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Well, I posted this on the same day I finished the first book. I'M DESPERATE OKAY?!

Third Person POV:

Badgerclops was chilling on the couch, playing video games. Adorabat was in the kitchen painting since nobody wanted paint splattered everywhere in the living room. Mao Mao was training in the dojo. Just another normal day in the HQ for our three heroes. Actually, it's a normal day for our two heroes.

Badgerclops was having those feelings again.

About Mao Mao. 

He thought about all those times where Mao Mao needed comfort and he laid on his floofy stomach. He thought again about that one time where Mao fell asleep, leaned on him, and hugged the side of his stomach. Those were just some of the moments Badgerclops thought about that made him hot, red, and even more fuzzy than he already was. He still didn't know why it made him feel that way! He couldn't put his claw on it.

Unfortunately, since his thinking got him distracted, Badgerclops lost the level of the game he was playing. He groaned in frustration and set the controller down next to him. He rested his elbows on the table in front of him and put his head in his hands. Badgerclops's face was turning beet red and he didn't like it at all. He wanted to stop having these feelings! It was driving him NUTS! 

Suddenly, Badgerclops heard a clang coming from the dojo. He popped his head up from his hands and looked to the direction where the dojo was. That sounded like Mao Mao's katana! What if he got hurt really badly?! What if he's been training too much and he passed out from exhaustion?! All these new thoughts were going through Badgerclops's head as he ran to the dojo.

"Mao Mao?! Are you okay dude?! What happened?!" Badgerclops yelled as he jerked his head frantically back and forth, trying to find his best friend. He felt a gentle hand touch his furry arm.

"Badgerclops? I'm right here. I'm fine," Mao Mao assured him. Badgerclops looked in front of him to see Mao Mao holding his arm to let him know he was standing inches away from him. 

"But . . . I heard your sword- uh katana drop to the floor."

"'Cause I accidentally dropped it while I was hitting a cardboard thing. What are you so worried about?" Mao Mao let go of his arm. Badgerclops sighed in relief.

"I was worried about something happening to you ya know? I thought you were seriously hurt or you were training in the dojo for too long and you passed out," he explained. Mao Mao rolled his eyes and crossed his arms with his katana in one hand.

"The second thing you said only happened once alright? It won't happen again." Adorabat came zooming to the dojo.

"Are you guys okay?! I heard a girl screaming!" she exclaimed. Mao Mao laughed and Badgerclops glared at both of them.

"I do NOT have a girl voice!" he huffed. Adorabat blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't know that was you Badgerclops!"

"It's fine." 

"Adorabat," Mao Mao instructed her, "Can you go back to painting or something? I need to discuss something with Badgerclops." 

She whispered, "Oh okay! Your secret conversation shall not be heard of!" She flew back inside. Mao smiled at her statement and sheathed his katana.

"So Mao Mao," Badgerclops asked, "what did you wanna talk about...?" Mao Mao told him to sit on the floor and they sat down in a criss-cross position. 

"I want to talk about how you've been acting for the past month." Badgerclops started to sweat. "Aside from your usual attitude, I noticed that your face always looks red when I go in the same room that you're in."

"W-well that's because it's always roasting hot in the house!" Badgerclops lied. Mao Mao raised an eyebrow.

"Then why don't you turn on the AC or something?"

"Well . . . uh -"

"Badgerclops! Tell me what's wrong with you this instant!" Mao Mao demanded. Badgerclops started blushing again. It wasn't possibly that he was . . . was he . . . .

"Mao Mao I think - I think I'm . . . ." he faltered, not wanting to say the words.

"You're what?" Mao urged him.

"I think I'm gay," Badgerclops murmured.

"Say that again?"

"I THINK I'M GAY MAO MAO MAO!" he admitted. Mao Mao's eyes widened a little. "And I think I like you!" Mao Mao's eyes widened fully. He had the faintest blush on his cheeks.

"Uh . . . wow," Mao Mao perplexed as he stood up and pulled his cape around himself. "Badgerclops can you give me time to think about this?" His words came out slow and sort of whisper-like.

"Okay. I get it man," Badgerclops mumbled. Mao Mao walked to the bedroom, leaving Badgerclops sitting on the warm, wooden floor of the dojo.

Mao Mao sat down in his bottom bunk and sighed, scratching the side of his left ear. He recalled the time that Tanya Keys kissed him on the cheek. He wondered if he actually approved that. He wondered if he liked her enough that he would've kissed her on the cheek as well. Would Tanya be okay with Mao Mao's decision?

They did have to go their separate ways after all. Plus, she was a bounty hunter and Mao disagreed with her job. After all of his thinking, he decided that Tanya Keys wasn't the right person for him.

Badgerclops was.

He's Mao Mao's bestest friend in the whole universe! He was always there when Mao Mao needed him the most. Okay, so maybe Badgerclops raided the bakery once. Maybe he lied to Mao Mao saying he was gonna apologize for the raiding, but he snuck a blueberry pie out. Maybe he punched Mao in the face for unplugging his video game.

But through all that, Badgerclops apologized. And Mao Mao forgave him.

"I never I'd say this, but . . . I like him too," Mao Mao proclaimed out loud. He slowly stood up from his bed, his heart beating out of his chest. He walked nervously back to the dojo. Badgerclops was still sitting on the floor, but jumped when he heard Mao's footsteps creaking on the floorboards. The sky was a mixture of elegant colors: Orange, yellow, purple, and pink. Mao knelt down on both knees in front of him.

"So, Mao Mao, what do you thi-" Badgerclops was interrupted by the small cat who gave him a tight hug above his shoulders.

"I l-love you dude," Mao Mao professed. Badgerclops's yellow eye sparkled and he hugged him back.

"I'm glad we're on the same page," he beamed. They broke the hug, but Mao Mao had his arms around Badgerclops's neck. Badgerclops reached to rub Mao's ears, but he smacked his claws away.

"Yeah you're not doing that," Mao Mao chided.

Badgerclops sang, "I'll find a way!" Mao leaned closer and closer until their lips met. They both closed their eyes. Badgerclops wrapped his arms around his back, enjoying the moment. The two passionately kissed until they separated ten seconds later. Their cheeks were blushing a popping red.

They rested their heads against one another's for awhile and stood up. 

"Do you wanna tell Adorabat?" Mao Mao asked Badgerclops.

"Nah, I'm too scared. You tell her!"

"No you tell her!" 

"Nuh uh you!" They kept bickering until Mao Mao irritatingly agreed to tell Adorabat. They went inside the HQ, hand in hand.

This'll be a fun adventure for both of them.

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