well...never been there alone before. I've always been here whenever I am with my parents. But this is the first time that I am going by myself. Well...hopefully I can do well without them."

He continued to walk, as he passed by some buildings and sees cars whizzed past him, as he continues to find the woods itself. He had visit them as often as he did, because they are home to animals that live there, such as foxes, deers, rabbits, and all that stuff. They are pretty friendly to see, he even got close enough to touch them, which the animals allowed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as he then took a look at the direction that he is going to, and in front of him, he sees the woods in front of him, before he spoke out one word at this.


He smiled a bit, as he goes onto the pathway that leads to the inside of the woods, looks around where he is at.

He speaks out at the sight, almost a little bit happy at what he is seeing now.

"Still the same as ever. Heh...I'm glad it didn't change. But...where's the animals?"

Aaron looks around, and saw that the animals that he usually sees...are not here. This made him confused, as he spoke out.

"I'd usually see them whenever the step foot in the woods. Where'd they go?"

It made him a little bit concerned, as he walks further inside of the woods, and as he did, he saw some movement, which made him stop. He looks and sees a rabbit hopping away from something, and it looked scared. It noticed Aaron and hopped towards him, and Aaron picked it up, as he spoke out.

"Hey, little guy. What's going on?"

It seemed to look scared, before it hopped on top of his head, which made him gawk a little bit, until he heard some movement in front of him, and it sounded like footsteps, coming towards him. Then, another, larger rabbit was shown coming out of nowhere, presumably the parent of the small rabbit, as it jumped on top of Aaron, and picked it up with its mouth, before hopping away. This made Aaron concerned. The animals never act like that before. It can only mean someone is present, and it is scaring them. He then began to walk deeper into the woods, unaware that someone is following him.

As he walked deeper into the woods, he looked around and began to go into a bigger part of the forest, but he saw that there are almost no animals there as well. He did see some animals present, such as a deer, but it ran away...and it is most likely not from himself, since it never ran away from him before. Aaron looked around and saw a pink...something on the ground. He bends down and sees that it is a baby bird of some sort. It must have fallen out of its nest. He looked around, and saw a big nest onto a tree. He then puts the baby bird into his pants pocket and climbs up, before he is now onto the branch. Without hesitating, he took the baby bird out of his pocket and put it onto the nest, where the other baby birds are sleeping on. He smiled, as he climbed back down gently. When he did that however, he heard the sound of a stick snapped. This made him jump, as he turned around and looked around...as he spoke out.

"H-Hello? Anyone there?"

As he said that, a voice spoke out to her.

"Oh...it seems that there is someone here with me. Hello there."

This made Aaron turn around and he looks to see where the voice is coming from. He looks and sees who the person that came here is.

Standing before Aaron is a 15-year old blond girl wearing a white outfit of sorts. And oddly for him...he cannot see her eyes, and it is mainly because the eyes are both being covered up by the hair. Aaron looked at her, and...he does not know if he is imagining things...but he thinks that he can smell faintly of blood from her, as he spoke out.

"Uhhh...something I can help you?"

The girl gawked her head at him, as she spoke out.

"What are you doing here?"

Aaron shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Taking a walk in the woods. Been a while since I have been in there."

This made the girl gawk her head at him, as she spoke out to him.

"You've been in this place before?"

Aaron nodded his head, before speaking again.

"Yeah, been visiting it since I was a young kid. Always enjoyed my visit to this place just to see the animals that live inside it. So I thought why not go there again for old time's sake."

This made the girl nod her head, which made her surprised that someone knows of this place, as she spoke out.

"I...I see. Um...do you mind if I can join you on whatever walk you're doing, if it isn't a problem for you?"

Aaron looked at her and spoke out to her.

"I don't see the problem with that."

It made the female look surprised, and almost kind of expected him to reject this offer and walk away. The girl and Aaron walked side by side into the woods, as the girl spoke out to her.

"...I just realized, I don't know your name."

Aaron spoke out to her.

"Aaron. The name's Aaron. You?"

The girl spoke out to him.

"...I...I don't have an actual name. But...I prefer to be called Judge Angels."

Aaron looks at her with a raised eyebrow, as he then spoke out.

"That oddly kind of sounds like a superhero name. Mind if I can just call you Angel, just for simplicity?"

Judge Angels shrugged her shoulders, as she spoke out to him.

"You can do what you want."

Aaron nodded his head, as Judge Angels spoke.

"So...how often do you go to this place?"

Aaron shrugged, as he spoke out.

"I used to go there a lot when I was a kid, but I eventually don't visit this place as often due to focusing on some other stuff. But I still try to go and visit this place everyone once in a while. But since it's a summer sort of month, I can visit this place as much as I can."

Judge Angels looked at him, as Aaron spoke out to her.

"So...what are you doing here, Angel?"

Judge Angels looks at him, contemplating on what to say, before she then spoke out, unhappily.

"Let's just say...I am forced to make this place as my home."

This made Aaron confused, as he then spoke out.

"What do you mean by that?"

Judge Angels looked down, as she flexed her finger a bit, as she than spoke out.

"Let us say...I lost my home due to...a terrible incident more than a few months ago and...because of this, I made my place my home far more often than I can believe."

Aaron looks at her with a sad look on his face, as he spoke out.

"Oh...that's...that's terrible."

Judge Angels shrugged her shoulders, as she then spoke.

"Well...of course...but I got used to it after a little while."

Aaron looked down, as he held his hands on his pockets, as he spoke out.

"I...I see."

Judge Angels nodded her head, as he clearly looks a little bit uneasy, but not at her, rather it is at the fact that she has made these woods into her home. He puts his hands into his pockets, as he looked around for a bit, before he sees a lake and goes to it, as he sat down onto an log, as Judge Angels looks at him, and he then throws a rock into the lake, which sank into the water and splashed. He looks at Judge Angels, as he then spoke out.

"So...Angel, if you're in the woods, what do you do in here, since I doubt you have any toys to be able to entertain yourself?"

Judge Angels looks at him, her eyes hidden behind her hair, before she spoke out.

