Little Healer

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I'm here.

Come find me.

My eyes burst open, and I shiver at the biting cold. I search frantically for V, but he's not here.

Of course he isn't. I'd left him, saying those stupid words. That had been the last time I might see him, and I'd said all those things.

I want to die.

Sniffling, I look around at the cramped windowless room. There's a door, but of course it's locked, and from the outside.

I'd been taken by a slave trader.

"Dammit." I whisper into my hands, my teeth chattering. It was so cold in here, and my cloak felt frozen around my shoulders.

"You're awake." A voice comes from the door, and I hear it click open. The blue-haired man comes in, and I growl.

I lunge, my Blessing flaring.

But then I'm harshly pulled back, and my eyes land on the metal rings circling my wrists. My heart drops to my chest, and he smiles.

"You really thought you could escape."

"He's going to kill you." I hiss at him, and he raises his brows. He starts shaking with laughter, eyes vicious.

"Oh, you had a pretty little boyfriend, didn't you?" He laughs harder, and I try not to think of V. It was just making everything worse.

"Sorry to tell you. He's never laying eyes on you again, sweetheart."

My heart sinks.

"Don't look so glum about it." He says, his sweet voice sickening. "I have to thank you, though. Someone still paid a fortune for you even with that short hair—"

"Shut up."

His face twists, and it only makes him angrier that he can't hurt me. My Blessing's back, and I smile at him coyly.

The smug expression is gone now.

Then it comes back, and my eyes widen in horror when he smiles devilishly. I'm trying so hard not to show it, but I can't help but tremble as he licks his lips.

"Have you ever been kissed before?"

"Stay away from me." I warn, my voice thick with the fear in my head. "Don't you dare. Try. To. Touch. Me."

"I already did that." He says, and I feel like I've been hit with a rock.


"You're too attractive." He smirks, and my heart starts racing. "How could I not?"

When I was fainted.

I feel sick.

When he sees my expression, his smirk only deepens. He finally leaves, and I cry and tear at my skin with my hands.

I cry until there's no tears left to spill.


No one visits for what seems like days.

This is better, I keep telling myself, shivering violently in my dirty cloak. Better to die in this cold than to die with that disgusting man—

"Dinner." The familiar smirking voice echoes behind the door as it swings open.

I grind my teeth together as he crosses his arms and pushes in a tray of food on the ground. My appetite's gone, and I swing my feet back.

My eyes flash with anger as I kick at the tray, sending the food flying.

"I don't want it." I growl, hate on my features. He snarls, before pulling back on my hair.

My Blessing's been long gone, so I feel everything now.

"You know what?" He throws my head back, and I sink into the wall behind me. But my gaze is still on fire, and he laughs sickly.

"I'm not going to sell you."

I don't say anything, my lips taped together with exhaustion. I can barely keep my eyes open.

"I want to see you broken." He growls, and I want to tear his hair from his head. But I'm too tired, and he smirks grimly.

"You'll be begging at my feet by dawn."

And then slamming the door, he leaves. The moment I'm alone, I start crying softly. How had I ended up in a situation like this?

They were going to be so worried.

I'm cold and hungry, and I curl into a tight little ball against the corner of the room. The darkness brings back memories from the woods, making me tremble.

I want him so much.

I want him so much I want to die.



"I'm putting this entire fucking place under military search until they find her."

I've never heard hyung curse before. It's extremely scary when he does, and I can see Rell pressing her face deeper into Jimin hyung's shirt.

"Taehyung! Sit down right now!" Jin hyung yells, his voice firm. "We need to think about this—"

"There's nothing to think about."

With that, he twists on his heel and slams the door close behind him. Jin hyung sighs softly, quickly getting to his feet and chasing after his brother.

My heart's racing.

I should've been with her. I should've been next to her side, not let her run out the door like that. I should've never let her out of my sight.

"Stop blaming yourselves." Noona's cold voice rings out, and my head snaps up. Jimin hyung has the same exact look on his face as mine.

"We need to find her."

My grip tightens on my wrist, and I stare down hard on the ground. She was right— standing here uselessly was just wasting time.

Wrapping my mind around my Blessing, I'm about to teleport when a small hand grabs on my sleeve.


It's Rell, having slipped out of Jimin hyung's arms. He's looking at her curiously as she stutters our uncertainly.

"I-I think I can feel her."

Her eyebrows scrunch. "I wasn't sure before— because it was really faint. But I can feel it now, it's her Blessing. Maybe it's because it's the same as mine—"

The door suddenly opens, and Jin hyung has a growling V in two tightly gloved arms. His eyes are flashing, his Blessing already flickering angrily.

"I said I'm leaving—"

"Rell can feel White." I pipe up, and she quickly looks down at the ground as everyone looks at her at once.

V reaches for her, before Jimin hyung pushes himself between them. He has Rell back in his arms, tightened protectively over her.

"Tae, I'm not letting you touch her until you calm the hell down."

His jaw tightens.




"W-water." I growl, trying to keep my voice cold but failing hard. My mouth feels so dry. "Water."


I want to punch his smirking face.

But my body won't move, and moving hurts anyway. Trying to glare, I hiss out between my teeth.


"Say please." He smiles grimly, and I lick my lips. My heart feels like it's beating so slow. "Say please, sweetheart."

"Damn you."

He laughs, and is still laughing as he suddenly shows me something in his hand. It's a metal cup, full with water.

"Pity." He shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "You could've had this."

A gasp escapes my lips as he throws the cup at me. The metal hits the side of my face, bruising my cheek, probably. The water spatters all over me, but I'm thankful for it.

My thirst only grows when I only get to taste the water on my lips.

"How does it taste?"

I ignore him altogether, sucking on my bottom lip. When there's no more water, I let out a disappointed whine.

"It's cold, isn't it?" I glance up at him this time, looking at the door. My mind feels weird— I was probably going crazy from being stuck in here so long.

"Will you— shut up."

"Never disappointing." He smugly says, brushing a clammy hand down my cheek. I growl lowly and shift back, my bones hurting.

"I'd suggest you give up soon, little Healer."

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