Chapter 1: Flying high

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I was on the ground with my head spinning as I stood up.

Y/N: What was that about?

As I looked around I saw that I was the only person here.

Y/N: Hello, is anyone here? I guess I'm the only one who was sent here.

As I stood there I soon heard what sounded like an explosion.

Y/N: What the heck was that? Better check it out.

I started running with me blasting through the woods.

As I kept running I soon came across these strange creatures

Y/N: Well this is new?

They soon roared at me I looked at them, with me getting into a fighting pose. As one tried to jump at me I jumped above it and did a spin dash all the way down from top to bottom as I sliced the creature in half like a buzzsaw. As I rolled onto the ground I soon kicked another in the lower jaw and as I was sent up into the air I bounced off one and performed an axe kick that shatter the white mask it had and was sent flying down and crushed into a pancake.

As I landed on the ground another tried to attack me from behind and as it tried to slash me I back handed it and jumped into the air and performed a stomped that crushed it's skull in. As I jumped off it's dead body I soon saw that all the creatures body had turned into dust with it flying away.

Y/N: That was strange, there are probably more around here. Better get to where that explosion was hopefully no one isn't hurt.

I soon hurried over there hoping no one got hurt.


I soon made it over to see what happened and saw that some people where fighting what seemed like a giant bird and another group of people fighting a giant scorpion

Y/N: It looks like those people could use a hand, luckily I have the right tool for the job.

I summoned the chaos emeralds as they spun around me with me turning super as I flew towards the fight.


As RWBY fought the nevermore on the bridge while JNPR fought the deathstalker, it raised it's stinger before it could bring it down the deathstalker was obliterated within second with it's stinger falling to the ground

June: What the heck?

They soon saw something bright with them seeing Y/N in his super form.

Y/N: Hey there.

Sonic blasted by to help RWBY with the nevermore with JNPR just looking at him.

June: Did he just blasted through that Grimm?

Pyhrra: It looked like it I think.

Nora: Well there's something you don't see every day.

As the Nevermore flew towards RWBY while they stood there ready to shoot it down, Y/N came threw and flew into the Grimm with him kicking it making it crashed into the side of the mountain.

As that happened Y/N turned to the four.

Y/N: You four ok?

Yang: Uh yeah, thanks?

Y/N smiled while he gave them a thumbs up but as he said that the nevermore freed itself and screeched.

Y/N: Don't worry I got this

Y/N flew at the Nevermore with Y/N chasing after it

As Y/N flew after the Nevermore the nevermore fired feathers at him he flew past them with him parrying one and tossing it back at the nevermore with it slashing through it's eye.

As it winced in pain he then upper cut it and soon blasted down with him slamming the nevermore in the back with the two crashing into the ground with him charging up and attacking the nevermore repeatedly.

It then soon retaliated with it flapoibg it's wings and it's feathers sharpening with it flying in the air, as it flew towards Y/N spinning like a drill he soon parried the nevermore and grabbed it by the beak and started to spin around with him soon throwing the nevermore into the side of the mountain.

It then let out a screeched and fired feathers out with them glowing red so Y/N gathered them all and launched it at the ball of feathers back which exploded and Y/N charged up a spin dash with him blasting through the nevermore with Y/N flying upward with the nevermore being blasted upward too and with enough force he blasted through the nevermore with it being torn in half.

After that was over Y/N saw as a result of the explosion the temple that RWBY was one was falling apart and collapsing with debris falling towards JNRP

Y/N: Chaos Control!

They soon were all teleported back to the cliff with them all looking confused

Blake: How we get back here?

As they looked up at Sonic he was getting tired with him turning back and slowly falling down with them catching him.

June: What should we do?

Ruby: We better take him back to Beacon maybe Ozpina will know what to do.

Yang carried him back as they went to Beacon.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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