"That...is none of your concern. Besides, I found my own way of doing so."

Aaron looked down and spoke out.

"Oh...uh...okay. I won't ask more."

Judge Angels nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yes, but...I can ask of what you do, right?"

Aaron looks at her and spoke out.


Judge Angels nodded, as she spoke out.

"So...have you ever came to these woods all by yourself whenever you visit them, Aaron?"

Aaron looked at Judge Angels and spoke out.

"Well, in current times, yeah. But I mostly was accompanied by my parents."

This made Judge Angels look at him and spoke out.

"Really? What are they like?"

Aaron shrugged and spoke out.

"Well, they...they admittedly aren't perfect parents and sometimes do one hell of a mess up on occasions...but, they at least care a great deal about me. They get mad at me when I do something wrong, but they did all that they can to raise me right. I don't know what else to say."

Judge Angels looked down and clenched her fist, almost like remembering something painful. But she lessened her hands, as she spoke out.

"You must be very lucky...to have very good parents."

Aaron shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, I wouldn't really say that. In fact, I don't even know if luck is in this case for me. Why do you even say that?"

Judge Angels shook her head, as she spoke out.

"Oh, no reason. It's just...I'm being reminded of something but...it isn't that important."

Aaron looked a little unsure of this, but he nodded his head and does not say anymore. As they sat in silence, Judge Angels spoke out to Aaron.

"...you know...this is first time that I am able to interact with another person. And this is because...I had been secluded into my home for most of my life."

This made Aaron surprised a little bit, as he spoke out.


Judge Angels nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Yes...but that is all I can say. And because of that...I never knew what it means to have a normal life like other people. So...I am kind of lost in a little bit of stuff."

Aaron looked a little bit sad at her, as he spoke out.

"Yikes, that is very rough on you."

Judge Angels shrugged a bit.

"Well...I did get used to this after a little bit. After all, it is not often that I get to meet someone new like you."

This made Aaron look a bit unsure, but he shrugged it off, as he continues to talk to Judge Angels, and surprisingly, he was able to have a friendly conversation with her, even though she is but a mere stranger to him. After a little while, Aaron realizes that he had talked a little too long, because the sun is about to go down. As he did, he spoke out.

"Oh nuts. Well, Angel...I have to bring this talk to a close but...I really need to go back home, if you're okay with me leaving."

Judge Angels looks at him, before she spoke out.

"Oh...well, will you be able to visit me often?"

Aaron nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, I don't have any important stuff to do, and I am available at any time. So yes, I'll visit you often, even tomorrow if it makes you feel better."

Judge Angels looks down a little bit and smiled, almost as if she felt relieved that she is hearing this from him, like she is so used to be alone for most of her life, as she than spoken out.

"That...makes me very happy. Thank you, Aaron, it means a lot to me."

Aaron nodded his head, as he stood up and walked away, but not before waving goodbye, and Judge Angels does the same, as she watched him retreating out of the woods, and he was than gone from her sight. She smiled a little bit, as she then stood up, and walked elsewhere, before she than sees an abandoned building of some sort and goes to it, as she then goes through one of the open windows that is broken and has no glass shards present, as she spoke out.

"Well...this is such an interesting day for me..."

Judge Angels smiled, as she smeared blood onto the wall, and she then spoke out.

"This is the very first time that I have met someone who is willing to speak to me and is honest with me...unlike those fools that I had to kill."

She took out a sword and points it at the pile of corpses present, her most recent kills, as she then continued to speak out a bit.

"Perhaps...he might just be the only one that I am able to spare. Who knows...only time will tell."

With Aaron...

Aaron is shown to be walking back home, and he has his hands in his pockets, as he began to think of what had just happened and who he had just suddenly met. He looked down at the ground for a little bit, as he spoke out to himself.

"What in the world...did I just...make a new friend or something?"

He then looked up for a little bit, as he hugged himself for a little moment. He looked down and thought about this Judge Angels person that he had met. He does not know why, but he feels like Judge Angels is hiding something about herself...something that he thinks he should know, but does not know if he wants to find out about it. He closed his eyes and shook his head a bit, as he thought about her, and he almost felt like he saw a sort of bloodlust in her smile to an extent. Still...he said that he would come back to her and visit her again, and even though this might land him in trouble, he better just get it over with and hold onto that.

He walked back to the house, and opened the door, before he then closed the door, and locked it. He stretched a little bit, before he then goes up the stairs and walked to the bed. He then lies down onto it, as he began to think of what he had just been into. He closed his eyes, as he began to think of what to do when he meets with Judge Angels next time. He puts his hands above his eyes, before he got something on his mind, and he hopes that Judge Angels will like it.

Couple days later...

Aaron is shown to be walking back to the woods, his hands in his coat pockets, as he looks before his eyes, nervously. He is a bit nervous of seeing her, but he decided to simply bite down onto his fear for a bit and just walk down to see her. He just hopes that he is not going to get killed for it. He puts his hands into his pocket and began to walk down, as he looks to see if there are any changes from yesterday. Surprisingly, no. The animals are still mostly a scent, almost like Judge Angel's presence made them go away. This made him confused, as he has no idea why this is the case.

Aaron shook his head, as he continued to walk, in hopes that he will be able to run into Judge Angels. Of course, this made him a bit nervous, but he continues to go and find her. After a little bit of walking, he sees a familiar figure with blond hair, as he spoke out to her.

"Hey, Angel."

This made Judge Angels perk up a bit, as he turned to look at him.

Judge Angels looks at him, sword in her hand, which made Aaron confused, as well as a bit frightened for he is not sure if it is real or a prop, as she spoke out to him.

"...oh...you're back. I did not expect you to actually come and visit me."

Aaron looked nervous, as he spoke out.

"W-Well...you did tell me to visit you more often, so...why not do so today? And...what is that sword in your hand?"

Aaron cannot help but wonder. Judge Angels looked at him, and extended it out to him, which made him panic and held his hand out.

"Aaah, sorry! Please don't shank me!"

This made Judge Angels tilt her head, as if confused as to why he said that, as she spoke out.

