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It was already early evening, the sun coloured the sky the colour of blood oranges, when a raven fluttered through one of the huge windows of the stables and sat down on a beam above your head.

Distracted from your work, you looked up at the animal.

It had eyes as green as poison, no pupils, but it was unmistakably a magical creature, blessed by Odin himself.

Cawing, the raven shook its feathers, blacker than the darkest nightmare. As it did so, a few came loose and sailed down to the ground.

With nimble fingers you caught them out of the air.

"Thank you for the blessing.", you bowed your head in thanks.

It was no secret that Odin sent his ravens to look after Asgard for him. And although it was a kind of surveillance, you always made sure to pay your respects.

After all, it didn't matter whether it was the All-Father himself or just one of his ravens. A divine being was a divine being and it was your duty as a mortal to be respectful towards this power.

Again the raven cawed. But this time it spread its wings and swooped down to perch on the door to Sleipnir's box.

Magical glittering eyes watched the horse for a moment before another squawk sounded.

Sleipnir raised his head with a snort.

After Heimdall had disappeared, he had calmed down again, even though Gulltoppr was now standing right next to him in the box.

The two creatures did not seem to be at enmity with each other. While the horse occasionally turned to the side to watch what was happening next door, the Gradungr was too busy devouring the half calf you had given him.

The mount of the God of Foresight was in pretty bad shape for its size and young age, you had noticed. The muscles were flabby and it barely had enough weight to walk with strong steps.

Everything about it was an indication that one didn't know how to really care for a creature of that kind.

You didn't want to judge Heimdall, after all he couldn't have all the knowledge of the nine worlds.

But you were relieved that he had given you the task of looking after Gulltoppr.

With a smile you held your hand in front of his muzzle.

A growl sounded.

Bright blue eyes looked up at you from below before the Gradungr lifted his head to sniff carefully at your hand.

It would not have been wise to pet him without a warning.
You were still a stranger to the animal and unlike Sleipnir, Gulltoppr had a mouth full of sharp teeth.

You had suffered a few injuries in your time as a keeper, but losing a hand was something you could do without.

Blood dripped into your outstretched palm as the animal opened its mouth to show a sign of trust with its rough tongue.

"Good boy.", you whispered and scratched him behind the ear.

The raven next to you squawked again.

Startled by the sudden noise, you flinched. In doing so, you also startled Heimdall's beast.

With a warning growl, Gulltoppr jumped back and pressed his back against the wooden wall while strange blue eyes pierced you.

A soft sigh left your lips.

"Thank you very much.", you said sarcastically and turned to the raven. "Have you come with a message? Or did your master just want to know what the stables looked like?"

Green eyes stared at you.

The raven's black wings moved, but it did not take to the air.

For a moment you looked at the black plumage.

It was strange, but Odin's ravens seemed to be wild animals.

And yet they always appeared when the All-Father asked for them. It didn't matter where he needed them, they just appeared.

And yet their feathers were always a deep black, like steaming tar. Their beaks were also never dirty, neither from the remains of their prey nor from anything else.

They were immaculate creatures. But you did not believe that they were born of magic.

But this raven was different.

It seemed less like an animal and more like a soul trapped between feathers and bones.

Hastily you shook your head. It was surely just your imagination.

Your clean hand slipped into your pocket, where the remaining fruits of the morning were still stowed. It took you a moment to pull out an apple.

At the sight, the raven's wings moved again. An enthusiastic caw sounded.

"Would you like some?", you asked without expecting an answer and pulled out your knife to cut the apple into pieces that the raven would not choke on.

With almost human enthusiasm, the bird began to hop on the spot while its eyes watched your fingers cut through the juicy red peel.

Juice oozed out and wetted your fingers.

It was sticky, but Sleipnir would lick it off as soon as the opportunity arose.

Carefully you offered the raven the first piece of apple between two fingers.

Immediately he pecked at it.

He caught your finger.

A sharp pain shot through your flesh.

Out of reflex you pulled back, a silent curse on your lips.

The raven tried to catch the apple again. This time it succeeded, but your skin remained caught between its beak.

Gritting your teeth, you held back the pain and shook yourself free, leaving a cut at the end.

Blood flowed from the small wound. It burned as soon as air touched the open flesh.

"Next time it would be nice if you were gentler.", you murmured, stroking the raven's head as it gobbled the piece of fruit with relish.

"You talk too much to the animals.", a tired voice relied.

Your gaze jumped over your shoulder.

Erik had woken up. Still half asleep, he rubbed his eyes.

"Animals listen to us.", you said. "Would you like something to eat too?"

He frowned.

"No.", his hand fished for something to throw from the floor. "Get out of here!"

With full force he threw a stone at the raven.

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