17|| Things You Can't Outrun

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I can't show you my weakness, so I'm putting on a mask to go see you.


The whole Esoro family were gathered in the living room staring at a line of bodyguards facing them. They were tall and stoic looking, they looked capable.

Chinaza stared at her nails bored while Megan scowled upset at the turn of events. Everyone else looked around uncomfortably and impatiently, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Marlene and Brandon walked into the room and Stella's eyes followed Brandon. "Good morning everyone," Brandon greeted. "These are your bodyguards, they have undergone a thorough search and they are properly trained."

"You are under no circumstances to leave the house without one, a selected few will be assigned to everyone so please," Brandon shot a look at Chinaza, "cooperate."

"Why are you looking at me?" Chinaza snarked and Brandon looked away sighing. He caught sight of Stella but completely ignored her.

"I'll take my leave now," Brandon said and turned around to leave. Stella glared at his back and skipped over to him, ignoring her family.


Brandon turned around and saw Stella standing on the steps. She held his gaze, "Let's talk."


At the hospital, Deji just finished informing his parents about how he had transferred to an hospital in Abuja to be close to Stella to support her.

His parents weren't the most supportive when it came to Stella but this time, they didn't complain. Maybe they were just tired of arguing.

"Doctor Deji, someone is here to see you." a nurse said.

"Me?" Deji asked confused. He couldn't imagine who wanted to see him at the moment. 'Maybe it's Stella.' He thought, a smile forming on his lips.

He made his way to his office only to find a certain brown skinned lady and a suited man wearing the most unfriendly look he had ever seen.

Deji then recognised who the lady was; Stella's half sister, Megan. His muscles tensed remembering how possessive Stella was about him when it came to Megan.

"Miss Megan," he said hesitantly.

"Great, you remember me. I'm pleased," Megan flashed a dazzling smile. "Good afternoon Mr. Deji, or can I call you Deji?"

"Uh, sure?" Deji answered uncertain. He looked at the way she was dressed; a low neckline short sleeved top and a blue jean mini skirt. "Why are you here?"

"What else for? A check up," Megan grinned cheerfully as she took a seat. "I have been feeling really breathless and just thought, now that my sister's boyfriend is a doctor and he is in the city, why not have my checkup done?"

"I have to say, you seem to have thought this thoroughly," Deji answered, making his way to his table slowly. "you didn't have to come to me though, there are other-"

"I'm disappointed doctor, I came here thinking I have an amazing family friend who I will be more comfortable with," Megan pouted and Deji squirmed in discomfort. "Won't you do this much for me? Plus, you are a doctor, it is your job."

Megan leaned closer and stared at Deji who shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. His eyes looked at anywhere but her.

'Damn it.' He cursed internally and Megan's lips curled up to recognise that look of defeat. She interlocked her fingers, using it to prop her chin.

"So shall we start doctor?" She fluttered her eyelashes seductively.

"Since you are more comfortable with me, I guess I can squeeze in some time for you," Deji reasoned, pushing the nagging feeling in his heart to the corner.


At a restaurant, Brandon was seated opposite Stella but he stared blankly ignoring her. Stella glared at him in frustration.

They had been seated here for about 6 minutes and neither had said a word. It brought a scowl to Stella's face.

"Did I do something wrong to you Brandon? Did I hurt you?" Stella asked determined.

"No, is that why you called me here? I have a lot of work to do," Brandon frowned, crossing his arms.

Stella's eyes twitched in irritation and she deeply inhaled. "You've been behaving strangely since you got discharged from the hospital and I don't like it."

"If you have a problem with me, tell me directly. I am not a mind reader, I can't fix what is wrong if you don't tell me."

"You didn't do anything. Why are you assuming you did something wrong?" Brandon snapped icily. He looked away, "can't I just not feel good today?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Stella glared, clenching her fist. "What is the problem? Why are you being so difficult, I just want to fix things!"

Brandon bit his tongue, controlling himself to not lash and yell that she is his problem. "Nothing," He grumbled instead.

Stella looked displeased. Brandon had never acted like this and she couldn't help but feel upset to see him this way. He was more guarded when she tried to make him open up.

"Why are we even doing this?! Don't you have work to do because I do! And if you don't have work to do, don't you have a boyfriend to get back to?!" Brandon abruptly said bitterly.

He looked away grinding his teeth in annoyance while Stella stared in utter surprised. She was caught in between feeling confused and hurt.

"Brandon I-"


tella's phone rang cutting her off. She glanced at the Caller ID then at Brandon before answering the call. "Yes, hello sweetheart."

