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For almost a full minute, the God of Foresight stared into your face.

His face hardly showed any change, but the expression in his eyes literally screamed with confusion.

Or was it uncertainty?

It seemed as if he expected discord. As if it was only a matter of time before you wanted to do him harm.

He didn't expect kindness or honest kindness. He was waiting for the evil in you to come out.

But you had nothing bad to offer him.

All your intentions were of a good nature. You really wanted to help him. It was not your plan to criticise or blame him.

But for some reason, that was exactly what he expected.

When this realisation came over you, a worried expression appeared on your face.

With your eyebrows drawn together, your eyes wandered over his face, looking for something to confirm otherwise.

"Lord Heimdall.", you murmured with confusion. "You know what it means to get offered help. Do you?"

A slight movement moved through his features.

His lips moved, ready to make another of his biting comments.

But he did not.

Instead, he pressed his mouth into a thin line and let out a snort that sounded both angry and frustrated.

"I don't need help.", Heimdall finally replied as he pulled back to get some distance between the two of you again. "Especially not the one of a measly human."

He stamped on the ground to remove the tiny traces of dust from his boots left by the fresh hay.

"I offer my help.", you assured him, smiling. "Whatever you want to know, I will try to help to the best of my ability."

His expression darkened.

"I said I don't need your help!", his voice wavered a little as he said it with more anger.

As if he had to control himself.

With your head bowed, you nodded. It was not your intention to upset him further.

Maybe it was just a bad day. But the god's mood was wavering.

Perhaps a little rest would do him better. Or at least no comments and offers, which he was averse to anyway.

Silence fell for a moment.

All that could be heard was the breathing of the animals and the distant roar of fighting.

Thor must have instigated another brawl. It was not uncommon for the God of Thunder to drink too much and forget to behave.

His brother seemed to have the same thought.

An annoyed sound escaped Heimdall's lips.

"That drunken, fat good-for-nothing...", he growled, glancing in the direction from which the roar came.

You smiled tiredly, giving up the hope that he would ever stop being such a bitter big mouth.

"Do you always talk so kindly about your brothers, Lord Heimdall?", you asked, managing to free yourself from the straw.

He rolled his eyes, groaning in annoyance.

"There is only one brother left.", he said with a shrug. "The other was too brain-dead to stay alive."

A defeated sigh escaped your lips. You shook your head.

"I wish fate had blessed me with siblings.", you grab some rags and bandages you always kept for Erik in the stable and stuff it all in your bag. "Life wouldn't be so boring now."

With a chuckle, you hurried past him, out of the stable and into the yard, where you grabbed a branch thick enough to be used as a club.

Frowning, Heimdall tilted his head.

"Where are you going?", he asked and walked after you to the gate. "You have work to do, servant!"

You gifted him a grin.

"Your brother is not known for his gentleness, my lord. There will be wounded.", you said with a glance over your shoulder. "Someone will have to take care of them."

His eyes widened with surprise. Then he pulled a face as if he didn't know if it was a bad joke or just a stupid idea.

"Did you look at yourself, you little worm?", he asked, still walking after you. "You're the size of my little toe. The fat bastard will crush you under his left ass cheek."

You shrugged your shoulders.

"I don't intend to fight.", you argued, and hurried down the road that led to the tavern. "Just aid the ones in need."

Groaning, he rolled his eyes.

Oh, how annoyed he was by your good hearted attitude.

"You'll get your neck snapped.", he snarled.

A thin smile brightened your face.

It amused you how he tried to argue with common sense against something, that obviously didn't work based on logic.

"Is that what your gift of foresight tells you, my lord?", you asked and threw a glance over your shoulder at him.

"As if I'd waste my precious abilities on something as unimportant as your well-being. Obviously not."

"Then why say such a concerning thing?"

"Because it's common sense, you brainless maggot."

You chuckled.

A disgruntled growl sounded behind your back.

It was audible that Heimdall had reached the end of his, rather short, thread of patience.

All at once you stopped, turned on your heels and returned his gaze.

He had already come to a stop behind you, of course, after all, as the god of foresight, he had the gift of seeing things before they happened.

So the two of you didn't collide and just faced each other.

"Lord Heimdall, compassion does not need common sense.", you said in a gentle tone, so as not to treat him like a dumb child. "In fact, most of the time it doesn't even make sense to treat others with compassion."

He pulled a sarcastic face.

"People don't deserve kindness.", he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "For they are all evil, one way or another."

You hummed and nodded slightly.

"Yet, showing them compassion can make people desire to be better. Treating others with kindness doesn't make sense, especially when they are evil."

"Then why do you waste your energy?", he asked, audibly and visibly not understanding your point of view.

You smiled, a little sad that he was so blinded by his ignorance.

"Because if everyone would purely act logical, all of the nine realms would be a lot more evil than they actually are, my lord."

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