Bonus: Intoxication

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"What are you thinking about?"

V turns, his green eyes glowing dark in the night as he licks his lips. He gives me a warm smile, one that doesn't really reach the corners of his eyes.

I tilt my head, features scrunching a bit.

"What's wrong, V?"

He echoes out a soft laugh. His fingertips feel like silk as it dances on the skin underneath my chin, before pulling away. Then his gaze roams back to the night sky beyond the grass.

"Tae." I mumble, sitting up on the grass next to him. I follow his gaze, to the stars in the black. "You didn't answer my question, you know."

He wraps his arm around my waist, and I lean against his side. His warmth falls into mine, and I let a soft sigh escape my lips.

"It's nothing, White."

I raise an eyebrow, feeling the grass ripple against my fingers.

It didn't seem to be anything bad, with the ghost of a smile sweeping across his heart lips. But his features are focused, and right now, I'd give anything to know what was going through that head of his.

"Can we sleep here tonight?"

"Sure." He whispers, kissing me below my eyes. I smile, lowering myself down so my head rests in his lap. "I think it's warm enough tonight."

I close my eyes, feeling light wind.

"Go to sleep if you're feeling tired." He murmurs under his breath, noticing me blink slowly. "It's going to be busy tomorrow."

"Oh yeah— the party."

He curls his lips a bit, which makes me laugh. I could already tell he was hating the idea of it, because this was a conference-party. Jungkook and Taehyung, because they were representatives of major Houses, would have to attend a meeting while me and Jimin would play around with the food.

"Stick with Jimin." He says for the thousandth time, and I laugh. "Take care of him too. I don't trust hyung sometimes."

"We'll be fine." I giggle again, finding him so cute. I wink, just to piss him off a little. "I'm excited."

His mouth falls to a flat line.

I laugh.


Taehyung looks like a prince.

"Damn." I whistle when he comes out of the room, tugging at the collar of his black dress shirt. He blushes at my reaction, and I notice.

And like usual, I keep pushing.

"I'm getting married to the best looking man on this land." I giggle, laughing into the palm of my hand. "I've achieved my life's goal."

"Stay with Jimin hyung."


"I'm just— just reminding you." He says a bit bashfully, and I shake my head as I stop him, fixing his collar. He'd pulled on it so much it'd gotten off.

"I know it's a bit tight, you child." I say, adjusting it the right way. "But stop messing with it, will you? You're going to tear it apart if you keep up, I swear."

When it looks good, I wrap a hand around the back of his neck and pull him into a kiss. He seems surprised when my lips meet his, but his eyes soften.

I stifle a smile.

Taehyung closes his eyes, starting to deepen the kiss when I abruptly pull away. He looks like a shocked kitten when I do, his mouth tinted red with a bit of my lipstick.

"Silly." I say, tapping at his shoulder. "You have a meeting in a minute, Tae. What would people think if you showed up with lipstick everywhere?"

He sighs dejectedly.

"I don't care."

"Well, I do." I smirk, before quickly reaching up and pressing a fast kiss on dip of his neck. "There. Now go."

He glances at me one last time before he walks in, and I can't help but force him quiet when I see his lips open in that familiar reminder.

"I get it, I get it." I say, and push at Jungkook besides me to take him in already. They were probably late by now— they should've both gone in a minute ago.

"Stay with each other."

"Jungkook, I understand." Jimin throws up his hands next to me, and I can't help but burst into laughter. They were just the same. "I understand."

When the door finally closes, we instantly race each other to the food tables.

"Hey— stop!" I yelp, reaching for the last macaron on a golden plate. But then a hand snatches it right under mine. "Yah! Park Jimin, you got to be kidding me!"

"There's more!" He squeaks when I get ready to pounce at him, and I loosen down as he points at a tray behind the plate. "Don't kill me!"


"White, you're so aggressive." He sighs, putting a hand on his chest with his cheeks full of macaron. "I swear that I'm going to die one day because of you."

We both stuff ourselves full, and are lounging on the chairs when Jimin suddenly smiles at me with a devil smile.


I look up from chewing on a cupcake.

He tilts his head towards something, and I follow his excited gaze to the alcohol table. I instantly raise an eyebrow.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious." He nods, and my eyes widen in surprise when he stands up and starts walking, before I can even stop him. I quickly follow.

"Jimin, this is a terrible idea."

But he's already pouring himself something sparkling silver. "White, I haven't had some decent alcohol for the last— what, two years because of Jungkook."

He swishes the liquid.

"Today's the day."

"You can't even keep your balance when you're sober!" I hiss, looking around anxiously as he licks at his lips. "Jimin—"

"You're actually good to drink too." He comments, and starts picking out a champagne for me before I can say another word.

"Besides, we're not going to get drunk. It's just going to be a sip. Like an experience, you know?"

