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(Art not mine)

"Come on, come on, work!" Said a boy. He look in his teens, although his face and hair was hidden by a paper bag.

"Work, damn it!" He cursed, kicking the TV again. The TV flickered for a moment before going out once more. The boy let out an irritated cry, punching the side of the TV.

He fell down, drawing his knees up to his chest, putting his face down. A soft sob sounded thought out the foggy and desolate forest around him. There were no animals or monsters around, and if there was, he didn't care.

He had to reach someone, he had to call for help.

"C'mon, Mono, think... a TV in the middle of nowhere, the Hunter is around, and if you get it working it might be a bitter more dangerous. The Broadcaster has some guts, teasing me like this," he mumbled, looking up.

The dark clouded night sky barely gave him any light, the moon nowhere to be seen.

"Mamá muéstrame una señal," he mumbled, gripping the grass next to him. His voice was weak as the faint Spanish accent escaped his lips.

"Momma, show me a sign..."

The boy went silent, head hitting the side of the TV. He took a breath of the night forest air, his eyes closing under the bag.

He laid there for a moment, before springing up as he heard something. Gentle, elegant wingbeats softly echoing next to him. His green eyes glance to see what it was, finding a moth with pale lime wings and white fuzzy body.

"Lunar moth... bringer of new beginnings and new life..." he mumbled, seeing the moth flutter to him.

The moth settled on his knee, before taking back off, circling the air and settling back down. The boy chuckled, getting up.

"Stereotypical 'follow-the-magically-appeared-animal', momma always loved that. Guess that's you then, huh?" he asked, holding his hand out.

The moth gently settled into him, black eyes looking at him with an knowing look.

"I'll take that as a yes then," he chuckled, watching the moth fly up again and fluttered off. The boy followed after, his oversized, gray, dirty trench coat getting wet from the dew.

The grass was slippery under his bare feet, nearly falling and getting mud on his dark gray pants.

He followed the moth, making his way through the forest, meandering through the large roots and grass. Mono looked up, seeing the barely visible stars dimly twinkle above him. Where was a flashlight or lantern when he needed it?

He looked back ahead of him, finding that the moth had led him to a sandy beach. It was small, somewhat, only a small sprint and he was always at the water's edge.

White foam gently lapped at the edge, a small shell being swept in by the water. It must have been high tide, seeing how flooded most of the ground before him was.

The moth caught his attention, flying off to the side. In the distance, Mono noticed something. A box shaped object, projecting static and a faint buzzing noise.


A working TV!

He quickly ran to it, throwing sand behind him as he dashed forward. The moth gently landed on the TV's top, watching the teenage boy come to it.

"It's working! Maybe I can finally reach someone out there. Thank you, momma," he said, gently scooping the Lunar moth into his hands.

The insect briefly flapped its wings, before taking off into the night sky.

The boy couldn't fight the smile forming under his paper bag. A message! He could get a message out there!

He took a deep breath, coming to the static filled screen. Gently, he laid his hands on it, the screen's static momentarily dissappearing, a blank white screen shining brightly.

"Come on..."

The screen was filled with static once again, a barely visible scene being shown.

"Come oooonn..."

Slowly the scene became more visible, a faint image of an eye being seen.

"A little mooore..."

In a split second, the screen flickered, the eyes now being seen clearly. The boy smiled brightly, letting go of the screen as he jumped up.

"Got it! I finally did it!"

The eye flickered again, before a screen showing a bedroom came on. A tall woman wearing a velvety kimono was on the other side, brushing her hair as she mumbled to herself,

"Now remember, Veronica, the guests must be taken care of and the kids need to be tended to while Mr. Roger is out sick. Perhaps Seven could... oh?"

She looked up surprised, putting the hair brush down.

"No one has used this communicator in a long time. Can I help you, young man?"

Mono blinked in confusion. He had a few questions, but didn't mention anything.

"Miss, I'm not sure how long I can keep the signal, I've tried multiple times to reach out to outsiders. Please, The City needs help, there's this-- man who calls himself The Broadcaster. You're the first person that hasn't been brainwashed I've seen in literal years."

"Whoa, whoa now, calm down. What's your name? Where are you?"

"My name is Mono, I'm on the outskirts of The City, please I need help,"

"Mono, relax, panicking isn't going to get you anywhere, dear. What is happening?"

"I don't know! One day screens turned all static-y and people were becoming mindless zombies! I was able to get out, but I'm being hunted by The Broadcaster and some other people. Miss, I don't know where you are, but please, call for help for me,"

"You said you're on the outskirts of The City? Don't worry, dear, I'll send a few others to help you. My name is Veronica, I'm the head of the Maw. I'll be sending you help as soon as I can. Can you hide where you are?"

"Yeah, I can. There's some roots and cages out here I can hide in,"

"Good, I want you to hide there until help arrives. They should be there soon, alright?"

"Alright, Miss Veronica. I'll be waiting."

She gave a small nod, before the screen went back to being filled with static.

Mono gave as sigh, taking the bag off his head and running a hand in his hair.

"Please, just get here soon..."


Part 1 of ???

Finished - Aug. 26th

Little Daydreams AU

An AU of Little Nightmares that was created by me, Degal. This AU is different from the games and comics.

Six (main) - has a sister named Clover, who died and became her shadow who is now known as Negative. Still experiences bad hunger outbursts. Very sharp canine teeth and strong jaws, nearly able to bend a pipe with her bite force.

Seven (other main) - has an older brother named Tex, who is still alive. Six's logical bestie with Caution as his middle name. Has frequently déjù vu's that he simply called 'daydreams' that let's him see brief visions or scenes of the near future. Wasn't turned into a Nome or ate.

Mono (final main) - known info: bilingual but mostly speaks English and Spanish. Wears a paper bag over his head to conceal his identity. Has an unusual power over TV's and electronics.

Nomes - creatures that inhabit the giant sea vessel called The Maw. Not harmful, but rather annoying and loud. Can talk... a lot. Currently have two groups: The Mawthians and The Outcasts Nomes. Mostly pranksters who pick on kids and staff members. Not kids, but rather they're own species.

More info later on...

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