To My Readers

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Welcome to this first story of the Betrayed Destinies series. These stories take place in a universe similar to ours, but far in the future, with space travel common, aliens of all sorts, and numerous cultures across different planets, solar systems, and galaxies. Love crosses all boundaries and those who are fortunate find their soulmates—individuals tethered together on a quantum energetic level once physical contact is made. Yet the tie between them can only be severed by death. Agony is the price for anyone who abandons or loses their fated mate. Synthate gloves have become the stylish norm for those who don't want to risk the connection.

Years are measured in star cycles, the universal standard measurement equivalent to the average time taken for a planet within the habitable zone to rotate around its star for red dwarf (Class M), orange dwarf (Class K), yellow dwarf (Class G, like Sol), and yellow-white dwarf (Class F) stars, which are the only stars that persist long enough for life likely to develop within these solar systems. One star cycle is equivalent to 0.72 years on Earth. The current galactic date is Star Cycle 15,306 of the Sigma Draconis Ascendancy.

Heir Of Violence is an enemies-to-lovers dark romance in a science fiction setting, featuring the vengeful Prince Zaen who lost his mother and sister to an assassin ten years ago and the naïve xenobotanist Caeryssa who just wants a chance to relax on vacation away from her overprotective family and busy job. Other tropes include: alpha male, forced proximity, emotional scars, and dangerous secrets.

Trigger Warnings: Violence, Kidnapping, Assault, Explicit language, and Sex. As of Chapter 8, the story becomes mature due to a sexual assault halfway through the chapter. I will update the maturity level of the story before posting Chapter 8, which is after the 8,000 Round Two portion of the Open Novella Contest.

Language: As a Canadian, I write in Canadian English, which is an odd mixture of British and American spellings. This means there is a 'u' in colour, 're' in metre, and 'z' in realized. These are intentional.


Heir Of Violence is a Round One Open Novella Contest winner. Thank you so much!

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