"What do you mean? I'm not going to do that. I'm just letting you touch it, nothing more, nothing less."

This made Aaron blink in a confused way, as he hesitantly extended his hand a bit. He stopped at first, but he took a deep breath and touched it. And what he saw stunned him. The sword was truly a real deal, because it felt cold and hard, like how it usually does with metal. He felt a little spooked. Why does she have a sword all of a sudden? Not only that...he can faintly smell blood from the blade itself, in an almost rotten way. It made him nervous, as he has no idea why she has that with her today. It made him chilled for a bit, as he spoke out.

"Umm...where'd you get that, if you don't mine me asking?"

Judge Angels looked at him curiously, but realize what he meant, as she than spoke out to him.

"Oh...the sword? This belonged to my home...and let us say that this sword, my angel sword, has always been my most trusted object to use, whenever someone tries to attack me."

This made him a little bit uneasy, as he felt like the smell of blood must have been from when Judge Angels had fought some people. But he decided not to question that. As she did...Judge Angels held her stomach, as a growl was heard. She looked a bit embarrassed, and was about to say something, but Aaron held his hand out and held something in his hand, which looks like a sort of chocolate bar. This made Judge Angels confused, as she spoke out.

"Umm...what's that?"

Aaron looks at her, as she spoke out.

"Just something for you to eat, that's all."

This made Judge Angels confused, as Aaron pulled apart the top, showing the chocolate bar inside of it, before he gave it to Judge Angels, who then took it and took a bite from it. This made Judge Angels...surprisingly like it, as she began to eat the chocolate bar, as she spoke out.

"This is...good. What do you call this?"

Aaron smiled a bit, as he spoke out.

"It's called...chocolate."

Judge Angels smiled a bit, as she spoke out.

"I...I see. Thank you...you...remind me of someone else, who also did this for me."

Aaron gawked his head a bit, as he continues to look and watch Judge Angels show down onto the chocolate bar, but he decided not to say anything, not wanting to probably upset her, so he turns away for a bit and allowed her to eat in peace. In the meantime, he also looks around to see if any animals are coming or will appear. But...for some reason, they won't appear, almost like Judge Angels is doing something to make them gone. As he looked, Judge Angels looked at him and spoke out.

"What are you looking for?"

Aaron turned to her and shrug, as he spoke out.

"Trying to see if any animals will come. I usually see them all over the areas of the woods."

Judge Angels looked at him curiously, as she spoke out.

"How often do you see them?"

Aaron shrugged a little bit, as he spoke out.

"More times than even I can count. I would often see them scattered all over the place, yet they are frequently more out in the open. Never once had I seen them this absent somehow. I don't know why they are gone."

Judge Angels looked at him for a little bit, as she spoke out.

"That is odd...because when I arrived, I did not see any animals present inside of these woods."

Aaron looks at her and spoke out.

"Yeah well, somehow they are gone when you came. That seems kind of strange, don't you think?"

Judge Angels nodded her head, as she spoke out to him.

"Yes, it does seem to be a little bit strange. What are they like when they're present?"

Aaron looks at her and spoke out.

"They are usually pretty friendly, at least whenever I interact with them. Like, I could usually pet them, walk along with them, I'd usually see them do all sorts of stuff. It is a rather pretty sight for me to see them, so the fact that they are suddenly almost entirely absent really makes it very strange in the way that I see it."

Judge Angels nodded her head, as she felt a little bit interested at this, as she spoke out.

"That...sounds like a very pleasant experience to see. I wish I was able to witness them so I can see what they are like."

Aaron shrugged his shoulder a little bit, as he then spoke out to her.

"I mean...hey, who knows. Maybe you might have a chance to be able to see them when you are able to see them come out."

Judge Angels nodded her head a little bit, she looked down at her white shoes for a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Perhaps...perhaps I might someday."

She has a rather strange smile on her face, but she felt very...warm inside. And she is suddenly feeling this because she is near Aaron. She has no idea why it is that she is feeling this way. But she wants to feel more of it than what she realizes, almost like she is hoping to continue to bathe in this feeling.

She and Aaron continued to talk to one another, and as time went on, she felt like she can trust him. She does not know why, but...for some reason, she felt as though she can talk to him without worry. But...she felt a bit unsure of herself, because she haha no idea how he'd feel if she showed him her eyes and talked about her past. She does not know what to do if he were to find out about this. And in the way she sees him...she sees his life as something worth be with. After what must have been hours of talking, Aaron finally decided to leave, as he spoke out.

"Whelp, rhino I have been there long enough. Think we can meet again some other time tomorrow?"

Judge Angels nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"I do not mind it. Besides...I know you will come back."

Aaron nodded his head and spoke out.

"Alright, and next time, I'll bring some more food for you, in case you get hungry again."

Judge Angels nodded, as Aaron left, his hands in his pocket, as she sees him go. 

Judge Angels watches, as Aaron leaves the forest, and she felt...odd. She spared many others in the past, yet Aaron is making her feel something that...she has never felt before. It made her feel...weird. She...she felt her right hand twitch, as she felt it raised and it is over her heart, as she felt her own heart beating rapidly. She does not know why, nor does she know what is up with her. She feels so...strange. What is...what is it that she is feeling towards Aaron suddenly?

Weeks later...

Aaron has been seeing her everyday, and also bringing food with him to share with Judge Angels, and as time went on, Judge Angels felt very...very weird, in a way that she never expected to happen. For reasons that even she does not get, she found herself getting more and more drawn to Aaron than even she realizes, and has no idea why she's like that.

Whenever they are together, Judge Angels, for some odd reason, wants to reach out to him, and even almost tried to grab his hand at one point. She even briefly did today, but only for a second, before hehe retracted it and pretended that nothing happened. This made Aaron confused, as he did know why Judge Angels did this. But he decided to not question her about it. As he turned to look back to see if any animals will come, Judge Angels, from behind his back, began to have a bit of a quiet freak out at what she is doing.

"H-Huh? What is...going on with me? I-I've never felt like this before!!!"

