Chapter 3

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Finally, some action. Art not mine. Hope you all enjoy!


To say to finally the outside world had Six's heart beating anxiously would be an understatement. Yes, she's always wanted out, but now that it was finally happening, she isn't sure if she even wants to go out anymore.

Seven said the world out there was dangerous... but so was the Maw, her home. What was even out there? Were there other humans or Nomes? What about animals? The only thing Six had even seen were rats.

Seven told her stories about these things called pigs and a thing called a big bad wolf, were they like rats?

As she stood before the exit, Six felt every nerve in body feel like it was on fire. Could she even leave this place? The thought was both exciting and scary, the thought of being somewhere else thrilling yet terrifying.

"There is a beach just north of here, go there and try to find anything. We can't stay here long, but we'll try to prolong everything as much as we can," Veronica explained, arms behind her back as she looked down to the small duo.

Negative sat on her shoulder, small black wisps of dark energy gently floating off of her body. "I'm gonna try my best to keep in touch. Try to come back in one piece, you two. Don't go doing something I won't do," she teased.

"Oh, right, I also packed you bags. I made sure to out Six's favorite snacks in hers, and, Sev, I gave you extra batteries for your flashlight," she said snapping her fingers, two small rucksacks appearing from thin air.

They caught them before they felt, a soft smile on Seven's face. "Thanks, Negative. We'll be back before anyone notices we're gone."

Six gave a soft, nervous chuckle, not that the others noticed, luckily. They turned, looking towards the stairs that lead upward.

"Well, this is it. Ready?" Six nearly missed the question, but looked to her partner in crime. His rough, slightly unkempt hair was covering his eyes again, but Six saw the same look nervous look on him.

"Yeah, I'm ready," 'to absolutely have a panic attack' Six lightly bit her tongue, not finishing the thought. Seven gave her a nod, and grabbed her hand, making their way up the stairs to the exit.

The metal door opened, bright sunlight pouring in. Six flinched, her eyes screwed shut. She could only count on one hand how many times she had seen the sun, but they were all brief moments during her and Seven's first adventure through the Maw.

It was a giant ball of light that hung in the sky, and she did not like it in the slightest. Her dark, sensitive eyes burned when she looked out. The air was cool, a hard window blowing suddenly.

the smell of sea salt filled her nose, making her crinkle it. This wasn't what she thought the outside would be like...

Seven was smiling though, and when the two got to the top of the stairs, he ran to the ship's edge. His arms were outstretched, wind tossing his hair back slightly. Six watched him, before her way to his side.

Right as she got to the end of the stairs, a sharp, blistering pain ran through her. It was like someone had set her on fire, the screams she didn't even register as her own sounding like a person being murdered.

And to Six, it felt like it. The pain was intense, like serrated claws slashing at her small body over and over, cutting into her inch by inch. It was relentless, like it was grabbing her by the throat like a panther and shaking her about until it was satisfied.

It somehow got worse when Seven touched her shoulder, like the second explosion of flames in a out of control fire. Her cries started to become more shaky, throat becoming raw. She wasn't sure if it was blood or bile that rose in the back of her throat, but it seemed to make the soreness worse.

She fell and feebly curled up on the salty metal floor, nails digging into her sides as she tried to calm the fiery feeling that scorched her body. She couldn't tell whatever Seven was saying, nor did she even care at the moment. Arms grabbed her, pulling her away from the stairs and towards the water.

The pain lessened, but her body still shook from the aftermath. She felt arms around her stomach, a hug from behind. Gentle hushing softly whispering in her ear as the pain grew dimmer and dimmer.

Until now, Six thought it was only her who was shaking; but when she finally came to her sense, she felt Seven shaking behind her as well.

What the hell was that?

The two stayed there, just tried to calm down their shot nerves about what just happened. Veronica and Negative didn't come to see, which rose more suspension in their heads. Surely they heard Six scream!

"Are you okay? Should we got back inside and ask Ms. Veronica to send someone else?" Seven asked, holding her close to him. Six trembling, hands shaky as her hand took his.

"N-no, I'm fine... just... I'm not sure what happened... I was fine then..."

"I don't know what happened, just take as much time as you need, we're not in a rush."

The two laid there, holding onto each other desperately. Never had Six felt pain like that, nor had Seven even seen or heard a person in so much anguish.

Six finally sat up on her own, looking behind her. Seven was pale, the blood seemingly drained from him. She tried to reassure him with a small, weak smile, but she couldn't feel herself even come close to a faint one.

Once on shaky legs, Six helped the other out of his frozen state and up on his own legs. The two were silent, before looking out towards the sea. The shoreline could be seen, maybe a mile or two away, a small forest behind it.

"How do we get over there?" Six asked, raising her hand to her eyes to block out the harsh sunlight.

"Not sure. We could swim for it, but maybe we could... Six?"

Seven looked down when he heard a noise, seeing the other already paddling her way to the mainland. "Hey, w-wait up!"

Seven jumped, landing in the cold, salty water. His jacket clung to his thin body as he started to swim with the other. Six didn't know much about swimming, but by the stars did she know how to doggy paddle.

He caught up to her after a moment, trying to stay a float the best he could. "Try to take a rest now and again, just remember to lay on your back," he told her, noticing she was getting out of breath.

After what felt like hours, did the shore finally become large enough to spot things out on. A TV could be seen, along with a large metal door with an eye on it. A forest laid next to the door, trees gently swaying in the breeze.

"Sev, my arms are hurting," Six muttered, head barely above the water at this point.

"Just a bit more, you'll be fine! I can see the water's edge from here," Seven encouraged her, kicking the water a bit harder. Six was able to keep up with him, but was noticeably slower than before.

After ten minutes or so, did they two finally get onto land (well, Six was more so washed up onto the beach). Seven got to his tired legs, hair and clothes wet and plastered to his unhealthy thin body.

His dark blue eyes scanned around, trying to find a find any sort of clue at where they were, or where this Mono kid was. Six had her face in the sand, exhausted from the nonstop swimming.

"Sev, break time, now," she panted, looking up, sand stuck on her cheeks, bangs and hood.

"Right, let's at least get out from the open," he replied, helping the girl up on her feet. Muscles sore, the two made it to the forest's edge and into it. The grass was nearly as tall as them, waving around in the breeze that swept thought.

They found a small opening, a TV laying in the ground not to far from them. "What's with all the TVs?" Six asked, running her fingers over the smooth screen.

"Not sure, maybe we'll learn why later-"


The two froze at the noise of a gun being cocked. Their eyes slowly drifted to the source of the noise. There stood a grown man, hunting rifle in hand, pointed towards them.


Two chapter in one day, would you look at that!

Finished - Aug. 29th

Little Daydreams AU info expansion

Six (main) - though she is 16, Six has never actually left the Maw. Being a sheltered child, she doesn't get most none innocent jokes or know that some words Nomes say aren't the most family-friendly.

Negative - being Six's shadowy counterpart, Negative can easily sense when something is wrong with the other. Most times though, she doesn't mention it and knows she'll be able to straighten whatever it is out. Not to say she doesn't love her, but just so Six can have a bit of her own independence.

More info later on...

Sorry for republishing it, something happened and I had to take it down

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