Act 1. Prologue

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"I'm sorry, Jeffrey, but you must understand we cannot just accept any old person for this job!"

Yowled the man whom sat at his large, wooden desk, his hands clasped together, trembling. His eyes shifted from the front of him and to the sides, not being able to keep a straight gaze.

The man was an elder, in his late fifties, hair and beard grey and bushy. He had thick eyebrows, therefore putting off a show of emotions easily.  He adorned a black suit and tie, the name tag that read 'Mayor Lilybeth' atop his desk only increasing the atmosphere of significance around him.

The person the Mayor had directed his distressed message towards, Jeffery, did not seem to take the implore in the best way, growling lowly in annoyance.

He was seemingly more younger than the other man, with a dark brown, spiky and untamed hair, a beard, as well as the trait that stood out the most from him: his dark brown, icy cold eyes. As much as his shadowy chestnut orbs struck a blanket of shivers and uncertainty over most people, they seemed to have their own glow. Like a roaring forest fire, full of fury and fierceness. They glowed with bright, orange embers.

Jeffery gridded his teeth together tightly, his breaths coming in deep and raspy. He kept his glare set directly on the older male, not blinking nor looking away.

"What do you mean... You can't... Accept 'any old person'?"

He imitated, his voice cold and breathy.

"Look son, I'm sorry again, but this task is quite a huge lot, w-we aren't so certain we can let you in that laboratory with all those tools, there's only so much you could do with them."

Croaked the mayor, his voice cracking a bit in utter fear. Jeffery's eye twitched, as he opened his mouth to protest, he had a change in mind. The brunette relaxed in his chair, closing his eyes as if in thought.
The mayor furrowed his eyebrows in concern, although mostly in curiosity.

At last, a moment or two passed, Jeffery opened his eyes slowly, seeming very calm, no, dangerously calm. His eyes held no longer, his piercing stare, but instead a rather dead, soulless look only a gray, rainy day could uphold.

"You. You have no idea how wrong you are..."

He voiced in a very monotonous and balanced tone.

"You think you're doing the 'right' thing, when really, you ...fools, have no idea how to even run a pig pen, no better than this town."

The dark haired male finished. There was a dead, silent atmosphere within the room, lacking of the tiny, subliminal sounds one would seldom to hear. The mayor could only stare, his eyes glazed in what he was trying to cover from the grasp of fear. The elder stuttered, unable to find the appropriate words to use as his defense.

"Jeffery. O-our meeting has been called to an end, it's past the assigned time, sir."

The mayor murmured quietly, unable to look at the other man.

Jeffery held his breath. Finally, he stood up, his lip quivering and thin, white in furious, inaudible rage. Without a word he made a sharp turn, stomping towards the clean, white doors of the mayors office. He gripped the knob, turning it and walking past the two still security guards that stood by either side of the doors, walking away quickly from ear and eye shot.

One of the guards reached a hand and silently closed the door that the raging brunette had left open, leaving the mayor sitting in his seat alone with a doubtful sigh.

"Oh. Oh dear."

The elderly man murmured under his breath, shaking his head.

"Oh dear."

He repeated, as if in a gloomy prayer. He stood from his seat, heaving another sigh as he trudged towards his large, clear glass window, which painted a colorful and sunlit picture of the city he ruled.

The Mayor of The City of Maras folded his arms behind his back, overlooking the city his people roamed, his kingdom. It was a busy town, full of colorful stores at every corner, busy streets, and the citizens. As much as the city was a true beauty in his eyes, the mayor knew it was yet still to make room for improvements. For yet, at the dark corners of the town, there were people that served not for good. Those who have horrid plans.

Mayor Lilybeth of Maras Town frowned, his mind leading to the current appointments and complaints he had to deal with. With one last glance, he turned and walked towards the doors, opening them and greeting the guards out his way.

There is much more to the city than what meets the eye.


"That 'guthing..."

Mumbled Jeffery angrily in unexplainable gibberish. He rummaged his hands into his pockets, kicking a small pebble out of the way as he trekked the street in a fast pace.

The brunettes temper was at a dangerous level, bubbling on the inside like an awaking volcano before eruption.

He shouldn't be turned down like this.

He deserves that job more than anyone else.

He was right, and they were wrong.

A multitude of reflections ran through his mind. The male huffed angrily, at last turning a corner on the sidewalk and strode down on the street, nearing the tall and slightly-crumbled building in which was his apartment.

Jeffery dashed up the stairs, reaching the doors before opening them.

"Jeff! Jeffery! Wait-"

No, the brunette groaned. It couldn't be...

The male turned on his heal to gaze at the source of the voice.

But it is. The voice came from no other than Dottie Finich. A skinny, blonde woman who worked in the City Hall as the mayors secretary. She adorned a light pink, polka-dotted dress which led to her pink, dainty knees, along with a beige, knee-length coat to cover her arms and shoulders. Her dress hung loosely on her, but you could easily interpret as to how skinny and bony she was.

"Jeff, I heard of the news! I'm sorry! I hope you are alright! I'm re-"

"What exactly did you come to see me for?"

Interrupted Jeffery with an unwelcoming and cold tone. Dottie pursed her lips in surprise, but regained back her normal pose.

"I was worried..."

She whimpered slightly, under her voice. She clutched her bony arm, looking downwards to her slippered feet.

Somehow, Jeffery had always found a way to make her feel subject to a cold, dense-happy place. She felt greatly unappreciated by the man, and knew it was fact too. But, she always somehow would retrace her steps back to reach destination to confidence quickly. She viewed Jeff's rude demeanor as just a part of him he couldn't control. To her jewel-blue eyes, he was always innocent, never the villain, her hero. Her one and only. She idolized the man with a meaningful embrace, with the pride of a free-range lion. Some said it was just a simple face that the woman would get over Jeffery, Jeffery of the Low Tides as they called him. He wasn't one to be favorited by many, if not by none. But most knew it would never end. Dottie Finich, a busy, well working woman. Dottie Finich, the mayors secretary. Dottie Finich, the hardest working woman within the confined town, was madly, even spiritually some considered, in love with Jeffery Norrison, the underdog, the seemingly most unlikable of the City of Maras.

She was mad.

The whole town knew it, as well as Jeffery.

Dottie's rich blue eyes reflected the strongest brew of emotions. An oceanic trauma stirred like an untamed storm, just as passionate as the other mans, although it wasn't anger that was pasted across. It was an emotion that was both just as wretched and gorgeous compared to most anything by title and meaning. It was love. A teary, blue love that only strived for her one true man, Jeffery. Only Dottie's eyes could paint a masterpiece so colorful, so meaningful, and so detailed only in the blue that was her eyes.

But only Jeffery was oblivious and careless of the gems that the blonde woman owned. He did not care for her love, he did not care for her desire, he did not care for her help, and most of all, he did not care for her.

Hello, hello. I am so sorry for such an unorganized and mostly uneventful chapter. It is pretty rushed in some parts. I know this is supposed to be a fanfiction of the video game franchise, Five Nights At Freddy's. It is. This is chapter is a part of the story, and important to the plot. It's a chain reaction, my friend. If you'll just so kindly and willingly stick around until the next chapter, the whole real story will unravel. All in the next chapter, the one job you have is to just hang with me, please. I promise, the characters in this seemingly useless chapter are relevant to the story. This FNAF fanfiction is entirely based off my AU. It is my story, so before you go around telling me that the story is 'wrong' and doesn't follow that actual, considered story of Five Nights At Freddy's, you're the fool, because I've said so that this is my AU; interpretation; story. Thank you for reading and stick around for the next update!

Cover of Heavier Than Metal ©DaviiKin/Me.

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