05|| Strangers with a memory

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Not friend, not enemy. Just stranger with a memory.


Maria woke up in an unfamiliar room and panicked for a second before realising where she was. “Oh,” her mood dipped. “I am…home.”

She sluggishly got up, took her bath and dressed up. She remembered Brandon and made up her mind to go and see him.

“Stella, I was going to call you.” Marlene appeared at the door, smiling. “let’s have breakfast today. I was thinking we could go on a walk and we could go the places you used to visit.”

“Uh, Okay but I want to see Brandon first. I am worried about how hurt he got,” Maria informed. “I wonder what happened with the car? Do you know?”

“Er, it was a mechanical issue. I have talked to the mechanics and scolded them for not checking the car well,” Marlene nervously answered and Maria nodded, but she wasn’t satisfied with the answer.

Marlene and Maria arrived at the dining table and saw Roxy, Funmi and Nora at the table. They seemed to be waiting.

“Were you waiting for me?” Maria asked and felt bad at their confirmation. “I’m so sorry, you shouldn’t have woken me up.”

“What are you saying Stella? It's nothing much to wait for you, besides the food is only done now.” Marlene waved her hand dismissively, taking her seat.

They sat down and began eating after the maids served the food. Marlene turned to Funmi and Nora, “are you going to be leaving soon?”

“Oh, we planned to stay till Maria was comfortable,” Funmi awkwardly answered. “we might leave in a few days.”

“I don’t want you to leave so soon. I can’t do this without you.” Maria hurriedly said panicked and Marlene and Funmi froze.

“Let's talk about it after breakfast.” Marlene decided. “And I will follow you to the hospital, the driver will take you.”

“Are you going to see Brandon?” Roxy asked Maria and Maria nodded. “that’s good. I ought to thank Brandon, he is the reason we found you.”

Maria nodded but she felt Roxy meant something else.

After breakfast, Maria, Marlene, Funmi and Nora sat in the patio to discuss. “I want you to stay with me, please,” Maria pleaded. “you two are the reason I had the courage to come here. I don’t know if I can live here without you.”

“Maria,” Funmi felt bad. “I understand how you feel but leaving everything to come here…it's too much.”

Maria dropped her head disappointed. “I know, I'm being selfish but I really need you.”

“Please stay for my daughter’s sake. It might take her sometime to get used to us,” Marlene finally said. “your support will be good for her.”

Funmi still looked hesitant to agree. “Mom, how about I stay here? I can transfer to a university here?” Nora suggested to her mother's horror.

“Are you crazy?! No! You stay in Abuja? It's so far away.” Funmi vehemently refused but Maria perked up.

“It's a good idea. She won't be alone, she has me and everyone in this house,” Maria persuaded. “We can even pay for her tuition here.” She looked at Marlene for support and Marlene hesitantly agreed. “See aunty Funmi, please.”

Funmi pursed her lips conflicted and clenched her fist. “I need to think about this first, give me sometime,” she said and Maria was relieved. It meant there was a chance.

“Of course, thank you.” Maria smiled.

“I am grateful.” Marlene added and took out her phone. “Stella, we should go now.” Maria nodded and they got up.

Maria waved goodbye happily and as soon as she and Marlene were gone, Funmi hit Nora. “Ah!” Nora yelped.

“You and your loud mouth, when adults are talking, are you supposed to talk!” Funmi scolded, chasing after her to deliver a beating.

“Maami, Maria needs us. Besides, this place is so huge, it would be nice to–ah!” Nora dashed out of the patio when a slipper whizzed past her.

“Yes! Run!” Funmi hissed, “nonsense.”

Marlene and Maria were in front of the car garage about to enter a car when Nora dashed in. “Um, can I follow you? I hope I am not inconveniencing you.”

“It’s fine, come on.” Maria accepted and Nora entered the car. Marlene just stared a bit put off by Nora's attitude but still amused.

At the hospital, Brandon sat in his hospital bed reviewing files and wishing he would be out of the hospital soon.

“You have a visitor.” A nurse announced and Brandon was surprised to see Maria. Maria stepped in and the nurse left.
“Stella, why are you here?”

