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"I've had enough of you!" Heimdall's voice trembled with frustration as he lifted you into the air and pushed you against a wall with all his might.

Despite his relatively slender build, he was strong. Strong enough to cause pain in your back as it collided with the hard wood.

All the air was forced out of your lungs. Surprised, you gasped.

Gritting your teeth and squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you grabbed his wrist to squeeze it.

Shards of magical light licked across your glowing skin. It made every touch tingle like lightning.

The lack of oxygen made your head dull while it felt like your brain was melting.

Your legs kicked desperately in the air.

Heimdall's eyes were fixed on you. With a fierce gaze he looked at your face as if searching for something.

Colours were already dancing in the blackness of your inner eye.

Your lungs began to burn.

Finally he let out a low growl. He had not found what he was looking for.

All at once the pressure on your throat released and he let himself fall.

You hit the ground like a stone, holding your sore neck, gasping for air as if it were the last thing you could do.

Tears blurred your vision. Half-blind, you tried to feel for a foothold on the wall.

The God of Foresight watched you squirm like a snivelling animal.

There was so much confusion on his face. But something else also made his eyes tremble.


He was afraid.

"I don't understand...", he muttered to himself and took a step back when you came too close. "Why...? Why can't I?"

Like a restless creature in a cage, he began to pace up and down, his forehead in deep wrinkles. His thumb was stuck between his lips while he was so nervous that he was biting his nail with his teeth.

Again and again you could hear him muttering.

Finally oxygen filled your lungs again.

With a gasp you let your back fall against the wall and watched him.

"My lord, are you all right?", your voice scratched in your throat like a thousand shards of glass.

New anger lit up on his face.

"Silence!", he hissed but refused to approach again. "You aren't supposed to... What are you?"

Both curious yet terrified he dared to take a step towards you.

Again, his eyes wandered over your face as if he was looking for something.

Uncertainly you shook your head.

"I am a human being.", you replied.

He shook his head, his mouth slightly open in disbelief.

"No... No human is like you."

"I am human."

"Don't lie to me!", all at once his face was so close that his warm breath caressed your (S/C) face.

He smelled of soap and perfume. Almost so clean that one could have called him feminine.

"I swear.", you insisted on your answer.

His eyes twitched. A shadow flitted across his face.

Then he shook his head slightly.

"You are a spy, aren't you?", he asked, laughing slightly. "Yes, that's the only explanation."

The corners of his mouth lifted to show two rows of golden teeth.

For a moment your attention was clouded by the sight.

But you shook your head again.

"I don't know what you are talking about.", you gasped.

The smile disappeared and the anger returned.

"Stop lying already!"

"I am not lying! What do you want to know from me? What can I do to remove your mistrust?"

"Let me read your mind."

All at once you froze.

Confused, your eyes darted over his face.

He wasn't joking. He was completely serious.

Uncertainly, you pressed your lips together in a thin line.

You frowned briefly but quickly raised your eyebrows again in surprise when he didn't seem to change his attitude.

"But... you are Heimdall.", you murmured. "The god of foresight... You know everything."

Aggressively, he took a deep breath. His lips pressed together as well to suppress another wave of anger. He nodded, over and over again.

Briskly he rose back into the air.

His shadow covered you.

"Yes.", he pressed out between clenched teeth at last. "I know everything. I read minds even when I don't want to and I know everyone before they know themselves."

You shook your head.

"Then why care for a simple human like me?"

"Because I cannot read you!", it slipped from his tongue with such frustration, such anger that it made him shake. "I look at you and there is nothing. I talk to you and all I get is words that you chose. It doesn't matter what I do, I will never know your true intentions."

It took a moment before you understood.

Not a single sound left your lips as you looked at him intently.

It could only have been a bad joke.

There was nothing Heimdall couldn't know. If one believed the rumours, even the Allfather avoided spending too much time with him for fear he would also find out his true thoughts.

Heimdall was a powerful god. One of the most powerful.

What reason was there that your thoughts were not within his reach?

You tried to laugh.

But the rigid expression on his face did not change. He remained sceptical.

It almost felt like he feared you for never knowing what was really going on inside you.

With a shuddering breath you managed to pull yourself back to your feet.

"I have no bad intentions towards you.", you tried to touch him, but he pulled back harshly. "Please believe me. I have no desire to be deceitful."

"Those are just words.", he hissed. "Words cannot be trusted. I can't trust anyone. Everyone is evil. Every tongue has the power to lie."

"I do not lie."

All at once surprise appeared on his face. His eyes were brighter for the breath of a second.

Then he changed. His shoulders slumped and a shaky breath left his lips.

"No way...", he breathed, clutching his head as if in pain. "The Allfather must not know about this. Not ever!"

Suddenly he drew his sword and pressed the tip into your throat.

You raised your hands in fear.

But you didn't fear him. You feared he'd hurt himself in his madness.

"Heimdall.", you swallowed thickly. "Let me help you. Please."

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