Prologue: The idle angel

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(alright this has a lot of vulgar content so if you don't like that this is not your kinda story and I advise you leave)

The day was young and a male figure stood with his hands shoved in his pockets. He looked to be around the age of a teenager and had disheveled black hair that fell past his neck and stubble lining his upper lip and chin. He had a fair complexion and he wore a black t shirt with jeans and a brown fur scarf.

This is Y/n an angel that was cast out of heaven because he was too lazy and didn't contribute to anything really, and maybe a war crime but we don't talk about that.

It was day time around the afternoon and Y/n stood on a bridge that's built over a pond with his hands shoved into his pockets.

Infront of him was a man in a blue business suit with a bowtie. He has brown slicked back hair and a curled mustache and goatee. On his face was an angered one as pointed at Y/n.

Man: I ought to sue you!

Y/n's gray eyes stared blankly at thr man who was currently shouting at him while gesturing to his totaled car that had smoke coming up from the engine.

Y/n: Ok.

Man: Do you know how much fucking money this thing cost?!

Y/n itched his cheek with a finger and moved the scarf he wore around his neck up so it covered his mouth before shrugging.

Y/n: Probably a lot. I'm not expert but I have a feeling it fetched a pretty penny.

Man: A lot doesn't cover it you brat!

The man shook his fist at Y/n who looked like he couldn't give less of a shit.

Y/n: Uh huh. . . Let me take care of that for you.

Y/n kept the impassive look on his face and moved to the destroyed car before grabbing onto it and lifting it up as if it was made of air.

He then chuckled it behind him off the bridge down below into the pond as the man stared at him in horror.

Man: Wh-Wha?!

Y/n: There you go now if you don't mind I need to go. I've had my daily dose of sunlight for the damn day. Reminds me too much of the old man.

Y/n turned around tugging on his scarf a little as he started a casual stroll away while humming what sounded like a metal song to himself.

About half an hour later Y/n found himself in a park laying sideways on a bench that was in the shade with his knees pulled to his chest watching people walk around.

Y/n: What am I even doing here again? Oh yeah waiting til a ghost popped up. Which would be nice if I fucking knew when they'd show up!

A explosion went off bout a block away and Y/n nodded his head slightly.

Y/n: Alright now. Imma kill it!

Y/n leapt from the bench and got to scooting digging his bare feet into the grass as he blasted off in the direction of the explosion.

Time seemed to slow as Y/n ran near a police cruiser and his eyes glanced to the window as a smirk crossed his face.

Y/n: Meep Meep!

The officers inside had no time to retort because they were now looking at the angels retreating backside that was quickly getting further from them.

Cop1: The fuck was that?

Cop2: No damn clue.

Y/n slid to a stop to the sight of an explosion and there was civilians running away in fright as smoke wisped into the air in the middle of the street.

Y/n leaned backwards as a tentacle shot out the smoke nearly wrapping around his head.

Y/n: Oh? I watched a lot of hentai to know what could happen if I let you get your grubby little feelers on me.

The smoke cleared and Y/n looked at the squirming bulbus mass of black tar and tentacles.  It had a singular yellow eye that glowed a bit dramatically.

It let out a screech and Y/n scoffed digging his pinkie into his ear before Bobbing and weaving between the tentacles that were all trying to grab him.

But eventually the tentacles grabbed onto him wrapping around his waist only to get a scowl from the angel who grabbed his scarf and ripped it off his neck as two wings made of light formed  above his shoulder blades and a halo formed over his head.

The scarf then promptly turned into a large battle axe that was perfect for Y/n's height and build. The metal reflected the light cast from the sun and Y/n jousted a finger at the ghost.

Y/n: You fucked up coming here buddy. Why don't ya just sit there and let me kill you? So I can get the heaven coin you have.

Y/n got a screech like he expected and gripped the long pole in his hand which led to the axe head before running at the monster jumping into the air twisting his body to avoid the tendrils before steadying himself right Infront the ghost before swinging his axe down over his head doing a flip in the process as before the axe struck true.

Y/n: Woohoo got em!

A geyser of black blood erupted into the air and the ghost exploded in a plume of dust and a loud bell went off as Y/n landed on his feet and picked up the gold coin off the ground.

Y/n: This is number. . .3? I think.

He flicked the coin into the air and caught it in his hand but the sound of an engine made him pivot on his foot to look down the street and he saw a pink object rapidly approaching.

Y/n: What the hell is that?

Before he knew it he was hit by it knocking his body into the air before hitting the ground with a grunt as his axe turned back into a scarf which he reached his arm out grabbing onto it with a groan.

"Dammit Stocking this is your fault! If you hadn't wasted time fattening yourself we would have been able to kill the ghost instead of somebody else!"

"Shut up bitch you were giving the mail man a blowjob and didn't finish til I made you!"

Y/n ungracefully climbed to his feet a bit groggy and looked at the two new arrivals before his shoulders sagged and he looked seconds from crying.

Y/n was beyond familiar with the two after all he was quite well maintained with them in heaven which means they are angels too.  The first is panty and the second was stocking.

Panty was a bombshell with  long blonde hair that fell down her back and red ear rings. She had blue eyes and wore a red dress with bracelets around her wrists.

Stocking had purple hair with pink highlights and had a big blue bowtie on the back of her head. She wore a gothic french maid dress that has blue cloth wrapped around her waist. And high knee stockings.

Y/n: Nooooo-ho-ho! The fuck are you two doing here?!

Panty/stocking: Y/n?! You're here too?

