Blue Winter

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After the fourth hour of painful practice in front of the mirror of trying to sit and focus like V had always forced me do, I finally see a light silver outline the shape of my body.

And it stays.

Careful to keep my mind firm on the fragile connection between my body and Blessing, I find V's knife on the ground next to me. The tip is already stained with my blood, my wrists scarred from the times I'd thought my Blessing would stay.

Then I hesitantly draw the edge across my wrist.

I don't feel anything. My silver barrier holds even after a slash, and I tilt the knifepoint downwards, my focus stronger than ever.

When I stab at my thin wrist, the metallic knife bounces off like my skin is made of steel and not flesh.

"It worked."

"It worked!"

V's knife slips from my fingers as I jump up and down, squealing in excitement. The vicious headache I'd had is now gone completely as my lips split into a proud smile.

I couldn't wait to show V.

What are you saying? My inner voice suddenly snaps, and I tighten my lips as I sit back down on the ground.

No. Not V. He wasn't even going to care anyways— he'd probably just nod once and go back to whatever he's doing.

Huffing out loud, I sit back down in front of the mirror and concentrate again. The silver only flickers this time, but it makes me already so ecstatic that I could will it to happen.

"Are you done now?" Siren's annoyed voice echoes from outside the door, and I hurry to let her in. "What took you so long, anyway?"

"Look!" I exclaim, closing my eyes and pulling at the energy bubbling in my stomach. A bright silver flashes, and Siren's eyes go wide.

"White— that's your Blessing!"

"I know, right?" I say happily as I grab her hands and try to dance. But she quickly pulls away, a sly look on her face.

"But I need to remind you that you still can't dance to save your life."

"I'll get it someday." I shrug, rubbing at my head. Now that the adrenaline had faded away, I felt mentally exhausted. "Like I got this."

"I would say I'm proud—" Then her eyes suddenly narrow, and she grips my left forearm. "What the heck are these supposed to be?!"

"Oh, those." I say, glancing at the scars that I'd made by mistake. "Relax— I'm not going through depression. Those are from when I thought I was in control of my Blessing."

Then I smirk at her, trying to imitate her usual voice. "And your language was so inappropriate right now."

"I don't talk like that." She hisses, turning up her nose and shifting her pale blonde hair behind her shoulder. "Get your heels."

"And get ready to dance in them."


Now I'm almost physically and mentally dead as I trace my way towards Winter Wing for evening lessons.

My ankles hurt from the four-inch heels Siren had made me wear, a devilish smile on her face the entire time she went through graceful steps.

Gripping a handful of the cool linen dress, I look down on my flats. Even the flats here had heels on them, and I'm seriously considering just roaming the Palace around barefooted when I finally arrive in front of his familiar room.

When I twist open the door, the place is empty.

His bed sits clean and unslept in as I look around in confusion, before a sinking feeling settles in my stomach.

Had he left already?

Forcing myself to believe that it can't be possibly true, I seat myself on the edge of his bed to wait and relieve my poor feet from standing.

When my heart slows down, the room grows peaceful with the silence and the colors of sunset streaming gently through the half-open curtains.

Exhaustion claws at my mind, sleep washing over me in lulling waves as I force my dazed eyes towards the door.

An unbearable minute passes.

Screw it.

I flop on his bed, relishing the cool linen against my soft dress and face as I close my eyes. There's his familiar scent of ice and mint, pulling me deeper underneath the surface.

I don't even realize it when I fall asleep.



His deep voice snaps me awake, but there's nobody there when I sit up lightning-fast on the bed. Instantly I curse myself out, annoyance pulsing through my veins.

Why did the first thing I had to hear when—

Then shock freezes my entire body when I realize it's no longer sunset that spills through the velvet curtains, but morning sunlight.

I'd slept through the night in V's room.

My face paling, I scramble off his bed and rush out the door. Furious I'd completely lost myself like that, I'm hurrying down the stairs when scornful laughter echoes harsh in my ear.

"Who would've imagined?"

I freeze, my hands shaking when I look up to see a Blessed. His eyes are a sharp teal, silver hair gleaming in the lamplight.


"The infamous Healer—" He gives an amused glance up at Winter Wing. "With the Pain-Blessed?"

I chew on my lip so hard I taste blood.

The words are coming out all twisted and stuttered in my mind, with panic making my hands tremble violently.

How am I supposed to explain this?!

"This is so entertaining." He muses out loud, looking at my messy hair that I quickly smooth down. "I wonder how the Empress would react—"

"It won't work." I hiss, my eyes venom as he pauses with a smirk. "V left yesterday— to Winter. He isn't here, not in his room, or in this entire Palace."

"Doesn't matter." He grins a sickening grin that makes my stomach churn. "Do you know what my Blessing is, my dear lady?"


My mind begins to cloud with darkness as a corner of his lips pull up in a crooked smile.

"I can tell apart lies from truth." He says, and when I try to speak, he presses a finger against my lips. When I slap away his hand with a venomous look, he smiles wider.

"I also know you told the right facts— that he left for Winter yesterday. But all that doesn't matter, Miss. All I have to say to the Empress is that I saw you come out of V's room at seven in the morning and nothing else."

"You're a monster." I growl, but he cuts me off.

"Then what do you think will happen?" He says smoothly, and my blood turns to ice. "I'll let your imagination run wild for that."

My heart leaps unevenly in my chest as unwanted images flash past my mind. Blood staining V's pale skin, his body covered with the Empress' kisses of fire. I hated him— but I didn't want that to happen. And this was all my fault.

I pull him back as harshly as I can when he turns to walk away.

"What can I do to keep your mouth shut?"

That smile of the devil is back on his face, and I can't believe how much I hate him for everything as he pinches my chin with two slender fingers.

"My name isn't monster."

"It's Jimin."

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