She felt her face become red from this. She almost feels like steam is coming out of her head, as she felt so embarrassed by what she is doing. She has no idea why she is feeling this way, and yet...she can tell what this feeling is. Yet she found it very ridiculous, for the fact that she is feeling such warm emotions towards Aaron, and it is almost driving her a little bit nuts at the fact that she is feeling this. She almost wants to swing her sword at those that she as guilty, so that she can relieve her confusion and stress. As she shook her head at what she is feeling, Aaron, out of concern for her, spoke out to her.

"Angel, are you alright?"

This made her stop, and she turned to Aaron, her face still read, but her hair covered her eyes and made a shadow over her face in a way, which covered her blush, as she spoke out to him.

"I-I'm alright, Aaron. It's nothing bad."

Aaron looked at her curiously, but he decided to shrug it off and just spoke out to hr.

"Okay, if you say so."

He then looked, and he spoke out in surprise.

"Yikes, I've been talking to you this much, and the sky is already starting to go dark?"

This made Judge Angels look Aaron, as he spoke out.

"I'll need to go. After all...it is best that I don't stay up too late. I'll meet you again tomorrow! Bye!"

Aaron quickly ran out of the woods, but Judge Angel...she cannot help but feel more drawn to him than ever before. She just does cannot help but want to be near him constantly. And then...she decided to do what she always does, whenever she is targeting someone that she wants to kill, but for a very different reason: follow him. As soon as he began to start disappearing through the path, she began to sneak behind him and follow him, making sure to not be noticed by him at all. She knows that she can be spotted more easily, due to wearing bright clothing, which are the only ones she has. But even so, she is smart in not being able to get caught and makes sure to find the perfect place to be able to be hidden inside of. She kept sneaking away as much as she, making sure that she does not get seen, her sword in her hand yet hidden behind the tree. She kept going, and she is out of the woods, as she looks to see Aaron walking on the sidewalk back home, his hands in his pockets, as he lowered his head a bit, thinking of something. But as that happened...


This made Aaron jump, as a small crater exploded in the sidewalk in front of him, as he looks to see someone coming up to him, as he spoke out.

"Well, seems I found someone I can kill today!!"

He looks and sees a black-hooded man with greying hair, and has bloodshot eyes, almost like he had never slept. This made Aaron jump back, as he looked horrified, but he did not hesitate, as he began to move in fast towards him. The man, who is holding a pistol, tried to fire at him, but he was too slow, as Aaron suddenly kicked his hand and knocked the gun off of his hand, sending it sliding underneath a car, before he then punched him in the face and knocked him into the road. Luckily, no cars were coming, so they can fight on the road safely. Aaron goes in and tries to punch him yet again, but all of a sudden...Aaron felt a piercing agony on his arm, as he cried in pain.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Aaron looked and saw a knife embedded into his arm, held by the insane madman, as the man yanked it out of his arm and kicked him into a car, and he began to bleed very seriously, as the man raised his knife and spoke out to him.

"You are pissing me off, boy!! But don't worry, your death will make me laugh a lot, hehehehehe!!"

He then approaches Aaron, who has his hand trying to cover his wound and slow the bleeding and is on the ground, as Aaron felt scared. He closed his eyes, not wanting to watch the man kill him, and watch himself die. He waited for the death to come...only...it didn't. This made him confused, and he slowly looked up...and what he saw stunned him. Standing in front of him...was none other than Judge Angels, holding her sword and blocking the knife swing. Aaron spoke out.


Judge Angels, however, did not hear him, as the man spoke out.

"Who the fuck are-AUGH!!!!"

All of a sudden, she is kicked away, and with a force that should not be possible for a normal human, sent him flying very far away, almost 17 feet, as she walked to him. Aaron could not help but looked shocked but was also scared of what Judge Angels was about to do...yet he remembered what Judge Angels said about using the sword when she is attacked. So...he can tell what she is about to do next.

The man began to sit up, as he felt blood coming out of his mouth, as he spoke out.

"You fucking little bitch!! I am going to make you my-"

But before he can say anymore, Judge Angels moved in fast towards him, so fast that she looked like a white blur, and before both Aaron and the man knew it...she swung her sword...and amputated the man's arm.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The man screamed in immense agony and fell to the ground in indescribable agony, blood squirting out of his arm, as Judge Angels stepped menacingly towards him, and the man looked to see the expression on her face.

Judge Angels looks at the person that is attacking and trying to kill Aaron, and is holding him up by the shirt. She made a psychotic smile, as she then spoke out to him.

"You made the biggest mistake attacking someone that I am close to. It is time you get executed for what you attempted to do."

She then threw the man to the ground, as the man scooted backwards, as he spoke out.

""No, please!! Don't kill me!!! I'll go away!!! I'll do fucking anything!!!"

But Judge Angels did not listen, and she then begins to approach him, sword tightly gripped onto her hand, as she than sped up towards him, and she was fast, much faster than an average human. She is clearly something else, something...different.

Judge Angels then held the sword, as she spoke out.

"Guilty...guilty...guilty...I sentence you to death!"

She raised her sword and before he knew it, he was suddenly stabbed in the head by Judge Angels, and this act instantly has killed the man, who then died on the spot. The man did not have the time to scream, as he is blood splatters all over her face.

Judge Angels looked down at the man, as she smiled at the death that she had given him, blood covering her face, before turning to Aaron, who was still unconscious from what the man tried to do to him. Not wanting for anything bad to happen to him, Judge Angels came to Aaron and picked him up, not a single form of stress of how much she is picking up, clearly much stronger than him, as she turns around and walked back into the forest, as she goes to make sure that he is okay and wakes up. And she...she does not know why. She never got this close to anyone before, yet Aaron is somehow making her feel close in spite of it all, and in spite of how she never once had anyone like that.

