Adorabat's Secret Boyfriend

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Chickgloss16 gave me this idea and here we are!

Adorabat came home from school with a cheerful look on her face. It was the most cheerful she ever was in a week. 

"Hi Mao Mao! Hi Badgerclops!" she chirped as she saw them on the couch.

"Hey Adorabat!" Mao Mao said. "How was school?" She blushed and put her wings up. She didn't feel like correcting the word "skewl" for him.

"It was one of the best days I've ever had!" Mao Mao raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Mind telling us what happened?" Adorabat hummed for a moment.

"Nope. Also, you guys are the best dads that I've ever had! Besides my original one of course," she claimed. Mao Mao and Badgerclops's eyes widened. Mao actually started to tear up.

"Aww," Badgerclops smiled, "thanks Adorabat!"

"No problem!" Adorabat started flying to the bedroom. Mao Mao noticed a strange bite on the back of her ear. There was also a bruise underneath it. Did someone hurt her?!

"Adorabat! Come back here right now!" Mao Mao demanded. Adorabat stopped and flew back to Mao and Badgerclops. She landed on the floor in front of them.

"What's wrong?" Adorabat asked nervously. Mao Mao bet she said that dad thing to keep him from asking about skewl.

"Why is there a bite on the back of your ear?!" She gulped and started sweating.

"U-um . . . it's because . . . I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Everything went silent. Badgerclops chuckled. He felt like he was going crazy.

He knew what kind of bite that was.

"Wow . . . now that's something," he spoke in a crazed voice. Badgerclops grabbed Mao Mao's wrist. "If you'll excuse us for one moment, Mao Mao Mao and I need to talk." Badgerclops went to the dojo with Mao Mao where Adorabat wouldn't hear them. "Dude you know what that bite is right?!"

"No. What is it?" Mao asked.

"That's a love bite! Also known as a hic-" Mao Mao covered Badgerclops's mouth and gave him a horrified look.

"Don't. Even. Say it." Mao Mao removed his hand from the badger's mouth and sighed. "We're dealing with kindergartners here. Kindergartners who do odd things. We gotta ask Adorabat who her-"

"MAO MAO! BADGERCLOPS!" Adorabat yelled as she flew into the dojo. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. "I-I'm sorry I came in here, but my bite hurts a lot!" Mao Mao immediately picked her up in one arm.

"Don't worry little deputy. We'll get you patched up. But you need to tell us something," Mao Mao said as he and Badgerclops walked into the living room. "Mkay?"


Once they took care of her love bite (even though it still hurt a little), they all sat on the sofa. Adorabat put her whole body on the sofa, her head lying on the armrest.

"You said it would go away in a few days right Badgerclops?" she asked.


"Adorabat," Mao Mao started, "who's your boyfriend?" Her pupils went small.

"I-I swear the bite wasn't anything weird! It was suppose to show a symbol of love!" she insisted.

"Adorabat!" Mao Mao repeated, raising his voice. "Who is your boyfriend?" Adorabat crossed her wings and huffed.

"I'm not telling you." Mao Mao's eye twitched.

"Adorabat you better tell us right this instant! I demand to know who did this to you!"

"Did you hear anything I said?!" Adorabat seethed.

"What about back at that party? When you were dancing with Kevin? Is he your boyfriend?" She gave Mao Mao a death glare.

"You don't know anything about my skewl life! And I wanna keep it that way!"

"ADORA-" Badgerclops put a hand on Mao Mao's shoulder.

"Don't force her to talk dude. How do you think you and I felt when people would eventually know about us?" he cautioned. Badgerclops did have a point. A point that made Mao Mao irritated. He just wanted to keep Adorabat safe.

No, he wanted to keep his daughter safe.

Mao Mao muttered something before talking. "Alright alright. This means we have to go to her school tomorrow. See who the culprit is," he growled.

"UGH! Fine! Do what you want! I don't care!" Adorabat shouted. Mao Mao sighed and put one of her wings in his hand.

"You realize that we're doing this for your safety right?" he spoke calmly. Adorabat nodded.

* * *

The next day, Mao Mao flew Adorabat to skewl on the aerocycle. Badgerclops came as well. In the classroom, Mao Mao lined up all the kindergartners in a line. As he was doing that, something important came to his mind. Adorabat doesn't know what a girlfriend is.

She only knows what a boyfriend is from Mao Mao and Badgerclops's relationship. For all they know, she could be lesbian!

"Okay everyone," Mao Mao said. "You all know why you're being lined up right?" The Sweetiepies blinked at him. Completely clueless. Mao Mao groaned and did a facepalm. "You're here because of the bruise on my little girl's ear! Someone's gonna need to fess up! Who hurt Adorabat?!"

No one said a thing. All of them looked frightened to the core. "We can stand here all day if you want to. But I'm not leaving until someone—"

"It was Chubbums!" Kevin quavered. In an instant, Mao Mao knelt down to Kevin and gave him the most sharpest, threatening look he's ever made.

