Final: Second Sage

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Jin comes into the room, looking completely shocked. He's pressing two fingers against his lips, and I raise my brows as V pulls me tighter into his chest. His lips are touching my neck, and I watch Jin curiously as V continues dragging his fingers up my short hair.

"Morning just kissed me."

That's all he whispers before a something comes shooting out of nowhere, crashing into the back of his head and knocking him forward.

"And you just had to go running and announce that to everyone, hm?"

Morning looks pissed off, and Jin smiles at her dumbly as she drags him back out of the room.

Jungkook's sprawled out on the couch, one hand over his eyes. But then Rell hops in, and I quickly break away from

He gives me a green-eyed look.

"Not in front of the kid!" I hiss, and he sighs, throwing his head back slowly on the back of the couch. He mumbles something, and I kick his shin when I hear annoying.

"Jimin told me to tell you he wanted to see you." She says, and Jungkook instantly gets to his feet. He rushes out of the room.

Jimin's pain had gotten significantly better over the span of an year.

Now he only had attacks just a rare few times in a month, when in the beginning he'd have multiple of them in a single hour. Jungkook had been by his side the most, always caring for him and soothing Jimin when he was crying or in pain.

It was relieving to see him get better this way.


"Yes, say my name." He smirks, and I blush heavily. His lips tilt into a sweet smile when he sees my reaction, and I groan into my hands before hissing at him between my teeth.

"I said not in front of Rell."

"What?" He shrugs innocently, still smiling darkly. "White, I didn't mean anything."

Then a light voice echoes from the doorway.

"Sure~" Jimin sings as he bounces into the room. He sticks out his tongue in V's direction, and I burst into laughter when they start having one of their sibling fights again.

"Hyung, sit down." Jungkook says softly, a protective shadow behind Jimin's smaller figure. "You're coming off balance again."

"Jungkook!" Jimin whines, shuffling back to him and poking his head out from his back. "Tae looks like he's going to kill me and throw me to the sharks."

"We don't have sharks in Winter, hyung." V hisses, and I'm trying so hard not to laugh. But a small giggle spills from my pressed lips, and I feel V's arm tighten around my waist.

He tugs me roughly towards his chest, and I burst into high-pitched laughter.

"You're supposed to be agreeing with me, demoiselle." He says lowly, looking unhappily at my shaking figure. "Not laughing."

Then Rell's clear bell voice cuts through.

"Can we go outside? It's snowing."


"You idiot!"

"V! Help me!" I cry, trying to kick my feet. But the snow is literally packed, and I can't even move a single inch no matter how much I try.

Only my head and my arms are visible, my entire lower and upper half buried under thick white snow.

"I don't know."

I growl when his gloved hand taps playfully on top of my head. "I kind of like seeing you like this, demoiselle. It's cute."

"Cute my a—"

Then a ball of snow hits me right in the cheek, and I can hear Jimin exclaim triumphantly as I sputter out ice. He's smirking in my direction, and I would throw a knife at him if I had one.

"Yeah! Take my nonexistent Blessing!"

Jin stops cackling the moment I turn my furious eyes in his direction. My gaze instantly turns sweet, and he looks even more afraid when I wave at him, hiding behind Morning.

"Jin! You're going to help me, right?"

He just smiles sheepishly, and I slam my free hands down on the thick winter snow. "Is anyone going to help me?"

"I'll help you, Unnie." Rell says, and I give her a thankful smile when she waddles over in my direction.

"Thanks, Rell. You're the only one I love now."

"Hey." I hear V whisper out behind me, but I stifle a small laugh as I ignore him. And then the laugh I'd been holding back turns to a sharp gasp as large hands pull me up straight out of the snow.

"Don't ignore me." V says, and I kick my legs a few times to get the frost and snow off.

"Should've helped me in the first place, Tae." I say teasingly, before scooping up some snow from behind my back and putting it right on top of his dark locks.

I'm about to giggle at his shocked look when I hear Jin's surprised yelp.


V's head instantly turns, and I quickly follow his gaze to see that dark haired man from Sage. He's wearing black all over, amused eyes glittering underneath.

"W-Why are you here?" Jimin breathes out loud, and he shivers.

"Damn. It's cold as hell out here." He sighs, and raises an eyebrow at Jungkook's hopeful look. "Stop looking at me like that, kid. I wasn't joking when I said trades were irreversible."

"I'm here to pick up my Second."

"What?!" Jin shrieks so loudly I nearly jump. "Your Second? What in the world? Are you literally kidding with me right now?!"

"What's a— Second?" I blink, looking up in V's direction. But then I instantly stop talking when I see the terrified expression in his eyes. He holds me tighter, stepping back as he growls.

"It's not her. You're not taking her— I'm not letting you."

"Relax." The man called Yoongi laughs coldly, his stare sliding up to meet V's wide eyes calmly. "It's not her I'm here for, Taehyung."

Then he turns his gaze to Jimin. Or more importantly, the person hiding behind him.

"Come out, little girl."

Rell slowly peeks her head out. She chews on her lip before hiding back again. "I— I don't know who you are."

Yoongi laughs quietly.

"Let me introduce myself." He says, voice softer than before. "I'm from a place called Sage. And that's somewhere you'll be coming with me. Now."

"Be nicer, Yoongi. For heaven's sake." Jin says in exasperation, before kneeling down in front of Rell. His face is gentle.

"You've been chosen as the Second Sage, Rell. It's an honor, really. That pale face man over there is going to teach you everything you need to know."

Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"I don't want to leave." She murmurs, looking like she's about to cry. "I don't want to be a sage. I don't..."

"You can still come and visit."

"No, she can't." Yoongi says, and Jin instantly shoots him a look. He shrugs, pulling his dark hood further over his eyes. "It's the truth. Not until she finishes her apprenticeship with me."

This was so sudden.

What was even going on?

"Come on. I don't have too much time to spare." Yoongi coaxes, holding out a hand. Rell swallows visibly, before standing up more firmer.

"I c-can't change this?"


"Then I'll go with you." She mumbles, and he gives her a light smile.

"You're a brave one, hm?"

A/n: The final of the main story. I just want to thank all of you guys for sticking with me until here. Love you all :) And there are plenty more bonuses I wrote so stay tuned!

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