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The smell of hay mixed with the sweet scent of perfume.

Confused, you stopped at the gate and looked around.

There were no flowers nor trees nearby that could give off such a scent. And the animals were more known to smell of mud and rain.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw a shadow running over in the stables.

"Erik!", you called out.

The young man stopped.

It took a moment before Erik recognised you from a distance and came closer. Dirt was stuck to his face.

He had worked.

Surprised, your eyebrows rose.

His hair was messy as well, indicating that he had done some hard physical work. Very uncommon for him. Usually he tried to avoid anything that could possibly make him sweat.

A little confused you eyed him up and down for a moment. Your mouth was slightly parted.

Erik frowned.

"What are you doing standing there like this?", he asked and put both hands on his hips. "Get to work."

He was already turning around to go back to his work when you managed to wake up from your stupor and cleared your throat.

"I will not work today.", you said. "Something important came up."

With a scowl on his face, he looked over his shoulder.

"You must have a very good reason.", he muttered, almost annoyed. "You can't just not work like that."

A soft sigh left your lips.

"I don't think I owe you an explanation.", you said, trying to sound as gentle as possible. "You also have days when you don't even show up."

"I have my reasons."

"Just like I have mine now. I don't know how long it's gonna take. But I won't be able to work today."

Smacking his lips, Erik rolled his eyes and gestured.

"Of course you'll let me do everything here alone.", he grumbled. "Go. But don't be surprised if the Allfather shows up here and asks why I'm alone."

Almost amused by the thought, you shook your head and said goodbye with a raised hand.

Hastily you hurried down the narrow path that led from the stables directly to the great hall. But the thought that Erik was behaving strangely just wouldn't let you go.

It was unusual for him to be there so early, let alone to work.

And what reason did he have to mention a visit from the Allfather?

Odin was even less likely to be seen in the stables than on the streets of Asgard.

Nothing seemed to make any sense.

Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and shook your head to clear your thoughts. There were more important things to think about.

Why had you been invited by Thor?

Surely the God of Thunder had better things to do than attend to a simple human who had tended to a minor wound.

Perhaps it was because he was considered the kindest son of Odin. If he wasn't drunk.

Yet again, since Baldur was mostly feared for his lunatic state of mind and Heimdall didn't seem to be all too polite, it wasn't hard to take the place as the most likeable Odinson.

A huge shadow fell over you.

All at once it became warmer.

Confused, you frowned and let your thoughts about the gods rest.

You expelled the air you had been holding from your lungs and raised your eyes.

Directly in front of you, the gate of the great lodge rose into the blue sky.

Ravens perched on top of the roof, watching you from above as if to make sure you were worthy to enter their master's home.

One of them cawed angrily.

Out of respect you bowed.

I come in the name of Thor, you called up to them and lifted the scroll with the invitation.

Black eyes looked at the document, to which a part of the seal still stuck.

Again it croaked.

Wings lifted and together all the ravens fluttered away at once. There was something strange about the spectacle, something one would have been afraid of in a dark forest.

All at once the ground shook.

Surprised, you jumped back.

The gates of the hall opened. No magic was to be seen. No one had come to open them with their hands.

Suddenly you were faced with the sight of a large table.

Dozens of faces sat all around on the benches, while they drank jugs of mead and had plates in front of them that were almost overflowing with food.

Unsure how to proceed, you remained motionless.

Loud laughter reached your ears.

It sounded like a celebration.

Or was that just the life of a god?

With curious eyes you stretched your neck to get a better view of what was happening.

Thor was nowhere to be seen, far and wide.

Instead, other gods, great and small, powerful and insignificant, dined as if they were nothing more than one big family.

Suddenly goose bumps chased over your entire body.

You shook yourself, thinking it was just a cold wind. Your eyes wandered further across the table to the end, where a wall with a sign as decoration opened up.

You frowned.

There stood someone leaning against the wall, one hand on the hip and both legs crossed.

Immediately you remembered that this posture looked familiar. From a distance and in the glaring light of the sun, it was difficult to see who exactly was standing there. The hair seemed to fade in the brightness.

"I am pleased that you have accepted my invitation.", a deep voice suddenly sounded.

Startled, a soft cry escaped from you. Your entire body froze all at once. You didn't dare try and move.

Heavy steps approached from behind.

The hairs in the back of your neck stood up straight.

The voice chuckled, surprisingly soft. Almost gentle.

"Don't be shy now.", Thor said as his head full of ginger hair came into sight. "You were very kind to me the other day, without giving a care who I am. Why worry now?"

Your shoulders relaxed.

"You surprised me.", you said with a friendly smile and bowed to him. "Thank you for your invite, my lord."

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