"What about him...?" Mao Mao prodded.

"H-he told me not tell anyone why he did it, but I know he did!" Mao Mao grinned and chuckled sinisterly, showing all of his sharp teeth.

"That's all I need. Thanks Kevin. You're a good kid when you want to be." Kevin nodded quickly as his whole body was shaking.

"KEVIN!" Chubbums yelled. "Why did you say that?! It was suppose to be a secret between us and Adorabat!" Mao Mao yanked Chubbums by the arm.

"Well I guess it isn't anymore. Alright, I'm done here. Y'all can go back to your lives. Badgerclops and I are going back to HQ. With Chubbums."

When Mao Mao and Badgerclops zoomed back home with Chubbums, Kevin walked up to Adorabat.

"What's gonna happen to Chubbums?" Kevin asked.

"I dunno, but one's thing's for sure, he's not gonna make it out alive!" Adorabat said in an dark voice.

* * *

Dadmao and Dadgerclops bought Chubbums into the unused room. They called it the interrogation room ever since Mao Mao tortured Ratarang. Mao Mao placed Chubbums in a chair and put restraints on his arms and legs.

"So, Chubbums," Mao Mao said as he and Badgerclops loomed over the fat frog. "Why did you do it?"

"D-do what?" Chubbums stuttered. Mao Mao threw his katana past Chubbum, freaking him out a bit.

"You know what dummy! The bruise on Adorabat! Why the extreme choice?!" Mao snapped as he walked to his katana sticking in the wall and pulled it out.

"I don't know!" Badgerclops squinted his closed eye at Chubbums.

"Listen kid, you need to tell us the truth or else," he muttered tartly. The Sweetiepie smirked.

"Or else what?" Chubbums chuckled. Badgerclops looked at Mao Mao.

"Can I go get the torture tool now? He's getting on my nerves." Mao Mao reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Sure thing." Badgerclops smiled and blushed. He walked fast to the garage to get the tool. He came back with three full buckets of water. Chubbums yelped in fear.

"H-how do you...?" he stuttered. Mao Mao chuckled.

"We saw you fall in a puddle of water one time. You have a phobia or something?"

"Y-yeah!" Badgerclops stifled a laugh.

"Now will you tell us?" Mao Mao asked. "About why you gave Adorabat the bite?" Chubbums shook his head. Stubborn little bastard. Mao Mao signaled Badgerclops to dump a full bucket of water onto Chubbums.

"AH! GET IT OFF ME!" Chubbums yelled. He squirmed around in the chair, desperately wanting to escape the feeling.

"Tell us or else you're getting two more dumps of water!"


"Alright," Badgerclops said. "Keep going."

"So before the dance started, I was talking to my friends about how I was gonna ask Adorabat to be my girlfriend. Everyone encouraged me, even Snugglemagne's servant did! Pinky thought she would say no, but I-"

"Just get to the point already!" Mao Mao growled, drawing his katana in front of Chubbums.

"S-sorry! W-when the slow dance started, I was about to ask Adorabat if she wanted to dance with me. That's when I saw it. Kevin asked her before me! And the worst part?! She said yes! I felt so angry and heartbroken!

"The next day at skewl, I talked to Kevin about what happened at the dance. I told him that you can't steal my chance of being Adorabat's boyfriend!"

Chubbums said that he asked Adorabat later in the day if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She said, "Sure! As a bonus, I won't pick on your habits of bragging and getting every single math question right." Chubbums told her that he needed to give her a love bite since it showed a "symbol of kindergarten love."

When he was finished, the look on Mao Mao and Badgerclops's face was priceless. Mao Mao had a mixture of anger and confusion on his face while his ears were twitching. Badgerclops's eye was narrowed, showing disgust and disappointment.

"Uh," Mao Mao coughed, "that's a sad and slightly uneasy story. But look - love bites are . . . very unnecessary for your age. Or for any age in my opinion!"

"Are you sure they're really that unnecessary for our age?" Badgerclops asked. "I'm just sayin' because . . . ." Mao Mao blushed deeply and glared at him.

"Don't tell me what I think you're implying Badgerclops!" Badgerclops laughed.

"I'm just joking dude! Of course I wouldn't do that! Unless you want me to."

"Heck no!" After the interrogation, Badgerclops and Mao Mao brought Chubbums back to skewl with a warning: He can be Adorabat's boyfriend unless he does anything to hurt her!

After skewl, Adorabat flew home and hugged both of her dads. "Thank you soooo so much guys! You're truly are the best dads to let me have a boyfriend!" Mao Mao and Badgerclops blushed, trying not to spill their tears out.

"No problem Adorabat," Mao Mao said.

"You are the best daughter to let us adopt you as a daughter!" Badgerclops exclaimed. Adorabat giggled.

Thus, the crazy boyfriend problem was finally over!

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