“Why shouldn’t I be? I feel like you got hurt because of me,” Maria answered guiltily and sat next to him. Worry marred her face. “just look at you, you didn’t get any serious injuries did you?”

“I’m fine.” Brandon smiled. “I feel better to see you fine, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“That's impossible, we are friends now.” Maria smiled, shifting in her seat and Brandon noticed the slight shadow in her expression.

“How are you adjusting? It must be overwhelming.” He understood. Maria was amazed at how swiftly he understood her.

“It is, I can’t imagine having grown up in that home or having a connection with those people at the house,” Maria confessed with a sigh. “I feel detached from that place.”

“It will get better,” Brandon encouraged. “it is the home you grew up. It will gradually become familiar to you.”

“I guess you are right.” Maria smiled hopefully. “my aunt Funmi was thinking about leaving but I can’t let her go. I don’t know how I will cope without her, I must sound selfish.”

“Everyone is a bit selfish sometimes, it's fine” Brandon comforted her. “also, you are one of the most selfless person I know.”

Maria was surprised at how sincere he sounded. She smiled, “you sound like you know me.” Brandon shifted uncomfortably at that.  “you are also a great person Brandon and one of the reasons I returned. You never acted like a detective towards me. You acted like a friend. I’m grateful for that. You are the only one I trust.”

Brandon was surprised at her honesty and stared touched. Maria smiled embarrassed and they stared at each other for a while.

“I’m honored.” Brandon finally responded and Maria chuckled. She fell silent when the door creaked open and Diyemi and Andrew walked in.

Brandon looked at them and they looked between him and Maria. “Miss Stella, nice to see you again.” Diyemi smiled.

Maria smiled. “Same,” she looked inquisitively at Andrew.

“I'm Andrew, I work with them.”

“Oh, it's nice to meet you too,” Maria smiled and grabbed her bag. “I should go now. Take care Brandon.” She placed a supportive hand on his shoulder then left.

“Miss Stella is more beautiful than her pictures.” Andrew blurted as soon as she left and Brandon narrowed his eyes at him.

“That is not why you are here.” He growled.

“What did you talk about?” Diyemi asked.

“Nothing much, what news do you have for me?” Brandon went straight to work, taking the file from Diyemi’s hands.

It contained a detailed information about everyone who had connections with the car accident that day and possible suspects.

“Then it’s safe to stay Stella doesn’t know anything.” Diyemi stared astutely as Brandon flipped through the report with his one good arm. “it’s a bit deceitful–”

“It’s for her good.”

“Is it?”

Brandon looked up, wondering why Diyemi was talking like this. “I'm just worried that her being ignorant is a danger,” Diyemi revealed. “Stella finding out about the murderer now would be bad and she will feel deceived.”

At Diyemi’s words, Brandon remembered Stella telling him he was the only  she trusted and he felt a pinch of guilt. 

“Don’t say that, she will be fine, nowlet's get to work.” Brandon tried to shake off that feeling and focused on the file.


At the Esoro mansion, a black sleek car drove in and a man dressed in a black suit stepped out. He entered the house and a maid led him to the living room.

Megan and Roxy came out after being informed by the maid. “What do you think you are doing here?” Megan demanded with a glare, crossing her arms.

“I came to see Stella, am I not allowed to?” Tayo flashed his pearly teeth.

Megan rolled her eyes, scoffing. “no you are not. Don’t be stupid, what reason do you have to see Stella? You are wasting your time.”

“Listen, Stella appeared after a long time. I am relieved that she is back considering our relationship.” Tayo smoothly said and Megan held back an eye roll. “it is surprising she didn’t return during all this time.”

Megan was about to reply when Marlene, Stella and Nora walked in. Marlene froze to see Tayo. “Tayo, what are you going here?”

“Miss Marlene, good morning ma.” Tayo greeted, approaching her. Maria looked at him curiously. “I heard Stella was back and thought to visit.”

“I never made it public news, how do you know?” Marlene narrowed her eyes and Tayo looked very amused.

“Ma'am, It’s not too hard for me to find out,” Tayo laughed and turned to Maria. “wow, you still look the same after all these years,” he took Maria’s hand and kissed it, surprising her and Nora. “I am happy that you are back.”

“Um, who are you?”

