13|| Images of the past

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I will never forget you.


A strange clean smell and the sound of beeping woke Stella up from her deep sleep. Her ears were filled with dull noises but opening her eyes proved difficulties.

Her eyes fluttered open despite the heaviness and a surprised voice exclaimed.

"...I saw her eyes move!"

"Is she awake?" Her eyes fluttered again and an excited voice called. "mom! Stella is waking up, she is really alive!"

Stella breathed deeply and finally opened her eyes slowly, her fingers twitching. A bright light and the sight of her family welcomed her.

She immediately closed her eyes and opened them and the light became not so blind anymore. She felt a hand on hers and she looked at the person.


Stella focused on the person's features and saw Marlene. "...mom?" she said unsure in a raspy voice.

Marlene's eyes filled with tears. "You're alive."

Stella looked around and the second person she set her eyes on was Brandon. He was standing in a corner behind everyone else but he was there.

Strangely, it filled her with strength.

"Hold on," a man in a white coat appeared, Stella later learnt he was her doctor.

The family gathered around tensed as they watched the doctor check her up. During the check up, Stella observed how many people were with her.

Her mom, Marlene, Aunt Funmi, Nora, Roxy, Becca, Megan and Brandon...did they truly care about her? Is that why they were here? She wondered.

"She is in a better condition now," the doctor turned to the family. "we managed to flush out the poison before it dealt fatal damage so all she has to do is rest and eat healthy."

"Poison?" Stella looked at everyone surprised and they looked away with strange expressions. She frowned at them while the doctor left.

"Drink Stella, your throat must be dry," Funmi said, handing Stella a glass of water and she drank it greedily.

"Thank you," Stella sighed satisfied.

"Are you alright now? Can you breathe properly? Can you talk well?" Funmi asked concerned and Stella looked at her grateful.

"Thank you," she held the cup thoughtfully. "What did the doctor say? Poison? What happened? I don't remember."

"Really?" Brandon finally spoke looking worried and Stella furrowed her brows, trying to remember what was so important.

She instinctively rubbed a sore spot of her neck and felt the bandage on it. The memory of the attack came back to her in full force and she tensed.

"That man...he tried to kill me," Stella swallowed in realisation and Everyone in the room stood rigid at their confined suspicions.

"Did you see him?" Brandon asked seriously.

"No, it was dark," Stella clenched her fist. "the bastard was hiding in my car, waiting for me. That freak, he would have killed me neatly if I had entered the car."

Nora and Roxy felt a chill at that confession. Megan seemed unbothered but there was a subtle tremble in her voice, "how did you escape?"

Stella narrowed her eyes, recalling her hazy memory. "I was checking the hood of my car when I saw him, sitting in the backseat waiting for me. I don't know how he got in, then I ran."

"I ran, I screamed for help but no one came. It was so quiet. Then," She clutched her cup trembling, "he caught up to me, he held me and...stabbed me on my neck with something. I hit him with a rock, I got away but I couldn't breathe..."

Stella held her neck feeling subconscious and Brandon's lips thinned. His hands moved subconsciously and held hers.

Stella looked at him and he smiled supportively. Marlene narrowed her eyes subtly at this interaction but kept quiet.

"I fell down and then...," Stella continued and her eyes widened in realisation. "someone came to me, someone saved me."

"Becca found you yesterday sweetie," Marlene patted her head, "she was heading to the office to see you when she found you."

"What?" Stella looked shocked and stared at Becca. Becca smiled at her relieved and she turned away, shaking her head. "That can't be."

"What do you mean?" Roxy furrowed her brows.

"I saw him, I saw him," Stella murmured confused.

"Saw who?" Brandon narrowed his eyes.

"...Sky. I saw Sky, he was the one who saved me," Stella answered confidently and everyone looked surprised. Becca on the other hand turned pale.

"What do you mean Sky?" Marlene asked in disbelief, breaking the silence from the shock of Stella's answer.

"I-I know it doesn't make sense but I saw him, I know what I saw," Stella insisted fidgeting but she sounded uncertain.

Everyone stayed quiet for a brief moment. "Maybe we should call the doctor, it might have been the poison," Megan said, "it might have confused her."

"Yes, that's right,"

"What? Are you even listening to me?" Stella exclaimed, shocked at their dismissal. "I know I was out of it then but I am sure if what I heard."

"Stella," Becca spoke gently. "I was coming to see you when I found you like that. It must have been the driver."

Stella clutched the bedsheets confused. What she heard and what she was being told now confused her. Was it not Sky?
She looked at Brandon's grim and confused expression and faltered.

No, Sky is dead. Right? But why did it feel like him? It sounded like him. I recognised him, it felt like him. Stella clutched her head, feeling an headache coming.

"That's enough" Funmi touched her, bringing her back to reality. "Stella," she said gently, "now is not the time to think. You need to rest, please do."

Stella looked at Funmi hesitantly but Funmi coaxed her, pushing her back. Stella sighed in defeat, closing her eyes to sleep.

Everyone stood in the hospital hall silenced by Stella's words. "It must have been the poison, we are thinking of this too seriously," Becca said with a slight smile.

"You're right, we should just be thankful she is alive," Marlene agreed, clutching her chest. She turned to Brandon, "this attack..."

"Do not worry, we will make sure to settle this," Brandon said confidently. "we have a clue to who this man is."

Everyone looked surprised and hopeful. "Really?" Megan couldn't help but say.