I blink.

"That's the spirit." He giggles when I finally take a glass of a pretty-violet colored something. "That's one of the good ones. Tastes like lavender."

I try a tiny sip.

"It— it kind of does." I say, chewing at my tongue. After that, Jimin goes wild. Like he'd been freed from a cage or something.

"This one." He sings, and I sip another drink, this one colored like V's eyes. "And this one, too— can't forget that one. For sure."

"Hey, Jimin...."

My head starts to get a bit dizzy, but he waves it away with a pure laugh. He leans against the table, his gaze relaxed as he sips from his own glass.

"No worries." He slurs a bit.

"We're not drunk."



"Damn." I hiss under my breath, sighing frustratedly. Jungkook's blinking sleepily next to me, having fought with himself during the entire time to keep from falling asleep.

"That took longer than I thought."

"It's been two hours, hyung." Jungkook says, his eyes already scanning the crowd for Jimin. "Where are they?"

"Together." I answer, my collar loosened. My eyes narrow when I don't see either of them at the spot I'd left. "Better be."


Then my eyes catch on them, between the slits of the crowd. My lip curls into a smile, and Jungkook gets on his toes, tilting his head to the side.

He points, and I nod.

"I think they're drunk."



"Yah~ try this." I sing loudly, poking my hand at his cheeks. "Jiminie, your face is really soft like a rice cake, huh? So if you eat a rice cake, then does that mean you're eating yourself?"

He wrinkles his nose, throwing a leg over mine and leaning back into the large beanbag chair.

We'd fallen here after we couldn't stand by ourselves.

"I'm full." He slurs, patting at his stomach. "I don't want to eat anything else... or I'll get drunk and Jungkook will be mad."

I burst into high giggles, laughing into my hand. Jimin stares at me with a dumb look before he starts laughing too, his eyes squeezing together.

"Yeah, we're not drunk." I say, blinking with my lips still wide with a smile. "We stopped right before. V will be so proud of me—"

I frown.

"And get this off me. It's heavy."

Jimin whines when I shove off his leg, and I yelp when he suddenly tackles me in a hug. I laugh when the beanbag slips to my side, and we both fall giggling on the floor all tangled up to each other.

I smack his face lazily, making him stick his tongue out in my direction.

"Yah, be quiet." I slur, whispering into his ear while glancing up. "People are looking at us."

He giggles.

"Idiot." He says, and I widen my eyes, grabbing his cheeks again.

"What did you just call me, you little rice cake?!"

I pull apart at his cheeks, and he makes playful kissing noises at me with his lips all stretched. It's funny, and I burst into a fresh round of laughter as he tickles at the tender skin of my neck.

My face all flushed from laughing, I finally roll away from him and stumble on my feet. But then I fall again, and growl when he points at me with his entire body shaking with laughter.

I lunge at him, and his giggles cut off to a shocked squeak when he sees me coming. And then we're both at each other's throats again.

"Fine, fine!"

Jimin slumps on his back against the wall, and I breathe out in exhaustion as I plop down right next to him.

"I'm tired." I whine, but then I notice Jimin look at me, his finger pressed against his full lips.

"Quiet, quiet, White. They're all giving us weird stares." He says, and I quickly nod my head in agreement as I glance up, noticing all the people looking at the two of us with dislike.

I pout. "I don't think they like us very much."

"Hush!" He whisper-hisses, pressing his finger against my mouth to shut me up. I frown, and then just smack my entire hand on his lips.

"You hush—"


My eyes widen, and I can feel Jimin suck in a long breath under my palm. I'm so surprised that I even cut off my sentence midair.

"Tae!" I smile widely, and his green eyes raise in amusement as he looks down on me. Jimin points to Jungkook next to him, shaking my hand off of his mouth.

"We're not drunk."

He smiles, and I stretch mine so my smile is bigger than his.

"Of course." He sighs, running his fingers through his dark hair. "At least you stuck together— that's something."

Jimin yelps besides me when Jungkook simply takes him up from the floor, slinging the protesting boy straight over his shoulder.

"Yah! Let me go, you disrespectful bunny! I'm your hyung!"

Jungkook wrinkles his nose, tapping at Jimin's back. "Hyung, and you smell like alcohol. You know I don't like alcohol."

"Well, let me down!" He whines, pulling at the back of Jungkook's dress shirt as he shakes his head. "You know how em— embarrassing this is? I can walk!"

I squint my eyes when V brushes his lips against mine, drawing back with a frown. He looks at me in disapproval as he lifts me in his chest.

"White, how much did you drink?"

I blink.

"It's all his fault." I pinpoint at Jimin, who notices and yowls back, still hitting at Jungkook's shoulder to let him down.

"Hyung, I will knock you out if you don't keep still."

That gets him.

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