“Stella, don’t you recognise me?” Tayo sounded surprised but the gleam in his eyes was suspicious. “it’s me, Tayo, your fiancé.”

Maria and Nora’s eyes widened in shock and Maria withdrew her hand. “What?!” she exclaimed and Marlene grimaced.

“Are you pretending Stella? How can you not remember your fiancé?”

“Don't deceive yourself, you know very well you two no longer have that relationship.” Roxy spoke up causing Tayo to send her a narrowed eye glare.

“Tayo, Stella is tired since she just returned.” Marlene intervened. She curtly added, “and I don’t remember inviting you to this house so please leave.”

Tayo’s eyes sparkled with mischief while his lips thinned. “Fine, but I hope we see each other soon.” He kissed her back of her hand. “take care Stella.”

Maria and Nora watched bewildered as Tayo sauntered off. Maria turned to Marlene for an explanation once he was gone but was instead dragged away.

Outside the house, Becca drove into the compound. She stepped out of her car and frowned when she saw Tayo entered his car and leave.

“Why was that bastard here?” she muttered.

In the house, Marlene dragged Maria into a room and held her shoulders. “Stella, no one can know you have amnesia.” She stressed.

“Why? And who was that man?” Maria asked concerned. “why did he say he is my fiancé? What is going on?”

“Stella,” Marlene looked unsure of how to explain. “Tayo was…is your fiancé, it's complicated but you two had a relationship in the past. You were close. He is from a wealthy family too.”

Maria’s jaw hung unable to believe what she just heard. She really had a fiancé. Why is her past life more complicated than she expected?

“Listen Stella, When you disappeared, our companies went through a hard time,” Marlene explained. “now that you are back, the company is looking up to you to lead it again. If they find out you lost your memory, it will be a disaster.”

Maria looked concerned at this issue and Marlene hugged her comfortingly. “I know it is too much, I haven't even introduced you to the business but this is important,” she pulled away, “promise me Stella.”

“It's okay, I won’t let anyone find out. I promise.” Maria promised uncertain but Marlene looked relieved.

Maria returned to the living room and saw Becca with Nora and Roxy. Megan had left, deeming it not to be her concern.

“I can’t believe Maria was engaged.” Nora sounded amazed and turned at the glimpse of Stella.

Becca noticed her and approached her. “Stella, I saw Tayo here.” she sounded worried while Maria was surprised.

“You know him?”

“Everyone knows him. As heirs to your respective fortunes, your engagement was widely known.” Becca elaborated. “it’s best you stay away from him. Your relationship with him is over.”

“I believe so too but not remembering anything is hard and scary,” Maria breathed, sitting down. “besides, I have a boyfriend now.”


Becca and Roxy stared with bulged eyes and Maria was unnerved. “Er yeah, his name is Deji and he is a doctor,” Maria smiled at his memory. “he is a wonderful man and he has helped me many times.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect that.” Becca was visibly surprised.

“Well, he must be a good man if he loves you even without your memory,” Roxy remarked and Maria nodded. “does he know about this?”

“Yes, I told him the day Brandon told me. He encouraged me to return,” Maria confessed. “I was too scared to face the place where all the memories I forgot were made.”

Becca stared with pitiful eyes and sat next to her. “I don’t know how to console you but being here, you will regain your memories. This is your home Stella.” She assured.

Maria smiled bitterly. “Everyone calls me Stella but I am still not sure if that is really who I am,” Maria stared saddened and the ladies felt bad.

Becca lit up at an idea. “Come, come with me,” she pulled Maria up and dragged her inside. Nora and Roxy followed curiously.

At Stella’s room, Becca brought down an old box from the closet and in it were different pictures and items from Stella’s past.

“Look at this, it was our graduation day.” Becca raised a photo with a perky smile. “Ijeoma tried to hard to look good.”

The two women giggled and Maria stared amazed. “It’s amazing you are a lawyer,” she grinned. “strangely, it's as obvious as it is odd at the same time.”

Becca chuckled and Maria continued looking through the photos. Nora and Roxy stared too interested. Maria looked through every photo and smiled at them.

Some were of her and the family when she was little. “So this is what I looked like when I was little,” she mumbled, running her hands on her photos.

