Chapter 8

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(Art not by me)

"So, how did you and Seven meet?" Mono asked. Six watched Seven silently stomp his way away from her and their new companion. They were still in the room with the hook and key, the moonlight filtering in from the window.

Six looked over to the other, slightly confused by the question. 'He's just curious,' she told herself.

"Me and Sev? We met on The Maw when we were a lot younger. He's my best friend, even if he's crush is pretty obvious," she teased. Mono gave a small chuckle.

"That it is. I'm starting to think he doesn't like me all the much," Mono said, putting his hands in his trench pocket. "Those death glares are furious."

Six snickered slightly, nodding her head. "Definitely. I'm sorry if he does anything outlandish."

"Hey, it's no problem. I can understand though, why he's so protective."

"And your assumption is?"

"Well, look at you two! You both are a thin as a pair of starving kittens in winter! Where you guys are from, I'd be lucky to even escape with my bag,"

Six gave a small tilt of the head, a visual cue she was confused. "Winter?" she asked.

"You don't know what winter is? Jeez... have you ever been outside?"

"Nope, I've only known the Maw. Born and raised in it. This is my first ever time being out of there. Granted, I didn't think I'd be out helping a refugee, but it's not all that bad,"

"Huh..." Mono began. "Winter is a season. It's deadly, there's not a lot of food or supplies, and it's cold from a bunch of snow." His head lightly bobbed up and down, looking at the girl.

"You and him being that thin is worrying me. I'm normally not all that fattened up myself, but I'm usually nearly dead when it's over,"

"It sounds terrifying. I like it,"

The two gave a small snort of laughter. "Of course you'd probably say something like that. Hey, I think I can hear Seven coming back. Wanna make him jealous?"

"Heck yeah. What are we gonna do?"

"Just follow my lead."


"Hey, Mono, where are we going?" Seven asked, his grip gentle yet strong around Six's hand. The lead of the group looked back, bag masking his features.

"There's a rabbit burrow up ahead we can hide in. Afterwards, we can rest and maybe get some sleep." Six kept her grip steady, not wanting to let go of either of them in fear of them getting lost. Zero trotted by their side, her soft fluffy coat bounce with each step she made.

The air was cool and wet, foggy (or was it misty actually?) and tense to the point it was a bit harder to see. The clouds didn't let up either, rain still starting to come down in a soft yet steady pace.

The quiet sound of the rain bouncing off Six's raincoat and the faint sound of a hooting owl were the only noises of the night. Tall trees towered over them, leafy crowns blocking out the sky. Filtered moonlights gently showered down from the full moon above.

Mono loved it when it was like this. When it was beautiful out, to where he could climb onto a tree branch and fall asleep under moonrays of pale silver.

"When we get there, I'll explain everything I can," he said, watching the path up ahead. The grass became taller and taller, until it was chest high to them.

"Zero, stay close, girl," Six whispered. The small puppy snorted, walking closer to the humans. Mono gave a small chuckle from under his bag, a hidden smile on his face.

It soon fell, when the three noticed a figure. Tall and large, stuffing and muscles, clumpy clothes and a burlap sack with a trusty shotgun in hand.

The Hunter.

It was like Mono went into "auto pilot", immediately crouching in the grass, the grip on Six's hand tightening.

"Quiet," he whispered. The other two copied him, quietly making their way passed the man. His back was turned, but Mono could see a lantern-esk flashlight in his hand. He waved it around, looking at the grass below him.


They had to be quiet.

Mono took the lead, Six and Seven behind him as they stalked by. Slowly, carefully, quietly, they advanced with soft footsteps and anxiety filled minds.

Don't make a sound.

Zero tucked herself in the grass shoots, staying by Six's side as best as she could without drawing attention.

They slowly crept their way to the middle of the clearing, when suddenly a crow flew off, cawing and flapping loudly.

The flashlight's light swung over to them, the three frozen stiff. Their breaths hitched, their muscles tense, eyes trained, and minds blank. Seconds passed, but it felt like minutes with each bated breath they forced their lungs to take.

Scanning over the grass, the light was eventually moved, sweeping over the rest of the clearing. With anxiety filled bellies and minds, the small group went forward in a quiet and stealthy pace.

Mono kept the lead, stopping every few minutes or so to see it the Hunter looking the other way. After an agonizing slow grind to the other side, they found themselves with a new problem.

The rabbit burrow was just a few feet away, but the Hunter stood just a yard or two from it, shotgun in hand.

"La verga..." Mono whispered, watching as the Hunter swept over the burrow with his light. His gun gave a sheen in the darkness, polished metal barrel pointed at the ready for sign of life.

The light shined over to them, the three staying crouched in the tall grass. Six let go of his hand, reaching over and grabbing Zero.

"Run on three," Mono softly whispered, glancing over his shoulder. Seven and Six braced themselves, the later tightening her grip on the small dog.

Mono rose his hand, one finger up.

The light stayed on them, before being swept over to the rabbit burrow once more.

Two fingers up.

After an agonizingly long moment, the light moved once more, to the farther side of them.

Three fingers. Mono sprinted to the burrow, Six and Seven hot on his tail. The sound of the shotgun being cocked as the only sound he heard before he jumped, falling into the hole.

The gun went off.

A scream, cutting through the air.

Before Mono could turned to see who it was, a body crashed into him, another pushing and shouting.

"Go, go!"

Mono grabbed whoever had been thrown at him, holding them under his arm, running through the burrow.

The scent of blood and dirt was all he could smell, warm liquid covering his hands.

He just ran. Ran, and didn't look back.


Finished - Sept. 18th

*innocent whistle noises*

How evil would I be if I went on my hiatus now?

It's tempting, but I think one more chapter would be good to leave us one.

Little Daydreams AU info expansion

Mono (final main) - Mono has handled the Hunter multiple times before Six and Seven came to help him. He knows the forest like the back of his hand, and can tell you all the good hiding spots.

Zero - Though she is still a puppy, Zero is incredibly smart. She can watch a human do something, and learn from it right away. Sometimes she'll talk back to you if you speak to her.

More info later on...

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