She then turned to look at Aaron, who looked sick and shocked by what Judge Angels had done. He knew that Judge Angels would be violent in this case...but never this violent. He almost felt himself shake in horror at what he just saw, but then looks to see Judge Angels now in front of him, and her eyes are hidden once again, and Aaron felt scared, yet he has no idea wha to do. Then...Judge Angels held out her hand, and Aaron, he looked surprised. He kind of expected for Judge Angels to shank him. After a little bit...Aaron began to take it, and although he hesitated slightly...he then grabbed her hand and Judge Angels pulled him up. He held his hand, as she then picked him up almost in a bridal way...and she is a lot stronger than expected for someone of her petite build, as she spoke out.

"Come on...let's go to my place...even though it is not a good one at all."

She walked back into the woods, as the body of the man she kills to protect Aaron is laid out onto the street, blood pouring out everywhere.

Judge Angel's place...

Aaron is now sitting onto a table, as Judge Angels is shown to be wrapping some bandages onto his arm, after putting some alcohol onto the wound to disinfect it. He hissed in pain yet...he tried his best to not scream. After a little bit, Judge Angels was done, and Aaron looked at the bloodied bandage in his arm. He looked at it and spoke out.

"I Never thought that...I was about to get murdered myself somehow."

Judge Angels looked down at the ground, and spoke out to him.

"Aaron...mind if...I can show you something? Because...I think this time...I will talk about myself."

This made Aaron look confused at Judge Angels, not sure of what to think, as he spoke out.

"Umm...okay...what is it?"

Judge Angels raised up from the ground, as she spoke out.

"Well...I want to show you something...it is about my eyes."

She stood up, as her back faced him, but she is shown to be sweeping some hair out of the way with her hand...before she turned around and looked at him, and Aaron's eyes widened at what he is seeing before him.

This time, Judge Angels is now showing her eyes to Aaron, which made him blink, because of how unusual...yet beauty do that they are. Judge Angels looks at him, a little uneasy of what he'll think, as she then spoke out to him.

"Well...what do you think?"

Aaron looks at her, as she goes up to her face, and while Judge Angels stood still and tries to pretend that she is brave, she isn't, especially with how her father once responded to her back then. Aaron then looks at her eyes and took a closer look, gawking his head...before he spoke out his answer...but not in the way that Judge Angels.


Judge Angels...looked shocked, as she spoke out.

"W-What...what did you say?"

Aaron looked at her and spoke out.

"I said it's pretty. It's like looking at the night sky."

Judge Angels, she looked stunned at this, but than, she began to speak out.

"No...no, you don't mean that."

She hugged herself and held her face a bit, as Aaron spoke out.


But Judge Angels did not hear him, as she began to laugh a bit, almost in an insane way, as she began to hysterically shriek out.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You- you don't mean that!! You can't-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You can't mean that!!!! My eyes are not beautiful!! They are hated, despised, no one would say that they are-"

Aaron, deciding to act and not make her continue this, held her shoulders tightly, which stopped her, as Aaron spoke out.

"Angel, stop!! Breathe...breathe deeply. Calm yourself!!"

Judge Angels, hearing this, actually stopped, and...she does breathe slowly and deeply. But as she did, she felt...distressed, as tears welled out of her eyes, and Aaron looked at her, as he spoke out.

"Angel, what-"

But before he knew it, Angel lunged and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Although it hurts a lot, due to how she seems to be much stronger than the average human, Aaron did not care about that, as he heard Judge Angels sniffling and crying. Not sure what else to do, Aaron decided to hug her in return, if it does mean that she has some sort of comfort, as he rubbed one of his hands behind her back in a circular way, as Judge Angels continue to cry. After what must have been minutes, Judge Angels and Aaron stood straight and sat onto the table. Judge Angels was silent...as Aaron spoke out.

"Angel...why did you say that, about your eyes? Has no one ever said anything nice about them or something?"

Angel said nothing at first...until she spoke out.

"My eyes...they became the reason I suffered, ever since I was born with them. My father...he hated me for what I have. He...he saw me as a freak...a monster. He treated me like something that is not supposed to exist, and kept me inside of the house, so I could never get out."

Aaron's eyes widened, as Judge Angels continued on.

"My mother...she was the only one that accepted me for who I am. She...she loved me in spite of what I am like, and even tries to bring food to me. But my father, he always hurts her, beats her whenever she tried to do that, whenever she tried to be so kind to me."

She looked down, as she clenched her hands onto her skirt, as she continued to speak out.

"I never was able to escape my house before, because my father always trapped me inside of it. I always dreamed of going outside...but I knew it was never going to happen. And yet...there was something that I would always thought of what would help me achieve this dream. Sometimes, I would visit a room where my father kept this sword. I don't know much of it, but stories rumored it to have belonged to an angel, who dropped the sword during a ,war and the sword landed on earth only for it to be passed down for generations and the sword ended up with my father. I adored the sword so much, wanting it to be mine and always thinking it belonged to me. I even thought that the sword chose me."

She then winced a bit, as she spoke out.

"And than...that day happened. I told my mother that I want to run away, and to have her help me. But my father found out, and I was taken to a dungeon, where my father, his mistress and cruel bodyguard, made fun of me for who I was. And yet...when that happened...I finally had enough. I angered the mistress and killed her when she made the mistake of trying to attack me, and I strangled her with all of my night. I broke free...I got the sword, and and I tried to find my mother. But when I did...it was too late. My father...killed her."

Aaron looked horrified at this, as he cannot help but think...if his own parents were to have this problem, as Judge Angels continued her story.

"My father came at this moment...and I decided...to execute him for what he did. He killed my mother, and I consider him guilty for murder. I made sure...he died as slowly and as painfully as I could make it so. After that...I took my mother's body, burned the house...and I ran into the woods, went as deep into it as I could...and buried her there. Before...I began to kill all those that I see as guilty. And maybe...I guess my father is right about me. I am a monster."

Aaron, hearing enough, grabbed her by the shoulders, and spoke out.

"Angel...no. You are not a monster."

This made Judge Angels shocked, as Aaron spoke out.

"Angel...I don't know what that pathetic excuse of a father was thinking, but he needed to get his fucking priorities in check! Despising your existence, all because of something you never asked for, that is fucking petty and selfish! He's the monster here, not you! You only became this way because you had been victimized by him. You are not a monster, you are a person like everyone else is in the world. He'a just a self-centered bastard for not seeing that."