Brandon's frown deepened and he looked away gritting his teeth. Stella pursed her lips concerned but continued talking.

Her countenance suddenly changed to Brandon's curiosity. "She came to see you," Stella gritted. "That little skank."

Brandon raised an eyebrow at her language.

"So she wants to play this game. She is trying to get my man," Stella let out a dry laugh. "you can't see what she was trying to do? She was trying to flirt with-Ha! Are you trying to defend her?"

Brandon watched Stella a bit enchanted with the way she spoke. "Aunt Funmi was right, Men are so clueless," she clocked her jaw, "I'm coming right now."

Stella hung up the call, getting up and so did Brandon. She stared at him noticing he was staring at her and she suddenly felt shy and blushed at the thought of him seeing her throw a tantrum.

His face loosened up into a defeated smile and he sighed, running his hand through his cropped hair. His eyes held a tiredness in them and Stella found herself getting lost in those eyes.

She nearly forgot she was about to leave in the first place until Brandon stood in front her, suddenly back to his stiff expression.

"If you knew you weren't going to stay long, you shouldn't have wasted my time," Brandon breathed and left.

Stella stared at his retreating form hurt. 'He was fine just a moment ago, he smiled and...is he bipolar?' She wondered.

She stood staring focused at the floor. 'Why is he behaving this way? He treated me so coldly, he shouldn't have treated me that way. For what reason? Is it the pressure from the case?'

Stella's frown deepened in worry as she tried to understand what was going on with Brandon but she couldn't understand.

She sighed in defeat and left the restaurant on her way to see her dear naive boyfriend.


At the University of Abuja, Nora is talking to her girlfriends, the same two who were first seen with her the day Andrew came to pick her up.

"So how is the hot policeman Andrew?" The girl who yelled asked with a mischievous wiggle of her brows.

Nora blushed, burying her face in her hands embarrassed. "Stop it Victoria. Honestly Victoria, you're too much. Why did you have to say something so stupid? Do you know how embarrassed I was?"

"I barely said anything, and he didn't even hear. Now tell us what happened after you left," Victoria urged excited, ignoring the sulking Nora.

"Okay," Nora sighed. "Andrew took me to the hospital to see my sister Stella then we went to eat lunch."

"Did he ask you anything?" Her second friend asked.

"Well, he did ask if I had a boyfriend-but that was because he saw me and Lawrence," Nora hurriedly added but her friends squealed in delight, paying no attention to that final detail.

"I knew it! He likes you!" Victoria pumped up her fist. "That is why he came to pick you up yesterday. No guy would leave their duty post for someone unimportant to them."

"No, that can't be. He thinks of me as a kid, his little sister," Nora denied a bit upset. "I'm quite younger than him too. There is no way he likes me."

"Don't be that way. I am a hundred percent sure he likes you," Victoria said confidently, tilting her head up ever so proudly.

Nora scoffed. "it's okay, it doesn't matter."

"Aww, cheer up girlfriend," her other friend smiled. "Let's hurry up and get to class. That our lecturer can be wicked."

Nora nodded with a small smile and followed her friends. They cheerfully discussed while Nora stared at Andrew's number on her phone.

'When last did we talk?' She wondered.
"Ooh, what's this?" Victoria peeked and instantly tapped call. Nora stared wide eyed and Victoria skipped ahead cackling.

"VICTORIA!" She yelled startling other students.

"Hello? Nora?"

Nora's breath seized and she seemed frozen, her heart pounding erratically. She slowly placed the phone to her ear slowly. "H-hello? A-Andrew?"

"What's wrong? You sound breathless."

"Yeah? It's just my friend" Nora quickly said, "how are you? How is work? I just called to check on you."

"That's nice of you," Andrew sounded touched. "I'm fine, you? Are you in class?"

"I'm fine too," Nora answered all smiles as she continued talking to Andrew.


At the Esoro Mansion, Stella returned from her time at the hospital. Megan had long left before she got to the hospital so she spent hours warning Deji about Megan.

"Today has been exhausting," Stella mumbled massaging her forehead and pursed her lips to see Funmi in the living room.

"Aunty Funmi..."

"Stella, I think it's time we talk." Funmi said calmly and Stella clenched her fists tightly in anticipation.


If you love THE JUSTICE SERIES: HEIRESS, then you will love THE JUSTICE SERIES: THRILL, check it out. Also, kindly follow my social media platforms, I am doing some animations and my first is AVATAR:THE LAST AIRBENDER.

You can see it on my IG: @kezia_hluv and my YouTube channel, Okieoghene Iteramah. Thank you.

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