Phantom Pain

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My body crashes into something much different than the rock hard floor.

It's actually soft and warm, and I'm wondering how that's possible. I'd literally just fallen like a thousand feet in the air— probably even more.

And I'm too afraid to open my teary eyes, because the best explanation for this was that I'd died and landed in heaven. That I'd died so quickly I hadn't even felt the pain.

"Open your eyes. Everything's fine."


But when I slowly peek open my eyes, I immediately burst into violent sobs, shriveling down into a wrecked crying mess. Because somehow everything did turn out okay, just like he's saying.

Soft, quiet laughter echoes above me, and I just keep crying until I remember.

He'd been shot.

I quickly swallow back my cries, hiccuping furiously as I force my red eyes back open again. And only then I realize he looks completely exhausted.

And the arrow's still in him.

"L-Let me down!" I yelp, my words all messed up with sobs and hiccups. But somehow he understands, and carefully lets me onto the rocks below. My feet struggle to find balance for a second, before I start pouring out words like a kid with a tantrum.

"Howcouldyoujustmakemeleavelikethatandlsaveyouallbyyourself! Doyourealizewha—"

"Woah, demoiselle." He whispers, kissing me on the cheek and running his fingers soothingly down the length of my short hair. "It's okay. Don't worry."

I instantly pull up my Blessing despite his assurance, cursing at it mentally that now it was working as good as new. Just a few moments ago, it'd completely stabbed me in the back.

And then I see Jungkook.

He's holding an unconscious Jimin in his arms, looking down at his still figure with an unreadable expression. But I can tell that his eyes are darker than before— almost icy.

I reach for V, feeling weak and tired as I finish healing him.

"I want to go back home, Taehyung." I whisper, burying my face into chest. His comforting smell surrounds me as he lifts me up again, stronger from my Blessing.

His lips brush across mine.

"Sleep. I'll get you home."



I wake up feeling sick. It feels like there's something pressing on top of my chest, and I swipe a heavy hand across it, trying to get it off of me.

But there's nothing there.

My eyes finally open, and I breathe unevenly when I recognize the ceiling of my room. Even remembering was so difficult— my head hurt so much.

All I knew is that I'd failed to find Jungkook.

It's hard to get off the bed, and I can feel the sweat pouring down my back when I finally touch the ground under my feet.

I can't breathe.

I press a hand to my chest, trying to breathe normally. But it still felt like something heavy was on top of it, and the dizziness really wasn't helping at all.

Then I hear a door swinging open.

"Hyung, you're awake."

My eyes instantly find the person who'd spoken. A quiet cry bursts from my lips when I recognize him, with shadows under his eyes and his features hollow.

His eyes are so dark.

"Get back on the bed." Hands, gentle but firm, grip my shoulders, and I let myself be dragged over to sit back down. "You shouldn't be walking right now."

I'm about to nod, when the tightness in my chest gets worse.

A pained gasp bursts from my lips, and I double over on the bed, wrapping both of my arms around myself. I feel so dizzy, my vision swimming and all cloudy.

"Jimin hyung!"

I suck in air sharply when someone shakes my body, forcefully lifting my head up. Harsh breaths squeeze through my chest as I struggle to focus on panicked dark eyes.

"What's wrong? Talk to me." A terrified voice comes from above. "What's wrong?"

My hands press against the firm plane of someone's back, and I tighten my hands into fists, holding on as hard as I can. And then I find myself whispering apologies, over and over.

Tears wet the lines of my eyes.

My chest seizes again, and my body jerks with another agonized whimper. I'm starting to feel afraid— what was wrong with me? Jungkook's here. I'd found him. And everything had turned out the way I'd wanted.

Then why am I acting like this?

"Does it hurt?" He whispers, urgency tearing through his voice. "Did you get hurt? Hyung, please say something. You're scaring me."

"My..... chest." I gasp out, crying helplessly. It gets worse to the point where it feels like there's thick metal sheets pressing into my body, the pressure increasing with every second.


Jungkook breaks off of me. My body crumples to the bed without any support, and I tremble violently, clutching at my chest with my hands.

Both my eyes are scrunched tight, but I can still hear

"Hyung! White! Help—please!"

That's the last thing I hear before everything dips into darkness.



Psychological pain, trauma.

It feels like somebody's just struck me across the face.

Jimin had fallen unconscious by the time White had come running, his weak body curled up tightly against the sheets. His features have barely softened from the expression of pure pain.

"Yeah..." She says weakly, chewing on her lip. "There's nothing wrong with him physically. Jungkook—"

"Can you give me a moment."

"Y-Yeah, of course." She stutters, and looks at me worriedly before leaving. I run my fingers harshly through my hair, knowing I shouldn't have treated her like that.

It wasn't her fault that this had happened.

Silently, I straighten him out on the bed, pulling the covers up to his neck. He's breathing better now, and my face relaxes a bit more from relief.

I'd been so afraid earlier, when he'd started hyperventilating. And when I'd found him collapsed limply on the bed, I'd thought he was dead. That had scared me more than everything else.

Then I see his eyes flutter open.

For a second, I think that he's going to start hurting again. But he just stares at me, beautiful half-eyes sparkling with tears. His voice is so soft I barely hear it.

"Jungkook, your eyes. They're so dark." He mutters, fingers digging into the sheets. Now I can hear the fearful undertone of his voice.

"Do you hate me?"

"I could never." I say quietly, pulling his shivering figure to my chest. "I never did. And I never meant to hurt you this way— I just needed some time. There wasn't a second when I ever hated you, hyung, you know that."

"I-I wasn't sure." He whispers, and my eyes go a bit wide when he looks down at his hands. I'm not a mind reader, but his thoughts are as clear as day.

And I'm still not really sure.

I sigh softly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He's still shaking a bit, and I press my hand to his back assuringly.

"I'm sorry for leaving like that." I say, and he looks at me sadly. "Forgive me, hyung. I won't do it ever again."

"What— happened." He murmurs softly, and I look up in surprise at his frustrated voice. "Jungkook, your eyes are dark. Did you change? I feel like you're not happy anymore."

"I'm still the same." I say firmly, but he still looks uncertain. "Don't worry. Just go back to sleep— I think you're still tired."

When I press him gently back down to the bed, he only gives a small groan of protest before submitting. His one teal eye is still fixed on me though, as I leave and carefully close the door.

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