Judge Angels looked shocked at this, that Aaron...even though he has heard her story...does it hate her. Aaron looked at her and spoke out.

"Angel...you deserved a far better life than this. Better than being with that son of a bitch. My parents, they always taught me, don't bother to treat people because of their appearance. Bother to treat people because of what they are like with their personality. As far as I'm concerned, you deserve to have a life of your own, just as much as other humans do as well. Your life is worth living all on its own. He's just so fucking stupid to not see how beautiful they really are."

Judge Angels...seeing that he genuinely means it, seeing her as a person and also really likes her eyes...felt so happy that she lunged and hugged him very tightly, which caught Aaron off guard, and in pain again, but he remained standing up, as tears welled out of Judge Angels' eyes and she then spoke out.

"(sniff) You...you have no idea how much it...means to me. I...I never had anyone say that about my eyes before. Aaron...th-thank you!!"

Aaron smiled, as he hugged her back, as he spoke out.

"No problem, Angel...no problem."

Judge Angels kept on hugging him and did not let go for an entire 10 minutes, wanting to savor as much of the hug as possible. After she was done, she separated from him, but still kept her grip onto his shoulders. She looks into his eyes, tears still leaking out, yet a smile is still present onto her face, before she spoke out.

"...It makes me so happy that...I get to be with you. And...this is something that I wanted to do for a long time."

She then grabbed the sides of his face, and lifted him up a tiny bit, since he's an inch shorter than her, before she then locked her lips with Aaron, which made him very, very surprised, and embarrassed as well, as he held his hands over his mouth, as she smiled a bit.

Judge Angel the steps back and puts a hand onto her hips, as she spoke out to him.

"Aaron...I want to be with you. You are...the first man I've met that is so kind to me, and never treated me like anything monstrous, but instead treated me like a normal human being."

This made Aaron look surprised, but he smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well...I don't see the problem with that. Besides...I've been a lonely guy myself, especially since my parents are gonna be gone for a couple months. Having you in my life...it would make things great for me. Just hope that my parents are fine with me being with you."

Judge Angels smiled, as she grabbed his hand and spoke out.

"Then...it's what I'll do...go back home with you and live with you. And..."

She took out her sword, as she then spoke out.

"If anyone were to try and kill, they will answer to my sword for the sins they'll reign onto you."

Aaron sweatdrop tat what she said to him, but he did not complain or anything like that, as he spoke out.

"Uh...yeah, sure Angel."

Judge Angels smiled, as she kissed his cheek, which made him blush a little bit, but he did not fight against that, as they walked back to Aaron's home together, as they held each other hand in hand, as they walked out of the woods, never coming back into the place. Before they got back to the house...Judge Angels looks at him and spoke out.

"Aaron...for now on...I want you to call me by my real name. Dina...Dina Angela Clark."

Aaron looks at Dina and smiled, as he spoke out.


Dina smiled, as she hugged his arm and went along with him, as she smiled a lot. She never thought that she could finally have a good life. But Aaron...she is now able to finally live for something after all."

A couple weeks later...

Judge Angels, or Dina Clark...she is certainly feeling a lot more happy now than ever before. She was...now finally in a home, finally in a place that she can be accepted in. Of course, Aaron also decided to help out with her problem. Since she is nervous of going outside to meet with other people, he found some sunglasses to hide her eyes. This made Judge Angels smile a bit, and thanks to that, she can now go outside without people noticing her strange abnormal eyes. And...Dina and Aaron, they are now in love with each other, and thanks to that, Dina felt herself becoming far less violent than ever before, now able to restrain her violent behavior.

Of course, Aaron was nervous about his parents in what they would think of they saw her eyes. But...he feels confident that they'll accept her and even try to help her with this problem. But until then, he decides to make sure that Dina feels alright inside of the house. And Dina, she is even preferring to sleep inside of his room, together onto his bed, even hugging his face into her breasts at times, as if to feel safe with him around. And her grip is so insanely tight, not surprising since she has immense strength for someone of her age and build. But he did not care. Besides, he felt a little bit comfortable being with her, even makes his life a bit more bearable than ever before. Although oddly, Dina would kiss him in an almost seductive way, such as kissing him on his neck in order to make him shiver a little bit, which is just seemingly to get a reaction out of him, and it even makes Dina giggle at the way he acts, which lightens her mood a little bit more than ever before.

Right now, it is nighttime, and Aaron is shown to be walking down the sidewalk, as he is shown to want to enjoy the night a little bit, as he spoke out to himself.

"Nice night here. Too bad Dina ain't here to see this, she'd like walking underneath the night sky with me. Sure fits her eyes a lot."

He then looks down at the ground for a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Besides, it isn't like there is anyone else walking outside. So she should be fine from anyone else that even tries to see her."

But as he kept on walking, he heard a loud clanging, and this made him jump. He turned around, and he looks to see that there is someone coming to him...and they are holding what seems to be a large chainsaw of some sort. Not wanting to take the risk at seeing what they are like, he immediately just ran in a random direction, trying his best to hide in another place, and after a little bit of running, he found himself in an open area of some sort...in between abandoned buildings. This made him confused, as he then spoke out at this.

"Wait a minute...this is new. I don't think I'm supposed to be in there."

As he said that, a giggle was heard, as a voice spoke out.

"Good...I was kind of hopping for you to be here."

This made Aaron look shocked, as he turned around to see who is coming towards him. And needless to say...he is revolted the sight that is before his very eyes.

Standing before Aaron, as well as the one responsible chasing him in the first place, is a tall...zombie-like figure of some sort, having patchwork skin with some parts being of rotting flesh, as well as a chainsaw in hand, and is wearing clothing that resembles that of a nurse, but it is black instead of white. Aaron looked horrified at what he is seeing before his very eyes, as he spoke out.

"What the fuck...what the fuck am I looking at?!"

The nurse then goes to him slowly, as she spoke out to him in a creepy tone.

"Don't run, little boy. Nurse Ann will make sure, you take a permanent nap!"

