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Name - Terra
Gender - Male
Species - Dutch Angel Dragon
Personality - Not all that smart though he can surprise you with all the random stuff he knows how to do. He likes the earth and dirt and prefers to bury himself in it instead of flying like most Dutchies. A huge grump who prefers "Speaking to the earth rather than idiots like you"
Bio/backstory - Not much interesting about him, he was raised on a farm like business that his father owned before giving it over to his sister. He always had a quiet boring life until he met Discord and Spartan, they spiced things up a bit...
Sexuality - "100% into the ladies heh heh"
Accessories - "The dirt in my fur and the sun on my wings"
Abilities - He can "Speak to the earth" as he says, it's quite hard to explain but he always seems to have an uncanny sense of when there will be rain, storm, sun, ect. He once felt an earthquake coming, he looked like he was in pain and screamed "She's screaming she hurts! The earth it's in so much pain we need to go!"

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