She looked at an elderly man's photos and Maria knew it was her father. She looked like him. “I wish I remembered him,” she mumbled regretful and Becca stared sadly.

She looked on and stared at a picture of a young boy. “Becca? Where is my brother?” she asked quietly, causing Becca and Roxy to freeze. “he is supposed to be my twin, why is he not here?”

Maria looked at them for answers and Becca and Roxy were nervous about answering. A shrill song pierced the silence and Becca jumped to her feet in relief, clutching her phone.

“It’s an important call, I have to take it.” She barely explained and rushed out of the room.

Roxy mumbled an excuse at well and left in a hurry. Maria and Nora stared suspiciously at them. “They are hiding something,” Maria decided. “I want to find out what.”

Becca didn’t return after that and Roxy blatantly avoided any confrontations with Maria. Soon it was time for dinner and the family gathered in the dining room.

Maria noticed that while her family did not really like each other, they ate together. She wondered why. The maids served the food and everyone began eating.

“Stella, I cooked your favourite food today,” Marlene beamed. “black soup. Maybe eating it will jog your memories, you will love it sweetheart.”

Maria grimaced at the sight of the soup and Chinaza’s lips curled up in a small smile at that. “Did I really like that?” Stella asked in hope they would say no.

“Yes you did. Try it,” Marlene answered. “it tastes better than it looks.” Maria grimaced but raised her hand to try it.

Maria is about to try it when Megan abruptly shouted. Everyone looked to see Nora, while trying to get some food spilled it on Megan.

“What is wrong with you child?! Are you mad?” Megan erupted and Funmi felt terrible but she hid it.

“I'm sorry, it was a mistake.” Funmi apologised but Megan angrily ignored her.

“It was a mistake, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't do it on purpose.” Nora frantically apologised but Megan wasn’t in a forgiving mood.

“Seriously brat?!” Megan scowled, “do you have any idea how much this dress cost? I bet this dress could buy all you have and still have enough change left.”

For the first time, Nora looked embarrassed and she bowed her head in shame. Funmi watched upset but didn’t know how to speak up.

Nora berated herself. What was I thinking?  How could she have so clumsily handled the spoon in the presence of people wealthier than her by a lot?

“..when will you get rid of these people? they are such a nuisance. “...this house is not an hotel. I wonder why we let this common people stay–” Megan furiously ranted, failing to notice Maria’s darkening countenance.

“I am pretty sure they've been more of family to me than you've ever been half-sister” Maria angrily said, surprising everyone. Megan was taken aback.

“They are my guests therefore, they are none of your concern. I am sorry for your cloth that got ruined and I will replace it. Now, we will be very happy when you realise your opinion on where they stay is not important,” Maria said firmly.

“Since she has apologised, you better apologize for your rudeness and lack of control. I do not like people who don’t know how to treat other people with kindness.”

Nora and Funmi stared awkwardly as Megan’s jaw dropped in shock. Roxy unsuccessfully stifled a laugh while Chinaza smiled a bit. Marlene didn’t hide her smug smile and Megan gritted her teeth in anger.

“Argh!” she roared and stormed off. Cassandra glared at everyone and followed. Once they were gone, Roxy, Chinaza and Marlene burst into laughter.

Nora sat down hesitantly. “I’m sorry about what happened.” Maria apologised sincerely. “I promise you, no one will treat you that way again.”

“It’s alright.” Nora hurriedly said.

“No, it's not.” Maria insisted. “you are like family to me. I won't let anyone treat you like that, do you understand?”

Nora smiled gratefully and Funmi was relieved. “Thank you Maria.”

Maria paused thoughtfully. “Call me Stella.”

Roxy, Chinaza and Marlene perked up to hear that. Nora smiled happy for her, “thank you…Stella.”

Maria looked down happily and finally took a bite of the soup. She momentarily grimaced but widened her eyes in surprise.

It was a familiar taste. She softened, “you are right, this…I love it.”


Did you like how Stella dissed Megan? And what exactly does Tayo want? Where did Becca disappear to all of a sudden?

Continue reading to find out. Best of all, Maria has finally accepted who she is and so she will be written as Stella from now on.


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