She revved the chainsaw, and goes straight for him. Aaron, not wanting to stand around and find out, immediately jumped out of the way, as he rolled away and stood up. He then looked around and saw an axe on the ground, which looked abandoned. He immediately ran for it, and picked it up, as he held it in his hand, ready to take on this Nurse Ann person. She revved up the chainsaw again, as she charged at him, only for Aaron to swing his axe and clash against the chainsaw, sparks flew out from the blades, as Aaron was pushed back by the attack. But Aaron did not stop, as he swung the axe at the zombie lady, cutting her stomach, and her entrails fell to the ground. This made him revolted, as he jumped back and held his mouth, but immediately jumped out of the way, as Nurse Ann continued to try and attack him. Aaron jumped back, but the chainsaw blade nicked him in the arm a bit, making a small cut appear, which made him panicked, as he then jumped out of the way again, only for Aaron to kick her back as quickly as he could, before he swung his axe at her hand holding the chainsaw, but Nurse Ann stepped back, and Aaron jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit by the chainsaw. Than, he got kicked in the stomach, hard, as he was launched back by the kick and crashed into a wall behind him, which hurt like hell. Blood came out of his mouth, but Aaron still stood up to try and fight back, as Nurse Ann came rushing down at him. Aaron jumped away, and axed her head from behind. But this did not stop her. In fact, she still kept going, like the blow did not affect her a single bit. Arron jumped back, and tried to get away. But this time Nurse Ann grabbed him by the neck, and began to strangle him with just one hand, as Aaron grabbed her hand and tried to prey the fingers off of her. Nurse Ann looked at him, manic hate shown in her eyes, as she spoke out.

"You are getting on my nerves, boy. But not for long. It is time to-"

But before she could finish, all of a sudden, something sliced across her neck, and all of a sudden, her head slid off, as her body fell to the ground, letting go of Aaron, as well as shutting off the chainsaw. Aaron held his neck, as he began to breathe again, as a voice spoke out.

"Huh, so this is why you were gone longer than expected."

Aaron looked up, and he sees that the person that saved him, is none other than Dina.

Judge Angels has now came to rescue, as she held her sword out tightly, as she looked down at Aaron, before she grabbed him by the back of his shirt's collar, and lifted him up, as Aaron spoke out.

"Somehow trouble finds me in away I never thought possible."

Dina nodded her head and shrugged, as she spoke out.

"Of course. And in the bright side...at least she is done for."

Aaron looked unsure, as he looked at the zombie nurse again...and he spoke out.

"Oh boy. Dina...I don't think she's done yet."

He points behind Judge Angels, and she turns around...to see the zombie nurse's body raise up, all by itself. The body them moved the arms to grab the head, and picked it up, the head's eyes are now open wide, as the arms puts the head down onto the neck, and screwed it on top, as Aaron spoke out.

"This is so disgusting."

Judge Angels smiled a bit, but it is just to hide just how dangerous pissed off she is, as she spoke out.

"Tch...I don't know what you are...but you have made a big mistake trying to attack my soulmate. It is time...that you get executed for your sins."

Nurse Ann looks at her and revs her chainsaw, as she spoke out, quietly.

"You may try...little girl."

Judge Angels swung her sword with as much force as she can, as Nurse Ann blocked it with her chainsaw. This made Nurse Ann step back, as Judge Angels jumped into the air and tried to slice her in half, only for Nursr Ann to get out of the way fast, as she stepped back, not wanting to get hit by the blade. She tried to swing her chainsaw at Judge Angels in order to decapitate her, but she raised her sword to block it, although she did somewhat stumble back and fell to the ground. But when that happened, Aaron came out of nowhere and tried to swing an axe at Nurse Ann, and axed her spine, which made Nursr Ann look very annoyed at this, as she began to try and grab him. But Aaron jumped back and tore the axe off of her, as he than kicked her at the side, making her stumble a little bit, before she then goes to Aaron to try and saw him to death. But Judge Angels punched Nurse Ann away, and also knocked her head off, which made Nurse Ann fall down to the ground for a little bit.

Judge Angels looked down, as she saw Nurse Ann was still for a little bit, but then her body began to stand up, as Aaron spoke out.

"You know what, I've had enough of this! We need to get o of here, like now!"

Judge Angels agreed, and took Aaron by the hand and ran for it, and she ended up dragging Aaron quickly, as she ran at speeds never thought possible, going as fast as she can so that Nurse Ann does not catch up to the both of them. And luckily, she still has her sword with her, as Judge Angels ran back to the house, Aaron tightly in her hand, in order to hide and be safe from Nurse Ann.

Back at the house...

Aaron and Judge Angels made it back, as Aaron unlocked the door fast, and he then spoke out.

"Quick, close down the blinds and shut off the lights!!"

Judge Angels nodded, as they began to scatter around the house, and they began to do it as fast as they can, in hopes that they can hide from Nurse Ann inside of the house. One-by-one, the lights shut off from different parts of the house, before reaching Aaron's room, as they both went inside of the room, with Judge Angels closing the blinds, and after she ran back to her boyfriend's position, Aaron shut off of the lights, and the room became dark, as they both sat behind the bed, not sure of Nurse Ann will even notice. Both Dina and Aaron closed their eyes and covered their mouth, as they held onto each other's hands in order to ensure that they do not get caught. The sounds of shuffling was heard, and both Dina and Aaron looked at the mirror in the room, and saw a bright red glowing eye, trying to look through the closed blinds, but if failing at that spectacularly. After a little bit, the red glow of the eye moved away, and began to move to another part of the house, trying to find where they are. But no matter what is happening, no matter which part of the room that she is at, she cannot find them. Eventually, after what must have been 10 minutes around the house...she gave up. She finally decided to walk away, and although she kept looking back to see if the house would turn on again, to show that her victims are inside of it...she saw no one. She eventually left the house, finally giving up, as she believes that they are just not inside of this place.

Aaron and Dina crawled out from behind the bed...as Aaron took out nightlight, and put it into a plug socket, as it glowed blue, and Aaron spoke out.

"Is...is she gone?"

