Chapter 5

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Chiron raced outside and blew his ram's horn. All the campers rushed out of their cabins, fully covered in armor. Then, they all charged at the camp's entrance to fight. I started running back to my cabin to get my armor, too. But, Percy knew what I was thinking and grabbed my arm. "Oh no, you don't!" he said as he pulled me to the safety of the Poseidon cabin. "Stay here," he said. I nodded. He gave me a necklace with a charm around it. "Keep it on," he said, looking into my eyes. I nodded again. "As long as it stays on, no one except for me, Annabeth, Grover or Chiron can get in, Stay safe." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I hugged him tightly. He pulled me in close and gave me a really tight hug in return. Then, he pulled back slightly and gave me a kiss on the forehead and lightly caressed my cheek. He got up and, before he walked away, he took my hand, and gave it a tight squeeze. Through silent sobs, I whispered good-bye.

I stayed in the cabin, watching everyone else fight Luke and his army. I saw a boy with sandy-blond hair. I guessed that that was Luke. He looked at me with a smirk and cut down his opponent with one swift blow. He ran in my direction. I dropped to the ground. But then, I remembered that the cabin had a protection spell around it. I stood up to see Luke glaring at me. I smirked.

Then, he raised his eyebrow and stormed off. I breathed a sigh of relief. But, I knew he would be coming back. Luckily, the last time she was over, I remembered that Annabeth had left her invisibility cap on the floor of the cabin. So, I searched for it. I finally found it, put it on, hid under Percy's bed, and waited for Luke to return.

Suddenly, I saw him come back with something in his hand: a vial with black dust in it. Then, he sprinkled it over the doorway. The next thing he did really scared me... he just casually walked through the door! At that moment, I knew I was dead. I tried not to scream for help as he came closer to where I was hidden. "Come out, come out wherever you are, my little jewel..." Luke cooed with a chuckle. "There's no point in hiding."

Then, he took out another vial, this one bigger than the last. This vial was filled with green smoke. The smoke crawled under Percy's bed. I held my breath. Then, to my horror, I realized that the smoke had caused the cap and the charm to lose their power. With no other choice, I rolled out from under the bed, my sword drawn. Luke snapped his head toward me. "Ah," He said with a devilish smile, studying me from head-to-toe. "So, this is the one from the prophecy."

"Yeah," I said with a smirk. "And you might as well leave me alone, 'cause we both know that Percy's going to come after me." Then, I slashed at him. My sword clashed with his dagger.

"Trust me. I'm not scared of your big brother. I know I can take him," Luke said as he kicked me, causing me to fall on my side and drop my sword. I groaned. He then pointed his dagger at me. "Now, are you coming with me quietly...or are we going to have to do this the hard way?"

I glared at him. "It's your choice," He said with a smirk. Then, I got up as he repositioned his dagger on my back. "Good girl," he cooed in my ear. I walked out of the cabin, defeated. Luke led me to the border of the camp. Then, he whistled and all of his monsters came and retreated into the woods, with me along with them.

Suddenly, Percy started running up to us with his sword drawn. But, before he could catch up, Luke waved his hand and we disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I was promptly knocked out by a sleeping potion.

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