Brandon nodded and everyone felt a bit relieved. "I should go now, I'll come back later," Becca said and Marlene nodded.

Brandon looked at her carefully as she walked away. 'she found Stella, was that just a coincidence? Is she really trying to kill Stella?'

"We should decide on who will stay with Stella so the rest of us will go home, we can't stay like this," Roxy brought up and everyone agreed.

"It is definitely not me," Megan deadpanned.

"I don't think she'll even like your presence," Marlene shot back with a sweet smile and Megan huffed, crossing her arms.

"You don't have to worry, Diyemi and Andrew are here. They will be guarding Stella but I think it is time you get some bodyguards," Brandon suggested concerned.

Marlene sighed. "I was hoping we wouldn't need but our lives are in danger. Being alone isn't an option anymore."

Marlene glanced at Stella's ward and nodded. She looked at the people with her, "let's go, Stella will be fine."

Funmi and Nora looked hesitantly at the door but nodded. Brandon watched everyone walk away and heaved a sigh.

At the Esoro house, Nora sat in her room before of her mother with a guilty look. "How could not tell me about everything? Why did I find out like this?" Funmi asked Nora unhappily.

Nora shifted feeling bad. "I was scared you would say we should leave. Stella is so alone in this house without us, I didn't want her to be alone."

Funmi pressed her lips together displeased. "That didn't mean you should have hidden something so important from me," Funmi said displeased and Nora lowered her eyes. "Leave."


"Go," Funmi gritted and Nora hurriedly got up.

She was about to open the door to leave but paused. "Mom? We aren't going to leave Stella right?" Nora said hopefully.

"Go." Funmi replied coldly and Nora lowered her eyes disappointed. She left closing the door gently and Funmi clutched her head, sighing heavily.


At the hospital, Brandon stood peeking at Stella's ward feeling Diyemi's intense disapproving stare at his back. "You were attacked yesterday, you should be resting," he frowned.

"She, Stella might hear you," Brandon hissed, glancing at the door and Diyemi rolled his eyes. "I just came to check on her."

Andrew laughed from his corner, turning it into an awkward cough when Brandon narrowed his eyes.

"Just came to check?" he teased, "this is the twelfth time in two hours."

Brandon flinched while Diyemi looked surprised. "You were counting? I lost count."

Andrew shrugged smiling and Brandon huffed.

"Whatever." He turned to leave and came face to face with Michelle coming to a stop in front of him. Diyemi and Andrew looked away knowingly.

"I knew you'd be here. Why am I the last to ever hear anything? Why are you doing this to me?" Michelle looked at Brandon heartbreakingly and Brandon flinched.

"Michelle I-" Brandon turned around at the sound of a deep voice.

"Get out of my way."

"Tayo, why are you here?" Brandon scowled at the sight of Tayo with flowers and Tayo grinned happy to be an eyesore.

"Brandon, I heard you got attacked," Tayo smoothened his hair. "you should quit this job and get a safer one. It will be nice to see you grow old."

Brandon crossed his arms. "There is no job without its dangers. Where do you think you are going? Visitors aren't allowed."

"According to hospital policies, it's visiting hours and I got permission from Miss Marlene," Tayo smirked. "you can call her."

Brandon stared displeased and a cleared throat attracted his attention. He turned to Michelle who was glaring at him deathly.

"Stop this Brandon," Diyemi whispered to him seriously. "We are here so nothing can happen, we don't want a mess here."

Brandon thinned his lips and turned around. "Let's go, " he said, taking Michelle's hand.

Tayo grinned a little triumphantly. "Little reminder Brandon, behave yourself. You may be an officer but true power lies in wealth. I can crush you easily," he said.

Brandon paused, clenching his fist but left with Michelle. Diyemi and Andrew gave Tayo hostile looks as he walked in.

"Brandon, do you even care about me?" Michelle asked vulnerably. She and Brandon had stepped outside to talk and she was letting out all her frustrations.

"Have you ever cared for me the same way you care for Stella?"

A guilty look left Brandon's face as soon as it appeared.. "It's not like-"

"Don't tell me that Brandon!" Michelle snapped hurt. "I'm always the last to know, it's not fair that you always think of everyone except me. And that Stella, you almost died because of her and yet you..."

"Michelle, it's my job-"

"If anybody but you said that, I would believe them," Michelle looked at him. "don't make me hate you Brandon, because I would make you miserable if you did."

Michelle turned around and left done speaking and Brandon sighed clutching his head.

"I'm already miserable," he couldn't help but mutter. He slowly looked up thinking about Stella's case. "Becca is definitely suspicious, what is going on with her?"


In a beautiful modern apartment, Becca stood glaring at a mirror in the living room and the reflection of a man appeared next to her.

"Becca..." his familiar voice sounded. It was the same man who came to see her at the Esoro's party.

Becca turned around looking furious. "Why didn't you call me?! What were you even doing near Stella?! Do you have any idea what would have happened if anyone saw you?"

"Becca, calm down-" the man said at a loss but Becca glared deathly at him.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I have been doing everything for you so don't try and screw it up, you are important-"

"And my sister isn't?"

Sky stared defiantly and Becca pressed her lips together unable to answer. She looked away and Sky softened.

"I had to save Stella, I couldn't leave her like that," Sky put his arms on Becca's shoulders. "you know that, you saved me the same way."

Becca looked uneasy but held his hand and relaxed in his arms.


Okay so Stella wasn't seeing things and Sky is alive. Any theories how and why?

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