He and Dina crawled a little bit, as they sat inland learned at the side of the bed, and looked to see that she is not returning, as Dina than spoke out.

"I...I think she is."

Both Dina and Aaron looked at each other at what they just went into, at what they had just face...and all that they could do was laugh at the situation even though it was not funny. After a little bit, Aaron finally stopped laughing, as he spoke out to Judge Angels.

"I'm...really happy you came for me. But...I'm also sorry that you had to get dragged into my mess."

Judge Angels smiled, as she spoke out to him.

"I told you before, Aaron. I would kill anyone to ensure that you are safe. I did not back out from that."

Aaron smiled softly, as he thanked spoke out.

"And that, you held true too."

Dina smiled a bit at him...but than her eyes became half-lidded in an almost seductive-like way, as she then picked Aaron up and puts him onto the bed rather suddenly, and began to crawl on top of him. This act had caught Aaron by surprise, due to the fact that he has never seen Dina like this before, as he than spoke out to her, nervous about whatever it is that she is thinking.

"Woah, uh...Dina. What in the world are you thinking of doing right now?"

Dina smiled a bit, as she spoke out to him, about what it is that is going inside of her mind right now.

"Let's just say...it is something that I have been thinking for a long time while being with you."


Before Aaron even knew what is about to happen, Dina lowered her face down and kissed Aaron on the lips, her tongue beginning to explore the inside of his mouth, as Aaron was too stunned to even bother what Dina is doing. Then, he felt her grab his left hand, as he doesn't know what she is doing with it, until he felt something soft and firm onto his hand. It did not take long for Aaron to realize what Dina was doing with his hand. Dina then pulled away, her face is red, and he looks to see that his left hand is gripping her breast.

This made him shocked, and he almost wanted to faint. She gripped his wrist tightly, and in a strange reflex of a sort, he squeezed, which made Dina moan a little bit, because of how good it felt for her. But she wanted to take it a step further. She began to lower her zipper of her outfit, as she began to take it off. When she did, Aaron felt embarrassed once again, and tried to cover his eyes, but Dina stopped him and frappes his wrists, as she spoke.

"Hey, it's fine. I don't mind you looking at me this way. In fact...I want you see to see me this way."

Aaron felt hesitant, but he instantly obliged, as he looks at her, seeing her white bra and her yellow and white-striped underwear, as she spoke out.

"I want to do this with. You helped me feel better and give me a hope I never had seen. So...it is fair that I want to give something to you. I...I really hope they you like it."

She then began to take her undergarments off, and exposed her whole bare body to him, and he almost blushed. But...he decided to make this fair and make her feel accepted by beginning to take his shirt off, as Dina began to take his pants off, and he felt...a little something in his pelvis, as well as feeling a little bit hot inside. She then gripped his other hand and put it onto her other breast, as she spoke out to him.

"Let's enjoy this...together."

Aaron felt himself turning more red in the face than ever, as he squeezed them both at the same time, as Dina began to gasp and moan, she shivered a little bit, as she held the back of his head with both of her hands, as she pulled him in and kissed him on the lips as much as she can, as she's enjoying him much more. As she stops kissing him, Aaron bet can to breath in a shaky way, as he never felt this way before. He has no idea what is up with him or up with Dina all of a sudden. But for some reason...he is feeling like he wants to have more of her than expected. Dina even began to drool a little bit because of how good it made her feel. After a little bit, she finally grabbed his boxers, and ripped them off, as she spoke out.

"Now, let's go onto the main course~."

She then rose up, and before Aaron knew it, she slammed her womanhood down onto his manhood, which made Aaron gasp slightly and Dina moan a little bit more than ever before, and it makes her very happy that they are now able to do this together, as she hugged Aaron's head to her cleavage and began to bounce onto him. She gasped and smiled, as she threw her head back and faced up the ceiling, and she closed her eyes, the pleasure that she is feeling from this is so indescribable, she cannot find the words to say it.

Aaron closed his eyes, as he hugged her a bit, his face is still onto her cleavage a little bit. He felt his mind going a bit nuts, scattering all over the place, not sure what in the world he is even doing anymore, not even knowing what he is supposed to be thinking. And yet despite all of this, within himself, he felt...good. For some reason, he cannot help but feel this way, because of the fact that she felt so incredible in the way he feels about this. He cannot help but indulge himself into this sort of thing, even though he has no idea what he is doing. His body thrusting up and moving on its own in order to make Dina feel much more good than she ever felt before, as she even moaned out to him.

"Keeping moving, Aaron. It feels so good for me!"

Aaron, almost as if his body is agreeing with her, began to go faster with her, as she hugged him much more than ever before, her immense strength preventing him from moving out of the way. She continues to bounce onto him and began to gasp continuously, due to how much he is doing to her. She desires to have what he has inside of her, and will stop at nothing to get it out of him. After what must have been a little bit, Aaron felt a pressure inside of him, and Dina began to feel the same inside of herself as well, as Aaron than spoke out.

"D-D-Dina. I-I-I'm..."

But Dina already knows what he is about to say, as she then spoke out to him.

"I know, I am to! Do it, inside of me! I want it!!"

Aaron moaned a little bit, unable to hold it back, and then, both Aaron and Dina released onto each other, as Dina moaned loudly at what she felt from Aaron, what she wanted to feel from him. Her stomach felt warm and pleasant at what Aaron shot inside of her.

After that...she rose up, and fell on top of Aaron, who gently lowered himself onto the bed. He and Dina breathed a little bit by what had just happened. After that passionate session, Dina looks at Aaron, as she spoke out.

"You...you are so wonderful, Aaron."

Dina, smiled at him rather wider than before, as she kissed him on the lips before she hugged his head into her cleavage, as she spoke out to him rather lovingly.

"Hehehehe...I love you, Aaron."

Aaron, hearing this, actually felt much more happier than before, as he hugged her in return, and spoke out.

"I love you too, Dina."

Aaron himself closed his eyes, as he felt so comfortable in her hug...but as he did so...one thought entered his mind at the wrong time.

'Now how do I explain Dina to my parents?'

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