The two female angels looked surprised with panty zooming up to Y/n wrapping an arm around his neck like they were buddies.

Y/n: This is awful.

Panty: So you're the one who killed the ghost. Makes sense. Hey you got any heaven coins?

Y/n scowled at her as she wiggles her eyebrows at him.

Y/n: Fuck you it's mine. Also you hit me with your car.

Stocking: Our car you lazy cunt.

Y/n: Whatever.

Panty: How come you're here Y/n? How long have you been here anyway?

Panty released Y/n who dusted off his shirt from whatever the hell particles she could have gotten on him.

Y/n: Six months.

Stocking somehow had a small hand held plate that had a piece of cake on it that she was eating with a plastic fork.

Stocking: You've been here longer then us. To think this is where you were. You are bound to have more heaven coin then us!

Y/n grabbed his head with both hands and groaned loudly.

Y/n: . . . Ughhh!

Panty grinned snapping her fingers before pointing at Y/n who was contemplating life.

Panty: Well. . Wait I got an idea! You should come live with us!

Stocking shook her head slightly taking a bite from her cake.

Stocking: That sounds like a horrible idea.

Panty rolled her eyes shooting stocking a look. While Y/n muttered something to himself.

Panty: Oh whatever stocking. It's not as if he's gonna eat your sweets you fat bitch. The place would probably be better then where ever he's currently living.

Y/n: . . .I live under a bridge.

Panty: See! It's gonna be perfect!

Timeskip. . .

Silence filled the air as Y/n stared up at the big black man staring down at him wearing priest garbs. He has a large circular afro that was well maintained to be frank. And he had a mustache and beard.

Garterbelt: You gotta be kidding me? WHY GOD?! WHY IS THERE ANOTHER ONE AT MY DOOR STEP?! WHYYYYY?!?!

The man looked up at the heavens expecting an answer but got nothing in return as panty who was checking her painted nails chipped in.

Panty: Ah relax you big baby, he's not that bad as long as you just let him nap.

Stocking nodded her head and made a square with her hands. Y/n simply kicked the green beanbag of a dog that was on his leg off sending it into the wall.

Stocking: Yeah. And if you give him cheese.

Y/n: There's never and I mean never been any mention of me liking cheese at all.

Garterbelt: Now why in da hell would i give him cheese?! Do you know how damn hard I work to put food in the fridge ya hoes?!

He shoved his fingers in their faces and Y/n shrugged non caring as panty dug a finger into her ear and stocking sucked on a straw to a milkshake that she got out of god knows where.

Panty: Yeah Yeah keep bitching let's just go inside.

Y/n: Yeah. My nipples are getting cold under this shirt.

Stocking: How does that even happen you're wearing a shirt?!

Y/n: It's a thin shirt.

Garterbelt: Ah what the hell? Get your asses inside angels!

A moment later the three angels and priest sat at a round dining table eating whatever garterbelt made.

Panty: Oh your curry is so good garter!

Stocking: . . Really good. . .

Garterbelt: HMPH! Go figure the one thing you two can  appreciate me for is good. What you think?

Garterbelt looked at Y/n who was talking spoonfuls of curry with tears running down his cheeks for some reason.

Y/n: It's good. . .

Stocking: He's crying. . .

Panty: Hey why are you crying as if your dog was shot and ran over.

Y/n: Fuck you panty. . I'm not crying.

Panty: Are you offering~

Panty leaned over the table wrapping her arms around Y/n's neck only to have her face grabbed by her fellow angel and thrown back onto her ass.

Stocking: He doesn't want to fuck you slut. Probably because how loose your holes are!

Panty: You bitch I'll have you know-

Y/n tuned the two arguing sisters out and looked at garterbelt who was simply eating out his bowl with his eyes closed clearly used to this behavior just like Y/n.

Y/n: You have a place I can sleep?

Garterbelt: You can use my room, it's cozy.

Y/n: . . . . Nah I'm good.

Garterbelt: Your loss. Anyway you can go to stocking's room. She has more then enough room to share. It's the one that is clean and doesn't smell like shit.

Y/n: Okie.

Y/n stood up and left the Dining room making sure to step over the two sisters squabbling on the floor.

Timeskip. . .

Stocking stood in her room with a twitching eyebrow as she gazed at her bed that just so happened to have a sleeping Y/n in it wrapped in blankets like a burrito as he snores away with drool tumbling from his bottom lip.

Stocking: What the hell do you think you're doing?! This is my bedroom you understand?!

She grabbed him by the blanket wrapped around him and lifted him up yanking him back and forth shaking him trying to wake him up but achieved nothing except making him snore louder.

Stocking: You lazy son of a bitch! Wake the fuck UP!

Y/n opened his eyes to the sensation of falling and looked around seeing his body sailing through the skies of Daten city.

Y/n: The fuck?

A splash could be heard as his body fell in a pool in random person's backyard. And only now did Y/n realize he was tied up in some bondage shit. The rope was tied around his hands and feet and across his chest.

Bubbles escaped his mouth as he sank halfway to the bottom before floating up to the top. But his front body was facing the water.  Y/n squirmed around shaking himself trying to free himself from his restrictions as bubbles escaped from his mouth when he opened his mouth for air.

Y/n: "There ain't no way I'm drowning in a pool! What the hell is this rope made of?!"

His thoughts were disrupted when he managed to flip himself on his back before taking a deep breath only for his body spin once again forcing his head underwater again.

Y/n: "CMON!"

After a few more moments he snapped out his restrictions and threw his head up taking deep gasps for air.

Y/n: Hoh man. . . That was an experience. .

To be continued

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